Chereads / Bonds Of Life / Chapter 11 - Student Council President

Chapter 11 - Student Council President

Shin's POV.

After a very fun and tiring day yesterday, ready or not, Monday has arrived. I woke up from my bed and ate breakfast together with Ai and went to school like usual.

I went to my classroom and saw Makoto with her face on the table "What's wrong Makoto?" I asked.

Makoto looked at me and I was surprised by how she looked. "My gods you looked terrible when did you sleep last night?" I asked, looking at how tired and lifeless Makoto looked.

"How long? 0 second!" She slams her head again on her table.

I looked at Shishiro and she replied with a shrug.

"Yesterday was very fun isn't it?" Shishiro asked.

"Yeah it was super fun and it looks like you enjoyed it the most" I replied.

"Haha like I said it was the very first time for me, due to my parents' popularity we rarely go out together as a family. I guess you can say we or should i say I'm suffering from success" She explained.

"Well i mean if we ever get the opportunity to do more stuff like this we would definitely invite you" I said and she nodded "Thanks"

We talked to each other for a moment and then the sound of a announcement rang "Attention all teachers please gather in the faculty office for a meeting thank you"

"Huaaah~ thank god wake me up when it's time to go home" After Makoto said that she immediately dozed to sleep.

I stood up from my chair and headed outside the classroom "Where are you going?" Shishiro asked.

"Oh I'm going to the library wanna come with?" I replied "Ah no i'll be here watching over Makoto you go ahead" She said and i nodded.

I passed the cafeteria that is currently overrun by hungry students, I entered the library and browsed through the books there.

As I looked through the books I noticed a girl trying to reach a high book. She tried to climb the bookcase and then she tripped and was about to fall.

"Hey!" I rushed towards her and caught her, I fell to the ground as her body fell on top of me "Ugh!" I feel the back of my head hurts. "Hey are you alright?" I tried waking the girl up.

The girl got up holding her head, when she realized she was on top of me she instantly got up and apologized.

"Umm umm im sorry!!!"

"No no it's fine don't worry at least you didn't get hurt" I said reassuring.

"So why were you climbing the bookcase?" I asked "I-i ummm" She pointed at the book she was trying to reach.

I reached for the book and handed it out to her the book was called "Inside the human minds"

"Do you like psychology?" I asked and she just nodded.

"I have been interested in it since I was little" She said in a tiny voice.

"Well enjoy your books then i'm going to continue searching for books now take care" I said as i walked away from her.

"Wait! I-umm what's your name?" She asked. "Narukami Shin 2nd year you?" I replied and asked back.

"I-i'm Akaihana Mio pleasure to meet you" She replied with a smile.

I smiled at her back and proceeded to find a book to read.

And as expected after minutes of searching nothing peaks my interest so i go out of the library and head to the cafeteria.

The place is still crowded but not as crowded as before.

I noticed Naoto and Ryuji were sitting together. Before I went and greeted them I decided to struggle my way to order a yakisoba bread.

Once I'm done I go over to Naoto and Ryuji "Hey since when you two hang out together?" I asked.

"We just happened to meet each other while trying to order bread" Naoto said.

"What are you doing here?" Ryuji asked.

"I was from the library and was about to go back to my class but i got hungry so i bought this" I said while showing the bread i just bought.

"Do both of you have any plans after school?" Naoto asked.

"No" Ryuji replied short.

"I'm free today too" I said.

"Then wanna come over? You guys like playing games right?" He asked.

"Yeah i do! I'm in!" Ryuji replied.

"I'm down, let's go" I said.

"Okay then it is settled at 14pm after school okay? I'll come and pick you guys up" He said.

Me and Ryuji nodded.

"By the way Shin what were you doing at the library?" Ryuji asked.

"Looking for books obviously" I replied.

"And where is the book?" He asked again.

"I didn't take any" I replied.

Ryuju let out a sigh "Oh by the way do any of you guys know a girl name Akaihana Mio?"

"Sounds familiar, what's she like?" Naoto asked.

"She is short, probably around 163-170 has long soft black hair" I explained.

