The carriage stopped in which I felt, I heard people and shuffling of feet, I sat up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, A knock diverted my attention and I looked at the carriage door, it opened and Doctor Edgar greeted me.
"Did you have a good sleep?"
"Yup," I said, wetting my lips wiping the drool away from my face.
"We will stay in an inn first your highness so that you can freshen up"
"How long are we going to stay here?"
"Only for the night, then we continue travelling"
Doctor Edgar offered his hand, I don't need assistance I can get off on my own but I know he's going to refuse. But I'm not that lazy though.
"I can get off on my own"
"I cannot let a lady get off unassisted, that is not what a gentleman does"
"I thought you would say that"
"Now, please take my hand"
I rolled my eyes and flared my nose in annoyance.
"Remember to keep appearances in public, your highness"
"Yes, Yes, I remember"