Chereads / The love egg Challenge / Chapter 3 - The party

Chapter 3 - The party

Tony hun what are we going to do tonight?

Don't you remember it's neighbour's fancy dress party?

What, how could I have forgotten! We have nothing to wear!

well, Sarah If you go open the box from the Amazon man then you will see what awaits us tonight.

You got me a costume!

I better not be a Walkie!

Hahaha, now I wish I had thought of that when I ordered.

Sarah opened it up to find a medieval knight costume wow you spent some money on yours. Let me guess I'm you wench or slave girl.

No, open the bigger box!

Sarah opened the box to find a bright yellow and blue ball Gown. At this moment Tony walked in and said you like?

He then added I'm you, Prince Charming!

I'm snow white!

Yes, and one small box left, which is that it's a new toy to go with, is a love egg!

Really tonight! Yes, that way I can play with you and then I can make love to my Princess.

Sarah was now holding the dress up. It really was bright and lovely. Tony came in from behind her wrapping his arms around her kissing that part of her neck that made her spine shiver with antisiphon. Tony in a low voice said as he kissed, tonight you will be my snow white and when you are hot wet and horny from are a public show of effusion. I'm going to take you back to our Castle and have my way with you, my lady.

What say they?

What's in the small box first?

As Sarah opened the small box she was greeted by a topaz gem inset to a silver flat disk and attached to the silver disk was a small stem. That went down into the packing paper out of site, Sarah look at Tony what is it? As she pulled more stem revealing a small bulb with a soft point at the end.

I thought we were never going to go there again. You are too big for my ass!

Stop said, Tony, it does not work like that it goes in only to give you something different plus the love egg will work even better. It will make for a new experience, it's only tiny plus I got your favourite gemstone, so it's fit for my princess.

Was I wrong about the egg? Trust me you're going to love it.

Shut up! I will put it in but only for tonight's party ok!

Tony said great let's get dressed and meet back here.

The things I do for you Tony as Sarah walked away, the beautiful dress looked amazing on with a little bit of makeup Sarah really looked the part.

I can hear what you are thinking Tony and after this, your Sword better be up to the Challenge.

When we were both at are Front door Tony Took SARAH in his arms and gave her a loving hot kiss. His hands gravitated down the back of her dress till he placed his fingertips on the top of the gem between her buttocks Sarah squealed into his mouth as they kissed as the plug was moved between his fingers. As the case was broken they opened their eyes looking at each other and Tony said that will do nicely I think. Sarah blushed and said it's going to be hard to walk with this thing where it is I feel and Tony said it's a good job we're only going down the road.

On the short walk down to the party, Tony had got out his phone and set up his app to connect to the love egg. Sarah had stopped complaining about the awkward way she was walking by the time they had got there and just before they went to knock on the front door of their neighbour's house. Tony sparked the egg to life with one touch of a button as he did so he kissed Sarah again hard.

As she kissed Tony and felt the vibration pass through her it very quickly moved the silver plug making it vibrate as well. Forcing Sarah to push her arse out and away from Tony in an unwilling reaction.

Just as the door swung open to the neighbour's house Tony immediately stopped the egg, broke the kiss off and said hi. Sarah could still feel the warm metal inside her tingling, Tony did most of the talking as they walked past the threshold and entered the party the music was blaring the people were all squished together dancing in one room and the rest were milling about in the hallway in the kitchen there were drinks bottles everywhere the man she saw dressed as a bartender really was a bartender and he was making cocktails for people.

Sarah told Tony she was going to go and get some drinks as he was still chatting to the neighbour and she was going to need one she thought. As she made her way through the crowd of people saying hello to people she met along the way she eventually made it to the bar this being the once breakfast bar by the looks of things. where she asked for a drink and one for Tony as the man began to shake and rattle her drinks there was a warm feeling so slight and gentle between her legs and she needed to sit down. But in doing so she forced the plug further inside her and that warm feeling was a short sharp point of bliss until she jumped up out of the seat. She let out a small yelp and with lots of people looking at her she decided to say I don't need to sit down I need to dance.

. Tony swooped in taking his glass away from her having a quick sip and saying dance yeah let's have a dance I like this song!

Sarah had lost the feeling but was now heading for the jam-packed room with their song playing. Tony necked his drink down and Sarah did the same in the rush to get there; they put their glass down wherever they could find.

Within Seconds both were grooving and grinding with each other on the dancefloor. Sarah loves the feel of her man's hands on her body, Tony was in such Command knowing all the places Sarah loved to be touched.

She really was all his at this moment, he had somehow switched on the egg on the lowest setting, Making Sarah's whole body tingle as each generous touch Tony placed on her body. As they swayed and collided with each other on the dancefloor.

They seemed to make their way slowly to the edge of the dancefloor still dancing to the crazy music in the background enjoying all the feelings of being close along with Sarah's slow vibrations.

Then Tony worked his way around her body until he was behind her spooning being so close rubbing his hands all over her breasts tweaking her nipples below the brightly coloured dress Sarah Moni and gently closing her eyes briefly. Till Tony thrust into her bum pushing the plug further inside. Sarah's eyes shot open and she said fuck! Tony came right up to her ear and kissed it once whispering later! Sarah felt even warmer inside the thought of Tony taking her home and fucking her senseless on the bed evening now his continuing grinding together with moving the plug gently in and out of her as the egg did it vibration thing within Sarah was becoming hot!

But then Tony withdrew his hands from her waist and for a brief second his body heat was gone from behind her, replaced again when he seemed to come back instantly with a Few small kisses planted on the back of her neck he really did know all her soft spots.

The DJs seem to suddenly play a slower song Making Tony's hands glide gently and slowly over her body, her legs her hips up against her back over her shoulders under her arms around her breasts Sarah looked down in bliss and could see nail polish on the hands.

In that instance, the egg came to life and began to oscillate its vibrations Sarah's legs buckled a little and the new pair of hands were rubbing her breasts constantly.

Sarah was now enjoying the quick vibrations slowly bringing her orgasm to bear as this new set of hands seem to play with her body each time Sarah tried to look behind her and see who is this person was vibration increased and the person dodged out of View one of the mystery hand slid back behind her down to her buttocks slowly feeling and then finding the plug and pushing it in gently and then pulling it out again in an hour with the vibration building between her the other hand now tweaking her nipples and the person wonderful soft lips kissing her neck.

Where was Tony?

Sarah was grabbed by the waist and forced round to her left looking at the edge of the dancefloor Tony appeared to be sitting down with a drink in one hand and his phone in the other enjoying the view.!

Tony's eyes were transfixed on the two of them swaying to the music. To Sarah he looked a bit hot under his helmet but rather like a king enjoying His private show. Tony was enjoying the view so much that his own sword had risen to the occasion making a rather large bulge in his knight Chainmail.

Sarah could see that Tony's thumb had just touched his phone and then she felt it. the increased vibration and velocity within her in very quick succession followed by the person behind her moving the plug.

Sarah's legs almost gave way under the increasing need to orgasm… The person behind her continues to fondle and play with all of Sarah's erogenous zones on her body and kissing gently and softly up her neck in amongst all of these people now dancing to yet a fast tune blissfully unaware that Sarah was almost to an amazing orgasm.

Sarah felt the warm breath of the person behind her on her ear lobe and then a short sharp bites to the bottom of her ear and then I whispered in a girls voice do you like that?

Sarah moaned quite loudly, opening her eyes and looking around. Nobody seems to be bothered. She looked quickly at Tony who just nodded his head and slowed down the vibrations between her legs Sarah moaned a quiet yes! Person behind Sarah kept their bodies moving to keep the illusion that they were dancing when really they were deep in foreplay.

Their body is now flowing in unison to the rhythm of the beat Sarah arched her neck back and asked the woman behind her what her name was?

In a low tone right down the ear canal she said I'm violets! Sarah spine tinggal all the way down to her plug being gently pushed in and out making her feel in desperate need of a dam good fuc!

O my god Tony has ramped the egg up to 10!

Again Sarah's legs gave out a little and Violet Court her.

Your man is very naughty!

Yes he is sarah said in a shallow gasp as the orgasm was so close now!

Violet said are you going to cum in my harm as your man watching us.

Sarah could barely contain herself Tony was now stroking his screen on his phone like he would be his cock! Watching the two of them dancing and fondling each other. As sarah's hands were now behind her and between violets legs and up her skirt.

Then it happened Sarah quickly looked round to see who was behind her and before she got a glimpse her lips were met with a kiss so hot and fiery. With the egg going so fast and a part of hands on Sarah's breasts rubbing her nipples as Sarah made violet knicker hot and wet!

But the kiss was so unexpected but at the same time just what Sarah wanted and the wet lips past over each other sliding there Tongues passed the lip line and massage each other.

Tony dropped his phone! Sending the egg to its highest setting Sarah moaned continuously into Violet's mouth, her whole body shocked the legs when weak. Her hands when Richard grips Violet's legs. As the strongest orgasm sarah had ever had past through her body, then here kiss broke off and Sarah said very Loudly fuck yes!

A woman dancing next to them leaned in and asked them are you both ok?

With the egg still going strong Sarah could not speak so Violets said she's had a bit to drink but is loving this party.

Just then as Sarah could barely breathe Tony got his phone back in his hand and switched it off.

Sarah relaxed her hands taking them long fingernails out of Violet's legs and got her breath back.

Now standing up straight again on her own now, Sarah could see Tony walking over.

Just as he asked how was that? Sarah grabbed hold of him and told him in a hard tone! You have a lot of explaining to do! But first you are going to take me home and put the hard sword of yours to good uses!

Let's go!

Yes my queen…. Did you like your wench?

Move! king Surprise