Chereads / I'm Powerful, So what? / Chapter 5 - Xiao Yan is getting bullied?! (2)

Chapter 5 - Xiao Yan is getting bullied?! (2)

"Oh gosh! They're testing everyone!"

"Do you think they have certain requirements?"

"I hope not."

"They're just robbing people of their money!"

"Omg-- You think so too?!"

People mumbled and talked as they started to check students one by one, "Do you got your badge?"

"Yessir!" A noble shouted as he handed the man a golden badge with two lions facing each other, He nodded and let him in. When it came to Mari and I, the Man looked us up and down, "Girlie, we don't accept beggars, we don't have anything to feed you! Get out!" I was shocked, I LOOK LIKED A BEGGAR?! BUT HOW?! I'm wearing normal human clothing! and the uniform too! Mister! Look at my uniform! It'S AUTHENTIC!!!

"Excuse me Sir, but I'm wearing the uniform due to it being sent to my village." I cleared my throat, he called me a beggar, this piece of sh*t. how dare he!? MY MAMA MADE THESE SHOES FOR ME YOU MOTHERF**KER!!! But they seemed to reinforce security recently, has it been because something has happened with it's local residents? I'll leave that for later, now I should focus on getting in. I smiled at the man as he sighed, "Girlie, you think I can't tell the difference between a real uniform and a fake? Get the hell outta here before I call the guards!" He shouted, I was astonished at how rude this man could be.

"Badge. Great go inside." He ignored the fact that Marilyn and Me had been standing right in front of him this whole time. I'm going to beat the sh*t out of you!!!! AGHHH!!!! I slid my sleeves upwards and swung my fist until a small fragile hand stopped me.

"X-Xiao Yan...He's just doing his job." She confessed shyly, I couldn't help but blush at this furball of cuteness! so adorable! ahem.

"Alright. I'll just let this slide once." I said clearing my throat, but I was still suspicious. I pondered for a bit and noticed Mari's worried expression, "You know for someone you just met, you really seem to trust me a lot." I sweatdropped, she nodded shyly and played around with her fingers in anxiety.

She's my first friend...Papa never let me hang out with children my age and always expected a lot from me, but now that he's told me to come here, All I can do is rely on my new friend! She smiled brigtly, woah...what a sudden mood swing... but the problem is getting in. "Excuse me sir, but I have my certificate---"

"I TOLD YOU THAT YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED IN GIRLIE! ONLY NOBLES AND HIGH RANKING INDIVIDUALS ARE ALLOWED IN! BUT FINE! LET"S GET YOU CHECKED." He smirked, there's no way she could've gotten in unless she just bribed the director. He doesn't let just ANYONE in. this girlie's in for a wild ride. thinking they can just come in.

I sighed already knowing what he was thinking, "He really shouldn't do that, exposing his thoughts through his face." Mari took notice and tilted her head in confusion, "Hm?"


I had an internal heartattack, she looked like a small kitten. I walked through the gates until the man stopped me again, "Just remember girlies, don'tcha blame me for not getting in. Even beggars like yerself won't get in through raw power."

"Thank you sir, we'll keep that in mind." I smiled, there must be a reason behind it. yeye said it'd be easier to get into the school but now it's harder all of a sudden? there're guards everywhere and they're even going to the lengths of checking students' badges and--



"Wh--wh-what are you doing?!" I was so shocked at her sudden movement, I was so focused on my thoughts and analyzing everything I completely forgot about Mari. She wrapped her arms around my waist like vines and averted her gaze, "Yo--You should focus on where you're going..!" She stammered, I was bewildered but looked in front of me only to find a boy with silver silky hair and a small red streak staring at us so intensely.

"Since when does the school accept beggars?! BUAHAHAHA!~" The boys behind him laughed, the silver-haired man sighed his expression calm, he strangely seemed to have a lot of hidden secrets, who's he? Wait-- I heard there was supposed to be a genius archer that was invited to the academy, could that be him? nah...I'm thinking too much into the situation.

"Well, if you manage to have better spiritual power than those "peasants" then you can laugh all you want," He said all high and mighty, he only glanced once at me made a face of disgust and left. geez talk about rude.

I walked over to the instructor at the school as he looked at us in surprised but hid it well with a cough, "Hello Ladies, How may I help you?" He questioned;

but his real question was: what are you doing here? girls like you shouldn't be here.

"Sir, We've come to apply to the school, we've already been admitted due to our villages permission." I answered, what will he say now? he HAS to accept us or else I'll--!

"I see, Please give me your hand." He spoke softly with a smile, I was shocked at first but gave in. He took my wrist and examined it thoroughly, "Hm...Alright, you're all set." He smiled, did he see my second spirit weapon?! crap I promised mama I wouldn't tell anyone much less show anyone!

"Now you young lady." He took Mari's wrist and examined it, "Alright. You're all set young lady," these two girls are extremely talented, I can't wait to see what they become! the man smiled and waved.

"Dorm room...302!" Mari exclaimed, she looked back at my sheet as I dodged her quick glances, "C'mon, why can't I see what room you got?" She asked, i sighed, because it's not the same as yours obviously.


"Do you get clingy to people you just met? is this something friends do?"

"I dunno."

"I've never had a friend before." She smiled, but deep within I could see her sould being rained on day by day, her scars were visible even to me. She thinks she hides it so well with her quirky personality, I bit my lip for a small moment and smiled hanging my arm around her neck. "Well, you're in luck, because I've never met any other kids my age." It's the truth since I'm around 23 so, technically, I don't know anyone who's six years old like me.

"Of--Of course!" She beamed, a small blush painting her cheeks, "Now, I have dorm 232A so you might as well walk with me since you're only a floor higher than mine," I told her, she nodded like a cute little bunny and skipped along happily.

WAIT--- If I keep skipping I won't be able to stall time! I just found my soulmate (?) and I don't want to lose even a second of this moment! Hmph!

"?" Mari was making weird expressions as we'd entered the dorms, "Woah! We're so lucky to be in the same dorms!"

"Kyaa! So cool!"

can you all just not ruin the mood here? Mari is starting to weep and question her existence. "Ugh..." I sighed and headed to the dorms manager, "are the dorms seperated by gender?" I asked her directly, she looked up at me with those grandma glasses on her face and lifted them up sharply, "No darling. You're only children and you're worried about that?" She gave me a tired restless look, and to be honest I was starting to dislike her bit by bit. "Then girls and boys will be put in the same dorms, is that it?" I was already irritated at her answer, thsi woman she really...MMpH! SHE AIN'T GOT NO FILTER.

"Miss, can't---Can't you change our dorms?" mari asked with a bright face, I seriously didn't know what was in this girl's head. But she managed to piss off the dorms' manager.


This is the first time I've ever been kicked out, did i say something rude? should I apologize? oh no...what if I hurt her feelings?! Mari was starting to tremble and bite her fingernails in worry, I handed her a small candy and patted her head. "Mari, everything is going to be alright, don't worry. Besides, we can meet during lunch or recess." I smiled, that's not something I'm sure about though... I just want her to stop with the waterworks!!!