Chereads / Child of Death {SAMPLE} / Chapter 7 - VII

Chapter 7 - VII

The ringing of the gate bell puts a pause to the video game Leilyn and the boys were playing in the game. Zoranne's voice delays a message, distracting them from their mission. The foursome remove their gaming helmet, holding it either in their hands or under their elbow.

"Ms. Leilyn. Mr. Shinji is here."

"Who?" Jason questions.

Leilyn smiles. "Let him in."

Leilyn drops her helmet on the glass table before walking slowly over to the living room, the boys behind her.  When the copper head – dressed in a short skirt, silk thigh length socks and crop top today – reaches for the door, someone is already standing there. With a grin, she opens the door.



The strange man grabs Leilyn and pulls her into a bear hug. The boys look at each other in confusion, Rick mouthing 'Lyn-Lyn'.

"It's been so long!" He raises her up, seemingly without effort. Heck, with those muscles of his, Leilyn –who's toned as fuck– might even weigh nothing to him.

From the way she was lifted up, Leilyn could easily see his car packed in the driveway.

"Shin, I just saw you five days ago." Leilyn deadpans, still in the air.

"It's not the same thing."

The man gently drops Leilyn to her feet and ruffles her hair. Seeing as it was free from its usual braid, her hair becomes wilder. The woman slaps his hand away, drawing a wide grin from the man.

Shinji drops his backpack on the floor and Ro – the waist height helping robot – picks it up and takes it up the stairs – which was now set in escalator mode – and into one of the guest rooms. Said man suddenly sets his eyes on them. His eyes were a sharp blue star, making a sudden shiver crawl down their spines. His grin turns creepy and sharper and his eyes narrows into slits, giving him a more dangerous look and aura.

Zack squirts his eyes subtly at him. Has he seen this man before? He feels as if he has.

"Oh. And who might you all be?"

He walks over to them in a calm, calculated manner. The boys gulp, feeling unsettled. When he reaches them, he pauses. He tilts his head, eyes dissecting them and piercing into their very souls.

Zack suddenly remembered where he has seen this man. He was one of the men in Leilyn's pictures on the stair wall.


"Um- hi." Jason takes a step forward. "Jason Saturday. They are Zack Smith and Richard Powers." He gestures at himself before jerking a thumb at the teens besides him respectfully. "It's nice to meet you." He raises his hand towards him, but he was ignored. The man just stare at his hand with impassive eyes, before they settle back on his face.

"Shinji." He says in a cold, emotionless voice.

Jason and the boys chuckle nervously. Jason's outstretched hand finds its way to the back of his neck, rubbing the air nervously.

Behind Shinji, Leilyn rolls her eyes in exasperation as she notices right away that he was trying to intimidate them. The woman slaps the back of his head, and with how loud it was, it was bound to be painful.

"Itai! (Ouch!)" Shinji exclaims, holding the back of his head with his hand. The teens couldn't help just wince in sympathy. "Sore wa nani no tamedeshita! (What was that for?!)" Shinji turns and faces her.

"Karera o kyohaku shiyou to suru no o yameru. (Stop trying to intimidate them.)" Leilyn says with a sigh.

"Demo watashi o son'nani tsuyoku tataku hitsuyo wa nakatta! (But you didn't have to hit me that hard!)"

Leilyn gives him a dry, deadpan look. "Anata wa asashindesu. Guchirania de. (You're an assassin. Stop whining.)"

Shinji gives her a pout, making her roll her eyes again.

"Don't mind this gekitekina baka (dramatic idiot). Let me do the introductions." She heaves an exasperated sigh. "Boys, this is my brother, Shinji Kuroyukikami. He's the father of my nephew, Hide."

Shinji's grin becomes wider – if that was humanly possible.

"Brother?" Zack – sweet, precious boy that he is – asks with a confused frown. "But you two don't look alike, and I see nothing similar about both of you. Is he your adoptive brother?"

"Kinda." Leilyn wiggled her hand. "I see him as a troublesome little brother." That gets her a pout from Shinji. "And seeing as he's my brother-in-law-"

"Former brother-in-law."

"I just continue to call him brother." Leilyn says, as if she wasn't interrupted for a second by Shinji.

"Wait, he was married to your sister? Isn't that weird?" Jason asks.

"Brother, Jason. He was married to my older brother, Damien. The one over there." She points at Damien on the portrait behind the boys. The teens turn to see who she was pointing at.