"Huh? Isn't that her there?" Ryuji pointed at a girl holding a book struggling to get through the crowd.

"Yeah that's her wait here" I went over to her "Hello" I called she turned towards me and Ryuji was right she is Mio.

"Oh hi again umm can i help you?" She asked.

"More like can i help you?" I asked back.

"Ah umm" She looks shy and then her stomach growled "hya!" She holds her stomach.

"This feels oddly familiar" I thought to myself.

"What do you want?" I asked, holding my laughter.

"A-a-Anpan" She said with her face down looking a bit red.

"Red bean paste, wait here a moment" I told her and she nodded.

"Psst Naoto come to think of it you are right that girl does look familiar" Ryuji whispered to Naoto.

"Hold on, Doesn't she look like the student council president to you?" Naoto asked.

"Wait! She doesn't look like the student council president, she is the student council president" Ryuji said surprised.

"I wonder how Shin knows her" Naoto said.

"I don't know, let's ask when he comes back." Ryuji said.

I struggled once again to buy the bread Mio asked for. After a few minutes of struggle I was finally able to buy it.

"Here you go" I hand over the bread to Mio.

She bowed down "Thank you again, Shin was it? I-i owe you one" She said.

"Don't bother, okay then bye" I said walking away from her and heading towards Ryuji and Naoto.

I sit back down with Ryuji and Naoto and they both look at me confused.

"What?" I was confused.

"Where and how did you know her?" Ryuji asked.

"Well-" I told them what happened at the library when i met Mio.

"That's one heck of a way to meet" Naoto said.

"Meh, I went through the same thing" Ryuji said.

"Why did you guys ask?" I asked again.

"Did you know who she is?" Naoto asked back and I just shook my head.

"She is the student council president" Ryuji said.

"So?" I asked again.

"Did you not know the rumors?" Ryuji said.

"What rumors?" I was curious.

"So there have been rumors around her she was a transfer student back in her old school she was bullied a lot and one day she lost control and went berserk on one of the students that bullied her and he ended up at the hospital also i heard someone said that she can read minds and apparently the rumors went all over the place and now everyone is keeping their distance from her some even calls her a freak or psycho ow whatever." Naoto explained.

Hearing Naoto's explanation , I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"I think it's good that you talked to her, maybe you can help her out" Ryuji said and I nodded.

Soon after the bell rings and the three of us leave the cafeteria and head to each of our classes.

I entered my classroom and Makoto is still face down on the table.

"Hey guys what have you guys been doing?" I asked them.

"Dead" Makoto answered.

"Hahaha I've been reading a book Makoto gave me. How about you?"

I told them what I was doing from the library up to when I was in the cafeteria.

"Ohh so you met the president?" Shishiro asked and I replied with a nod.

"Wow what is she like? Is she really like what people told she is like?" Shishiro asked, curious.

"Well she is a very shy girl and that's about it i'm actually curious how she manage to become the president"

"It's because of the rumors that spread around her" Makoto said.

"About the mind reading?" I asked.

"No it's the fact that she was bullied i think she is trying to change to be more confident so that she won't experience the same thing again but people aren't so easy to persuade most people follows the flow of the majority if more people say something is bad more than people say it's good then that something will stay bad until more people say it's good" Makoto explained.

"We live in a society after all" Shishiro said.

"Damn, I feel bad for her" I said.

Soon after Mr.Stephan enters the classroom.

"Good afternoon class i have an announcement, as you all may or may not know the exams for the 1st semester will start at the end of the month so i suggest you all start studying" He said.

"Haaaa! I'm not going to survive this" Makoto said.

"But the good news is as a present for all the students the school has arranged a trip to the beach a week after the exam so look forward to it as for now you all can go home" He said and then left the room.

The class was immediately filled with energy. Everyone was so excited. Even Makoto stood up jumping.

"Ohh by the way Shin the student council president wanted to meet you" Mr.Stephan said.

after hearing that i got out of the classroom and starts making my way towards the student council's room.

I was curious about why did the president call me as I walked towards the students council room, I opened the door and Mio was sitting down in the room.

"Ah S-Shin umm have a seat!"