Chereads / Agent in Training / Chapter 10 - Justice

Chapter 10 - Justice

Two Days Later, Mumbai India

A parade began, few were available to notice it at first as it started from the wharf district and began to make its way into the city. Then people did notice and Mumbai, India came to a screeching halt as a parade of young children ranging from teens to those barely able to walk that numbered in the hundreds stoically marched through the streets of a stunned city holding signs with messages displayed in all of the local languages.

The messages were varied and ranged from, "Where were you when I was stolen?" "What were you doing as I was raped?" "Why did you forget me and stop looking?"

As people flocked to fill the street as the parade of children made its way through the heart of the city there was not a dry eye, even as rage beckoned as children on the edges of the parade handed out booklets. Held within the booklets was the list of every accomplice, every spotter, every cop, and every ordinary person employed in the kidnapping of children.

A picture of each individual was shown along with what their role had been. Even as crying parents descended upon the parade of children seeking reunitemeant, a city woke up to the task that had been started by outsiders, but was one that the burden of had been theirs from the first, and with single-minded purpose hunted down every offender listed.

Not one of those who had profited in the nabbing of children was left alive by nightfall as members of even their own families helped beat them to death. In India it's not considered murder when a large group of people takes an action into their hands and delivers justice, it's called a public outcry.

The police did nothing to stop the carnage and all that night and into the next day the minutes ticked by that not one child was stolen, because suddenly a city woke up to the power that can be employed when people unite behind a common goal and the wolves of society were forced to flee and prey no more upon the innocents of humanity. Of the agents that had removed the criminal element behind the operation, nothing further was gleaned as the children were not talking and all traces of them disappeared as if they were clouds of smoke dissipated on a windy day.

The example made in one city had a trickle-down effect and those involved in other cities found themselves cracked down upon like never before as the herds of humanity awakened to the reality that they as a whole were stronger than the wolves preying upon the most vulnerable members of the herd. Instead of letting the calves be drug down, the herd moved and returned to drive away the wolves from the weakest and make a unified front of defense around the most precious possession of any herd or tribe of humanity and that is the next generation.

Sometimes big changes have to start with those who seek no glory for themselves and are committed to doing what's right no matter what even if it means losing their own life. Such people are few, but the opportunity to become one of them is open to everyone.


Seven Months Later

The squalling ball of life in my arms was angry, but with a smile I took in his angry face even as he tried to squeeze the life out of my finger. He was strong. He was beautiful. He was mine!

Sonia looked on from the bed with delight. She was exhausted, but nothing could make her look away from the sudden scene of silence as baby and father stared intensely into each other's eyes.

Smiling the two midwives finished cleaning up and making sure that she was fine they exited the room still smiling. Life had been born into the world today and the power of the event was tangible.


I glanced away from my son to see Sonia taking me in with a smile, "What?"

She shook her head, still smiling, but didn't give me an answer.

I came to her and with reluctance I released the precious bundle of life that would not let go of my finger. He did then though, as instinct took over as with a perfect latch he sucked on to something good.

Sonia jerked and gave me a glance, as she fought a war to survive the moment. Smiling through the pain, though she looked down and stroked the baby's cheek as he filled his empty tummy with the goodness to be found in a pair of breasts that I was convinced had no equal just as the bearer of them didn't either.

With the voice of a mother Sonia coaxed, "Is it good? You're just like your daddy aren't you baby?"

He blinked and then went back to sucking and kneading her breast with a hand that had imprisoned my finger and forever won my heart. Smiling, I sat down and watched as a new life started out right, fully ensconced in the protection of two parents willing to die to see that no harm whatsoever came to their child.

The world may be full of children that had no one to care for them, but such was not the case in this room. Sonia looked up and smiling at me she patted the bed beside her and quickly I claimed the spot beside her, even as our little warrior drifted off to sleep with a belly full of rich milk.

Cradling him close Sonia tiredly laid her head on my shoulder. I in turn let my head fall to rest against the top of hers even as her free hand entwined with the fingers of mine.

Despite all the odds against both of us in our lives, we had come together and now we were a family. Peacefully we soaked in the moment, relishing every moment of it, even as the world raged on outside feeding on its own.

Not here, though. Not today. No, not ever.