Chereads / Elegance Guided by Fate! / Chapter 1 - Elegance Guided by Fate

Elegance Guided by Fate!

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Chapter 1 - Elegance Guided by Fate

Chapter 1

Katarina Waters let out a drawn out sigh as her blue orbs darted away from her friend to the cocktail that was sitting on the counter in front of her. Her finger traced around the top of the glass as her eyes turned toward the stage. Out of all the places that her best friend wanted to take her, a strip club was not how the German born woman wanted to spend her night. She would rather be reading or studying her scripts but no, Daffney was very persistent about coming here. "Ya enjoying yourself Kitty Kat?" The slightly older woman asked, leaning over on the bar stool to try and get Kat to look at her. The younger of the two women brought the glass to her lips and took a small sip as her eyes looked over toward the gothic woman. The pair had met about four years ago at the start of college whenever she was introduced to Daffney as her roommate. At first, Katarina thought the woman was strange to say the least, her behavior and her methods when it came to acting were bizarre. Katarina wanted to keep to herself and only focus on her studies. However Daffney slowly broke down those walls that she had put up for herself, they became friends. Over time, that bond only grew stronger and even both being college graduates, they still live together.

"This wasn't exactly what I thought you had in mind for our activities for the night. First off, why did you want to come here?" She asked curiously as she took another sip of her beverage. The club was loud, dark and reeked of god knows what. The only lights around were on the stage where the dancer performs and at the bar where they are currently sitting. "And second, when can we leave?"

"Don't be such a sourpuss. We have been workin' so hard. Time to unwind." Daffney spoke as she nonchalantly motioned over toward the bartender for more drinks. She was a master of mimicking several different accents for characters and personas that she comes up with. This was a skill that Katarina was improving on but nothing can match Daffney's abilities. It's one of the reasons why the gothic woman was such a skilled actress at a young age. "I have seen some cuties here tonight. Men and women both, so maybe we can find us a couple, huh?" The raven haired woman nudged her friend lightly as their next round of drinks had arrived.

Romance didn't interest Katarina in the slightest, never has even as a teenager. It seemed like foolish to have your heart belong to another person. Marriage seemed like a sham, even if people were in love; they shouldn't need a paper to represent that. Love was the last thing on her mind, Kat believed that she simply couldn't feel emotions like that. Not like that mattered, she was fine the way that she was, without weakness. "Do what you will, not interested." She quickly dismissed the idea as the blue eyed woman brought the glass to her lips once again. Daffney debated on forcing her to accompany her but decided against it. She grabbed her drink and hopped off the stool. Her destination was none of Kat's concern as her eyes glanced over toward the stage. She was rather bored sitting here watch all these people drool all over the women that would come up on stage. She wanted to go home for the night however the younger woman was not going to leave her best friend behind.

Another nameless dancer departed off the stage and Katarina debated on purchasing another drink. She had no idea how long she was going to be here so might as well get some enjoyment out of the alcohol since it was rather delicious. Her eyes once again scanned the area for Daffney but had no luck in locating her in this dark place. She had probably found someone to entertain her tonight. Alone time was something that Katarina was going to treasure. The second that her eyes went back to the stage, the next dancer had walked out. Half naked women dancing on a stage was something that normally interest the German woman. But the second she laid eyes on her, Kat had difficulty looking away from her. Whenever the stage lights devoured her, her features became more prominent and one thing was certain, she was the most stunning woman Katarina had ever laid her eyes on. Long, dark brown hair that flowed with every fluid movement to match the music that played. She had to be about the same height as the woman from Germany if not slightly taller even without those heels she had on. The dancer's body was toned, a slight athletic build but not too overly muscular. One thing stood out as the woman removed more clothing to expose more of herself, on her hip, was a massive tattoo. Kat was too far away to figure out what exactly it was and the woman was moving way to fast with her movements.

"Such elegance.." She mumbled to herself as the brunette took a sip of her drink once again. Normally Katarina might think of dancing in such a manner as trashy, however the way that the brunette danced showed a new light. Her movements were so graceful and the way she twirled around that pole was a work of art. Even only wearing the bottoms of her lingerie, everything about her screamed perfection to the aspiring actress. These thoughts confused Katarina as she watched the brunette crawl across the stage and accept the money that the perverts were handing her up front. Never has she been so captivated by someone before especially a stranger that was nameless to her. The brunette looked up and for a split second, it seems that their eyes had locked together for the first time. The heart inside her chest started beating rapidly almost felt like her chest was going to burst. She didn't understand what was going on. Why was she mesmerized with a complete stranger? A slight burning sensation pressured against her cheeks. Was she blushing? No, Katarina never blushes or feels mushy nonsense such as this. The music had stopped as the men roared for the almost naked dancer, that was enough to bring the college graduate to her senses. "Stop." The European woman scolded herself, shaking her head from side to side.

"You are acting so idiotic right now." Katarina turned her back to the stage and rested an elbow onto the counter as her finger circled the glass once again. She wanted to go home and forget that this night ever happened. That woman still lingered in the back of the young woman's mind even after multiple drinks. Why was she feeling like this? She never has before. Kat would fight every urge to turn and look at the stage, making sure not to see the dancer again. Sometimes it was a lost cause and she would glance back at the sound of new music. It almost saddened her whenever she would lay eyes on another dancer.

"Missie, you look like you could use a drink." A male voice spoke which was familiar to her, it was the bartender behind the counter. He hadn't spoke too much to Katarina, but that statement seemed odd. He had just gave her a new drink not too long ago, it was about half way full.

Katarina rotated herself on the stool and was about to speak to the bartender to answer him but another voice cut her off. "You are damn right I do, PJ." It caught her off guard that someone else had answered the man. Conversation amongst the crowd was something that Katarina hadn't paid any mind too. But something made her curious and her eyes followed the voice and the owner of voice made Kat's heart almost skip a beat. Out of everyone that it could have possibly been, it was the dancer from earlier in the night. The German woman was completely clueless on how much time had passed since she laid eyes on the brunette for the first time. She wanted it to be the only time however she wasn't going to leave until she found Daffney. Frankly now would probably be the perfect time to go and search for the gothic woman; her body was refusing to move from this very spot.

"Shit." She cursed under her breath as her eyes would linger on the dancer as she conversed with the bartender. The brunette brought her hand up to wipe the droplets of sweat that had accumulated on her forehead. Her stomach immediately twisted into knots whenever the brunette looked in her general direction. What was there to be nervous about? Katarina wasn't exactly a people person but had enough social skills to not be this anxious. She wanted to get away, she had never felt so helpless before. Once again with one last gulp, the glass was again empty and a sigh left her lips. Maybe if the drunk brunette could locate her phone, texting Daffney to get the fuck out of here had become her priority.

"You are a new face around here, enjoying yourself hon?" Blue eyes looked in front of her to see the brunette standing in front of her mixing a cocktail of her own.

A lump formed in her throat as Katarina parted her lips to speak but nothing came out at first. 'Stop making yourself look like an imbecile.' She scolded herself once again but this time it was mentally. 'Try again. Focus. You need to breathe.' "Never been here before tonight, not normally my cup of tea. I am having a more pleasant time than I thought I would."

A gentle smile appeared across the dancer's lips as she placed both the bottles over to the side. "That's good, I have seen you sitting here by yourself for a while now. Couldn't figure out why a beautiful woman like yourself would be sitting alone." She spoke while taking a drink of her mixed drink, leaning herself on the counter behind her. The compliment had broke through the German woman's defense, she wasn't expected such a response from someone she deemed much prettier than herself.

"I had company but for once, she isn't attached to my hip. I am not playing babysitter tonight." It was still hard to form any words to respond to woman in front of her but Katarina had to try. She had to make these confusing emotions go away, one thing that Kat hated more than anything was exposing any weakness she might have. These butterflies fluttering around in her stomach had overstayed their welcome. The actress had been attempting to drown them for a while now but nothing was working. Her cheeks were radiating a constant heat that she wasn't accustomed too. She needed to cool herself off.

"Mistress, I am going to go out for a smoke. Mind manning the bar until I get back?" The man known as PJ half shouted over toward the pair.

'Mistress, huh.' Katarina thought to herself as she watched the dancer talk to whoever came up to purchase a drank. The name sounded highly sexual which was understandable, however it seemed to fit her perfectly. 'A woman with authority or control. I wouldn't mind th-' The next thoughts that followed were very uncharacteristic of Katarina. There were risque in nature and she couldn't control the display of embarrassment that showed as the German woman buried her face in her hands. "What's wrong with me?" She was too drunk for this shit.

"Can't handle all that liquor, sweetie?" That voice snapped the blue eyed brunette head up to be face to face with Mistress once again.

Kat watched the brunette clean a glass with her rag as she pondered what to say next. "The liquor isn't the problem, love. Merely getting lost in thought whenever I shouldn't be. Nothing too major." She spoke not trying to dance around the subject any longer because the German woman doesn't want to say something she might regret. The woman known as Mistress nodded her head in understanding which eased the actress somewhat. She knew that the brunette wasn't going to probe about what's bothering her. Making sure that she had all her possession, Katarina stood to her feet which attracted the attention of the substitute bartender. "Perhaps I should go attempt to track my friend down and turn in for the night. It was a pleasure meeting you, Mistress."

"It was nice meeting you too, ummm.." Kat started walking away from the counter but halted once she heard the brunette speak again. "I don't know your name."

"It's Katarina. Katarina Waters." With a long sigh, the German woman started slowly making her way toward the entrance to get out of this crowded establishment. The toll of drinking all that alcohol was starting to take a toll of her. She was going to text Daffney and give her a few minutes to respond before departing. Kat wasn't going to stay here any longer. The feelings she had experience tonight needed to be a one time thing. She planned to never come back and put those thoughts of that woman and lock them away forever.