Chapter 28 - Snapped Neck

 "So, mind telling me what those shadows were saying to you?" Varen finally began questioning Zeya as they were finally alone.

 They appeared to be in a guestroom from the looks of the contents in the room, from the desk at one corner of the room, to the small dining table placed right in the middle, to the queen-sized bed at the opposite end.

It was much larger than any guestroom Zeya's been in, an advantage only a world of shadows would have, an infinity of space in a world made from only darkness.

 Only static and oddly shaped scenery could be seen from the gigantic window that took up almost the entire left wall, giving the pair a glimpse into what the Shadow Realm had to offer. The entire world was painted black and white, just like all the furniture in the room with the only colorful thing being Zeya and Varen since they were not from this place. 

 "It's still unclear what they are planning exactly but one thing's for sure is that they want you gone." She replied while she sat at the end of the bed, watching Varen's facial expressions. "They're not willing to go any further until that's done... which means we're stuck here until then."

 "The blood bond will kill you before you even manage to get anything out of these cunning shadows." His voice dropped an octave as he said that, though his expressions remained unreadable. "I'm sure you're smart enough to realize why they're doing this... or must I spell it out for you?"

 'I know they're trying to weaken me by separating him from me, but I have a way around it.' She thought to herself. 

"Once I leave, they now have a huge advantage against you. The most I can do is to give you a time limit before any effects take shape, but even that has its own consequences." He reasoned, hoping that his words would convince her to let him stay. "And yet, you still want to risk it? Risk getting hurt for the sake of a statement we don't know if it's true or false?"

 "Then give me six hours. Time works differently here so it never hurts to be safe." Zeya retorted as she quickly pushed Varen's body aware from hers. "And shadows cannot lie, it's not in their nature to be able to do that. That is why I'm choosing to do this, as risky as it may be."

 "I think it's for the better we listen to what they want." She attempted to appease Varen's temper, wishing that the stubborn mule of a Kaxarene would just comply with her for once without putting up a fight. "They have the power to withdraw Lex's entire army if they wished, and that would make our chances of finding this monster drop significantly."

 "... At least be merciful enough to answer this question before I go. What was the deal you made with them?" Varen questioned, watching Zeya's movement closely. "I may not be incredibly fluent, but I know enough of the language to get the gist."

 "That shouldn't be any of your concern." She replied nonchalantly, no signs of revealing whatever the shadows told her. "All you need to know is that I'm trying to get the council to side with us and in order for that to happen, you need to leave."

 "I'm sure my brother is furious about what had happened, and I'm even more certain that he's storming into your palace right now, searching for us."

 "What does that have anything to do with this?" He asked bitterly, beginning to get vexed at Nox's persistent nudging.

 "You saw how his temper can be firsthand at the forest." She smirked as Varen realized what she meant. "Unless you want your Valors to be maimed alive, I suggest you deal with him before he strikes."

 'Fuck.' He cursed internally, realizing that nothing could else could be done but to go back.

"I've dealt with him with ease once, I'm sure it'll end the same this time around."

 'Such confidence...' She thought, knowing that it wasn't going to be that easy to deal with Lex this time around, but she kept quiet.

"Nox, you can come out now." Zeya went around the room in search of the creature. Multiple pairs of eyes popped out of the dark corners just beside the bed, revealing the hiding spot of the large shadow.

 "Take him back to Exousia and if I don't make it back by the end of today, head to Stygia and alert the others of my location." She gave the orders to the creature in a strict tone.

 It bowed its head at Zeya as a farewell before setting out to do what it was told. A dark void of a portal opened up right behind Varen just as Nox began nudging Varen towards it.

 "You're going to regret your decision, love." He spoke one final time before he stepped into the void.

 "I'll be the judge of that, Your Majesty." She waved them off as she turned the opposite direction to leave the room. "I'll see you in a few hours."

 'That is... if I make it out in time.' 


 Lex's mind wasn't working properly, it was a common occurrence whenever he was worked up. His mind felt heavy and sore, blocking him from thinking clearing. The more he tried to calm down, the more his anger rose until it started to suffocate him. The furniture in the same room as him were already destroyed thanks to his temper, pieces of it scattered all over the carpeted flooring.

 His shadow minions on the other hand, were glued stuck to the corners of the room, fearing for their lives as their master's anger could turn to them at any time.

 He pulled at his hair as the pain in his head intensified, almost like he was being punished for getting upset however, it did very little to appease him.

 'They knew all along.' He thought to himself, still incredibly perplexed by what had happened to him. 'Was it Kaiden that told them about me beforehand?'

They weren't supposed to have power over him, he was their ruler. The fact that his own council, the shadows that worked for him, discarded Lex like he was a plaything made his blood boil.

 "He must've have warned them about me before I fronted." He came to the only conclusion that made the most sense. "Hah, I can't believe he chose to go this far to fuck with me."

"Haha..." He began to laugh in utter disbelief, his eyes were dilated like he was under a spell. "I suppose I have no other choices left. All of them must die by my hands... every last one of them."

 "All you ever do is cause me trouble, Kaiden." He said to no one but himself but there was no reply. "Look what you've done now! Always trying to get in my way."

 Lex had always believed that he was a secret, an entity only his family knew of. Kaiden, the body's host, was always ashamed of his condition that made this body carry two souls. Lex, thinking similarly to Kaiden, didn't want his existence to be public in hopes that he could live in peace, he didn't want to be noticed because that would've just made his life a living hell. 

 "Do not blame me for what's about to happen, Kaiden." He spoke in a furious whisper, hoping that it reached his companion that was unconscious somewhere inside his mind. "You are what caused this because you left me with no choice. I have to survive too." 

 He had been trying to get back into the realm for hours now, each time ending terribly with more of his powers depleted. He was starting to feel the aftereffects of his stubbornness when he started to have trouble to even stand up straight. 

 "Fuck..." He muttered weakly, trying to get himself together. "I need to get my powers back."

 "At least they were courteous enough to toss me here." He said to himself with a smile as a human servant began to walk his way, seemingly worried for his well-being.

 Screams that would chill the blood of the ones that heard it echoed throughout the entire palace, alerting the Valors and servants alike. Anyone that stopped him died in their tracks, his power increasing with every innocent human he slayed.

 For the first time in a while, the people of Exousia were in danger, and no one was there to stop it.