Chadwick Boseman. A perfect example of what it means to be strong and to persevere. Chadwick Boseman once said "The struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose." I feel as though this quote perfectly emulates Chadwick Boseman's life. He has filmed some memorable and beautiful films that will forever be remembered. Chadwick always overcame his struggles and never let them bring him down. I find this very inspiring because as someone who has gone through multiple open heart surgeries and one spinal surgery, you come to the realization that you don't want those things to define who you are. He never let any sickness make him unable to accomplish what he wanted to achieve. He didn't want cancer to define him. Chadwick had the courage to take on athletically challenging roles while dealing with colon cancer, he was definitely a true artist. When Chadwick was a junior at T.L. Hanna High School, he wrote a play entitled "Crossroads", showing his talent at a young age. He will always be remembered as an icon and a fighter. Chadwick Boseman will not be remembered for his cancer. He will be remembered as a man, an artist, who had incredible strength and the will to overcome any obstacle.
~Wakanda Forever~