"What happened? Did you guys divorce or something?" Zack –who seems to be the only one with the balls to ask these intruding questions without fear– asks with a frown.

"I wish." Shinji replies. The boys turn back and they were met with a strained grin from him and pain filled eyes from Leilyn. "It's a better alternative than him being dead."

The teens grimace with a grim face.


"Anyways." Leilyn says, breaking the awkward silence. "Shinji, these are the boys I told you about. Please, try not to kill them." Leilyn ends with a deadpan look.

Shinji just cackled, his creepy grin coming back to his face. Leilyn just roll her eyes, slowly walking over to the kitchen.

"What will you three like for-" She taps her watch and a hologram appears with the time. "Lunch?"

Her question has him shutting up in a second. An excited look takes over his expression. The same can be said for the teens.

"And before you all say anything," Leilyn has a finger up, a hand on her waist, "You'll help me to prepare them. Although I hate people being in the kitchen with me as I cook, I keep making exceptions for you all." She looks at them with an impassive look. "Now, bring your asses over here."

The all made their way over to her, following her into the kitchen. They all made three different lunch together, having fun along the way. Soon, the boys slightly warmed up to Shinji and said man stopped looking at them with terrifying looks in his eyes and on his face.

After they were done eating – and keeping the leftovers inside the fridge for later consumption -, they retired back to the game room. The boys began a new game with Shinji, while Leilyn sat on a couch – that was positioned far off – and working on something, hologram screens surrounding her. She typed and swiped away, face squeezed with concentration and her glasses perched on her face.

Two hours later, around four in the evening, found the five of them in town, taking a stroll (courtesy of Shinji, who was shocked that they haven't left the house in five days). Shinji was reintroduced to the town again, the boys showing him the same places they showed Leilyn. Like Leilyn, Shinji got stares from people.

The Aesianese wore a tight fitting, sleeveless, turtleneck shirt – baring the tattoos on his arms -, a low rise leather pants held by a designer belt, and black boots. His icy platinum blond hair was in a bun, clearly stating that it was long; a long bang framing his face and fringes shadowing his eye and kissing his medium beard on face and the left side of his head shaved and having decorative lines and the back of his hair was also shaved. Paired with his ears, eyebrow and lip piercing, and a scar running down his cheek, Shinji looked exquisite. He got everyone's attention, along with Leilyn, who wore a tight, leather, pencil mini skirt and a designer off shoulders crop shirt. She wore stylish heels and gold bangles. Her classic length hair was still free from its usual braid and it flowed her back and breasts in its full curly, dark red copper glory.

After their walk, they went to the mall. Shinji and the boys got a lot of snacks, making Leilyn to roll her eyes in exasperation. She left them to their snack hunting and went over to a boutique. She got some comfortable clothes for the four of them, with the help of Zoranne.

Once they were done, they had six hovering carts filled with stuffs. Leilyn gave a deadpanned look at the four males before her who had five carts besides and before them.

"What?" Shinji asks when Leilyn's expression remained the same. "I'm going to stay here for a while. I might as well grab some snacks."

Leilyn rolls her eyes again before she proceeds in walking out of the mall, the males in tow. They got to the parking lot and began to offload their goods into the boot of a car. Once they were done, the cart hover back into the mall on their own. They were about to enter when Leilyn releases a cuss.

"Fuck." She palms her face in exasperation.

"What's wrong?" Shinji asks with a cocked brown.

The dark red copper head sighs in exasperation before looking at the four males. "I forgot to get something. Can you guys give me some minutes to hurriedly get them?"

"No problem, Mrs. Lyn." Jason replies with a grin. The two other teens agreed with a nod.

"Go do ya shit, sis. We'll wait here." Shinji jerked his head at the mall, his sharp, wide, toothy grin still in place.

Leilyn nods. "If it gets too hot, or you get tired of standing, you can get into the car and stay. Zoranne will open it for you and switch on the air condition."

When they give her nods of understanding. The woman nods again before walking back into the mall.

They stood under the cool sun, discussing rapidly about their next move for their next virtual game mission. They stood chatting for what seems to be like six minutes when the sudden appearance of three other teens disrupts their discussion.

"Fuck." Jason mutters angrily under his breath. Shinji and the two others blink at him in confusion at his sudden change of mode. The blue haired boy just jerks his head sharply behind the three of them and they turn back.

