Chereads / Miraculous Fan-Fic / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

Miraculous Fan-Fic

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful, young girl named Mari. She loved to draw, listen to music, play video games, sing, but most of all loved to hang with her family. She had a little sister, a little brother, her dad and her stepmom. When Mari's dad had to leave and her siblings played, Mari would always do chores, even the ones her stepmom had to do. When Mari would go to school, she was always alone. All her friends left her for new people. So everyday when Mari would go to school she got pushed, laughed at, hurt, or even hit because of the way she was. It wasn't her fault she was like that. When Mari got home that night, her dad was home early and wanted to talk toMari. He said, "Mari... why aren't you doing what you're told? You never listen to your mom and-". Mari stopped her dad. She said, "My… mom…". Mari starts crying. She starts to scream. "She isn't my mom!! She will never be my MOM!!!. I always do what I'm told but no one ever appreciates what I do!!!". She runs into her room and slams the door. She slides against her door and cries for hours until she hears someone come in through her window. She looks up quickly, with tears coming down her shining eyes from the moonlight. The person is dressed in all black, has cat-like ears, and you can see his green emerald eyes glowing in the room. Mari is not scared of him. She wipes her face and hides it from the person. "I heard screaming so I came to check what the noise was and I saw you crying. *starts walking towards Mari* I'm sorry if I'm intruding in your home but

I just wanted to see if you are okay." He says. Mari raises her head up a bit to look in his eyes. "I just… I'm not really appreciated enough in my family… I have always done what's good but then i-it just turns to hell…" *A tear slides down her face* The cat-like man wipes it away and says, "Well whatever they don't see in you, they should because you are amazing just the way you are." He keeps his hand on Mari's face for a few minutes, looking into her brown, hazel blue eyes that are glistening in the light. Mari asks, "What is your name?" "My name is Chat Noir" "Well Chat Noir, thank you for calming me down, I feel a lot better after the talk." She smiles at him. Chat Noir helps Mari stand up. "You're very welcome Mari, but I must leave now, until we meet again, Purrincess". He leaves through Mari's window and leaps into the night. She goes to her window and looks up at the moon and just thinks about what had just happened to her. She falls asleep at her window. The next day, she wakes up to find that no one is home. She gets ready for school and walks to school to find someone next to her, she jumps a bit "Oh hi, I didn't see you next to me. *She smiles at him*". The boy says "Sorry for scaring you miss, you seemed kinda lonely so I wanted to see if you were okay." "Yeah, I'm okay, just thinking of personal stuff at home is all. *Says in a kinda broken voice*." The boy hugs her and says, "I'm really sorry for whatever is going on, I hope it gets better for you." Mari hugs the boy back trying not to cry again like she did last night. "Uh my name is Mari." "Adrien Agreste." "It's a pleasure to meet you Adrien. *She smiles at him*." Adrien smiles, walking next to Mari still. They both start talking about what they like to do, what kinda music they like, and then he asks "So do you have any friends at school?" Mari stays quiet and looks at the ground with a slight frown on her face. Adrien looked in front of him and realized that she is about to get hit in the head with a hard basketball. Adrien grabs Mari and protects her from getting hit in the head. They both blush like crazy but then Adrien says, "What is wrong with you people, she is one of you and you just throw stuff at her?!" One of Mari's old friends comes out and laughs, she says, "Well yeah, it's fun, and I mean she deserves it for being a total nerd. *She laughs again*" Adrien throws the ball back at the girl and she falls. "Now you know what it feels like to be her for once. Maybe instead of you being a bully, show more respect to her." Adrien takes Mari's hand and walks away, Adrien and Mari are now in front of the building and everyone runs up to Adrien wanting to get his autograph. Mari gets pushed to the ground and her stuff falls out of her bag. She sighs and starts to pick it up but then she sees another hand help her pick her stuff up. It's another boy. "Here let me help you." Mari looks up and she looks into the boys eyes, they are a light baby blue and turquoise color. She blushes a bit. "Uh thanks." She puts everything in her bag but then the boy is reading a piece of her music she has written. "Wow this song is amazing." The boy says. Mari takes the music sheet away quickly and hides it in her pocket. "Thanks *She smiles at the boy* I'm Mari." "Names Luka, it's a pleasure to meet you." He takes her hand and kisses it softly, having a light rosey pink on his cheeks. Mari turns red and pulls her hand away quickly. "Y-yeah it's a-amazing to meet y-you t-too." Adrien looks over and gets jealous. He walks up to Mari and holds her waist, keeping her close to him. Mari turns even more red knowing what is happening. In her mind: Great, this is about to get ugly. Adrien and Luka look into each other's eyes and stay there for a few minutes until the bell is heard. Luka walks away, winking atMari, Adrien still keeping Mari close. