Aunt Rie, Jaz, and Sky was confused on who was knocking. Sky went to see who it was.
"Who is it?" Sky asked as she got to front door.
"It's Josh," a male voice said that sounded like Josh's.
Sky opens the door and sees Josh and asked, "hey, what are you doing here?"
Josh looked at Sky and blushed. He said, "hey. I was just walking through this part and wanted to check in on you. Also, you look stunning in that dress. It suits you very well. I mean like it brings out your eyes."
"Thanks, Josh. Is there anything else?" Sky responded.
"No," he said.
"Okay, you can leave then," Sky said as she goes and closes the door.
Josh left.
Sky walked back to Aunt Rie and Jaz.
"Who was it?" They asked.
"It was my friend. He was strolling through the area and decided to come and check up on me."
"He? Who is he?" Jaz asked.
"Yes, he's a boy. His name is J," Sky said as she lied about his name.
"J? That's a weird name."
"You're a weird name, Jaz."
"I'm a weird name?"
A while later after they finished bullying each other. There was a knock on the door. Sky was looking for dress shoes.
"Who is it?" Aunt Rie called out.
"Eric," Eric responded.
"Eric who?"
"Eric Atkins."
"As in the knight that hits on Sky?"
"Okay, you can come in. Sky will be down soon."
"Okay," he said as he walked in.
Sky comes rushing down in a dress that was to her knees in length and a bit longer in the back with black mesh sleeves and red fabric underneath. She was wearing short red heels. "Sorry!! I couldn't figure out what type or color of dress shoes I wanted to wear."
Eric looked at Sky like he'd never seen anyone with that type of beauty before now. He went red and froze.
"Eric? Hello?" Sky asked as she waved her hand front of his face.
He shook his head and said, "Yes? Sorry. You look beautifully stunning, Sky."
"Thanks, Eric," Sky said, "shouldn't we get going so we don't miss anything?"
"You're welcome. We should get going," he said.
"Okay. Bye Auntie. See you at the ball, Jaz," Sky said as she walk to the door.
Eric followed. He opened the door for Sky. Sky walked out.
A while later, they got to the palace.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Ready as I'll ever be for this," Sky said, "I just hope that I don't get figured out."
"Ok. Let's head in," Eric said as he grabbed her hand and started walking.
Sky followed. She was nervous about this, but she agreed to being his date and getting information.
They got to the main room. Someone walked over to them.
"Hello Eric. Sky," they said.
"Hello Alys," Eric responded.
"Alys" Sky responded, a little annoyed.
"How are you Eric?"
"I'm good. You?"
"Pretty swell, since Sky's my date," he said.
"She actually said yes?"
"I did. Why are you surprised by that?" Sky asked.
"Well, you see. You didn't even really like him like at all," Alys said.
"Well, I changed my mind. Plus, we're just here as friends nothing else."
"Oh? So, he's still up to grab?"
"Yes. I'm way too busy for a relationship right now."
"Ok," Alys said as she got interrupted by the king.
"Welcome everyone to the ball and to my son's 18th birthday," he said as he smiled and looked around.
Sky felt like he was looking for her and only for her. She goes and tries to calm down. Eric had noticed, but he let her go to do what she was doing.
"Calm down, Sky. You're ok. He's just looking at the people," she mumbled to herself as she took a few deep breaths.
As she was trying to calm down, someone, who wasn't paying attention, bumped into her. They fall down. Sky was underneath the person.
"Get off of me!!" Sky yelled, but the person put their hand over her mouth before she could yell more.
"Shhhh. I can't get caught," a male voice said.
Only muffled words came out of her mouth since the boy had his hand over her mouth. She did try to remove his hand from her mouth. "Get off of me," she said.
He did and helped Sky up. "Sincerely sorry about that."
"It's okay, I guess. Why did you say that you don't want to get caught?"
"You don't know who I am?"
"Nope. Should I know who you are?"
"Yes and no. I'm the prince."
Sky bows. "Sorry, for not knowing that you're the prince!" She said.
"No, need to bow. It's fine"
She stood up straight and said, "but you're the prince."
"I know. I just don't like being treated differently"
"Yeah. Who may you be?"
"I'm nobody important. I'm just a girl who runs errands and delivers medicine for their auntie."
"You're not nobody important. Everyone is important in a way, except for my dad."
Sky looks at him and understands what he's saying.
"So, I ask again. Who are you?"
"I'm Sky."
"That's such a beautiful name for a beautiful maiden like yourself"
"Wow, I didn't know the prince was a major flirt"
"Of course you didn't."
Sky rolls her eyes and started to walk off.
"Ok. Wait. I'm sorry," he said.
"Sure you are," Sky said as she kept walking.
Sky walked to get a drink.