Once Zack and Rick set their eyes on the incoming teenagers, they too both let out various tone of a muttered "Fuck."

Shinji's eyes narrows a bit, his grin no longer on his face. A sharp, tight and wide smile takes over his lips and he hums. "Boys?"

"They are the pastor's kids from this town's church." Jason hisses out, eyes still trained on said teens.

"They give off this creepy aura that makes a shiver run down my spine." Zack says, folding his arms.

Rick just adjusts his glasses, eyes narrowing.

The teens – a boy and a girl – finally make it to the foursome. They are dressed formally. The girl is in a long yellow and white long sleeved gown that reached her knee. Her dull brunet hair is ironed flat and reaches her shoulder blades. The boy slightly looks at her, with the same hair and sable eyes with an unsettling glint in them. He's also dressed smartly in well ironed blue jeans and grey shirt. Under said shirt is a hidden golden necklace of sort. Same with the girl.

"Hey Jason!" The girl bashfully waves her hand, a blush on her face as she stares at Jason.

"Airaela." Jason nods curtly at her. "Aeron."

"Jason." The boy nods at him before nodding at the other teens. "Richard. Zack."

Rick and Zack jerks their head.

"Hello, and good evening." Aeron says with an incline of his head at Shinji, drawing his sister's attention to the adult. "I believe we haven't met. My name is Aeron Rogers."

"Airaela Rogers." The girl looks at Shinji intently, her eyes not straying from his form.

"Jin." Shinji's smile stretches in annoyance – not like they knew that. His sharp eyes become sharper, making the teens in front of him to avert their eyes.

"Are you perchance their friend?" Aeron asks.

"Acquaintance." Shinji replies curtly.

"I see." The teen nods in understanding. He settles his gaze on Zack, a hint of pity shining in his eyes. "I heard about your parents, Zack. My deepest condolences."

Zack eyes narrows, arms folding. "Don't be. And besides, they are not dead. They might survive." He shrugs.

"Amen." Airaela says, clasping her hands together in prayers.

Shinji and the boys stare at her with different looks on their faces.

Airaela drops her hands back down. "So, what are you boys doing here?" She asks. "And, if I may, where are you boys staying? Jason, your father been worried about you, and Richard, your mother is bothered about your whereabouts."

The teens inwardly roll their eyes, Jason especially. If those drunks and junkies were really worried about them, they would have come find them. After all, it's not like they hide who they were with.

"Was she at least sober this time?" Rick cocks an eyebrow. Airaela's silence answered his question. "Typical." '

"And mine?" Jason asks. Airaela slowly shakes her head. Jason scoffs, folding his arms. "Pathetic, as always." He spits out.

"Jason." Airaela says softly as she walks up to him, putting a hand on his folded arms. Jason tenses at the invasion of his space and narrows his eyes at the girl. "Just give him some time. Same for you Richard. I know it's hard for you three, but things will be okay."

Jason grunts, dislodging Airaela's hand away. He takes a step back, body still tense. Shinji honestly couldn't blame him. There's something wrong with the aura these two emit. It was… unsettling.

Behind the two teens, an adult male and female were making their way over to them. The woman looks like the carbon copy of the Aeron while Airaela definitely got her looks from the man.

"Airaela. Aeron. There you are." The woman says with a smile.

The moment they get closer to them, Shinji suddenly tenses and releases a deep, rumbling growl. The family of four goes stiff, eyes going wide. The four take few steps back, their eyes settled on Shinji, who's outright sneering at them, teeth bared, shoulders tensed and hands posed as if claws were bared. Jason, Zack and Rick took some steps backwards, eyes wide in surprise as they look on.

"Mr. Sh- ah… Jin?" Zack calls out, voice unsure.

"Why are you here?" Shinji growls out. He still stood in his position, not removing his eyes from the nervous family of four.

"Please, wait." Mr. Rogers says as he raises his hands placidly at the sneering man. "We mean no harm."

"I highly doubt that, knowing your lot." Shinji growls out. "I'll ask one last time; why are you here?"

"Please, we mean no harm." Mrs. Rogers says with a pleading voice. "This place is where we can fully blend in. It's one of the peaceful place we have come across, and it's the last place they will search. Please. You of all people should understand."

Shinji gives a deep growl, eyes still narrowed into slits. He rights himself, although still tense. Shinji slowly loses his growl and teethed sneer. The man just stood rigid, still glaring at the Rogers family, who all heave a sigh of relief.

