I've known you for as long as I can remember, always together. Laughter, crying, all the first times of a developing child, a whole childhood together.
I miss that time when we fantasized about what our prince charming would be like. Everything we shared ... all of that are just good memories.
One day you ... just walked away, I never knew the reason why. I just know that one day you suddenly looked prettier ... you even spoke in a more adult way, you had already given your first kiss, and from that day, when you met him, you began to leave me behind.
You started loving, and I was happy for you.
You only called me when he was busy, or just when you had a fight. But you only saw me when you couldn't be with him. Little by little ... my importance in your life took a back seat, I was no longer anyone.
Studying without you was not the same as doing it with you; laughing alone is not the same as laughing with your other half; I had lost my soul sister. I hope that one day you can open your eyes and remember that there is a world outside besides him.
He will never love you like I always loved you.
I guess the kind of love I had to give you wasn't enough anymore. Little by little, he stole you from me and you let go of my hand, but it was that you never looked back.
I guess I stagnate. I always look back, because there are many things that I don't want to forget.
Goodbye to my soul sister.