Good noon everyone!
Kaye's POV
There are many things that came up like ending our friendship and learning that my old friend was a scam in online selling. Sometimes, i feel migraine every time i am stressed and tired of overthinking.
I realized I am completely okay already and I found myself happy and always positive. Because of Him, I finally passed the challenges He gave to me.
I won't promise to my parents that I will be an honor student like my brother but I can promise I will study hard for the bright future that is waiting for me.
I know my past is not good but my future will be. I have college friends but I still don't trust them that much until face to face classes. I can observe if they are still like what they showed me in google meeting.
I'm scared that they might judge me like what my former schoolmates did to me. Since I'm introvert, I am always alone in the school and experienced depression many times.
Why is this bad things happening? I think I deserve all of this. Losing my best friend is the most heartbreak i've ever experienced. I don't want to lose her but still it happened.
One day if she didn't come back, she'll regret, I'm promising. I didn't anything bad to her to do this. If she have a problem to me, she should tell it or else I will be confuse of the reason of her leaving me and saying I won't understand it right now.
She hurt me and quarrel me. Is she sick and she need to forget me like what happened in TV shows? Nah. I think it will not happen :3 My imaginations lol. I will wait for her and accept her someday if she come back.
Today is Saturday and I have nothing to do but to lay in my bed and later on i will review for my preliminary exam this coming Monday. I hope I won't fail in my first day of exam until last. I will make reviewer to be sure that i will receive good grades.
It's not my thing to study hard. I'm just chilling so that I will not be stress nor pressured. When I was grade 11, I just do the same. The bad effect is I got low grade. Junior high days, i never receive 79 in first grading and so on. It's just I'm not used to it. It's new to me that is why.
I remember rachel and kim. They became my best friends from the beginning til it end. Rachel is with me through the days I'm down and she stayed beside me. She understands my attitude because she knows that I'm premature but I think her patience will not long lasting.
I let her go not because of me but because I want her to be happy. I think she's not happy with me anymore. I treated her like my own blood sister but it ended up of our friendship. I don't know what is wrong with me for leaving me. I don't know her reason so I'm questioning myself what have i done?
Though I have new friends still she is the type of best friend i want to have and I'm not finding others because she knew me, she knew all about me.