"Thank you." Mrs. Rogers says.

"I don't need your thanks." Shinji grunts. "Just keep your hunts and worship at a minimal and don't draw too much attention to yourselves and call the attention of them. We have been incognito for years now, hiding in plain sight. We don't need you spoiling our show. Watch yourselves' if not…" Shinji's lips stretches into a demented grin and his facial expression changes into an equally bloodthirsty one.

A shiver runs down everyone's spine; even those who were just passing by. The Rogers' nod in understanding. Jason and his friends just watch on in confusion, perplexed about everything going on before them.

They're all focused on themselves that they didn't notice Leilyn is come back.

"Umm… what's going on here?"

The boys were the first to turn back, second to Shinji, whose usual wide grin is suddenly back on his lips. The Rogers snap their neck to her, their eyes going wide in disbelief and shock.

"Hey Lyn-Lyn!" Shinji says cheerfully.

The woman's eyes narrow in suspension. A sudden gush of wind blows pass her, making her hair to sway softly and gently. Leilyn held three shopping bags in her left hand, while the other gently shifts her hair behind the back of her ear from obscuring her vision. Her eyes move from the teens to Shinji, then to the still gawking family of four. Leilyn blinks, tilting her head to the side a little.

"Yes?" She raises a brow. "May I help you?"

Shinji and the boys turn to face the Rogers' again. Shinji's grin becomes sharper as he looks at them with narrowed eyes.

The Rogers were still looking at Leilyn as if they had seen a ghost or something. Boy, is it creeping Leilyn and the boys out.

"A Blessed." Mr. Rogers mutters. He slowly moves forward, eyes still staring intently at Leilyn. He was stopped however by a deep, throaty growl from Shinji. Mr. Rogers steps back, hands going up.

"Shin?" Leilyn blinks at her brother in all but blood in confusion.

The icy platinum blonde haired male snarls at the family of four one last time before walking over to Leilyn. He grabs the bags from her hand, using the other to steer her to the car. Zoranne opens the driver's door and Shinji gently sits Leilyn down, who was still voicing her worries, and closes the car door gently.

"Boys, let's go." He jerks his head at the teens as he walks around the car and stands at the front passenger side of the car. The teens hurriedly comply, wanting to leave the presence of the Rogers' ASAP. Shinji was still staring intently at the Rogers' with narrowed eyes when the boys enter the car.

"I will only give you this warning once: stay away from her or pay with your life." Shinji says, his eyes flashing eerily for a second. Due to them being inside the car, and also Shinji's tall height, Leilyn and the boys couldn't see when it happened.

With that being said, Shinji's eyes goes back to their normal shine, and he gets inside the car.


Leilyn squints at him with a slight frown for some seconds before complying.

The ride back is filled with silence. The boys were unsure of what just happened, and were honestly afraid to ask. Shinji is tight lipped, eyes still narrowed and body still tensed. Leilyn is… well, she's blank. She showed no expression at all. Just totally silent and impassive.

They make it back to the house in no time, due to how fast Leilyn was going. She packs the car in front of the house, coming out of it with grace. Shinji goes out next, the bags in his left hand, and following his lead are the boys. The boot of the car opened, and Leilyn wasted no time in grabbing the amount of bags her hands could carry. When she walks away from the opened boot, Shinji took her spot and picks up some bags in his other hand. The boys took the remaining bags, the boot closing shut as they did.

When they got into the house, they were met with Leilyn and Shinji, who have dropped their bags on the counter, having a stare down. They just stood awkwardly in the background, unsure of what to do or say.

After a full two minutes, Shinji finally caves in with a sigh.

"Later." He says with a bland tone.

Leilyn cocks a brow at him before nodding. She grabs the shopping bags –the ones she held when Shinji had his show down with the Rogers– and starts making her way towards the stairs.

"You boys start arranging those while I go drop these in my room. I'll come back to help immediately I change. After that, you three grab your personal things and go to your rooms and change into something comfortable. I'm going to beat your asses in a mission." She says with a grin aimed at them.

"Pfft. Like you can." Shinji snorts.

"Challenge accepted Mrs. Lyn." Jason says with a grin.

An amused smirk takes over Leilyn's lips as she stares at the males before her in amusement.

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you all."

Shinji and the boys snorts as one. With an amused shake of her head, Leilyn makes her way upstairs while Shinji and the boys arrange the groceries where they are meant to be.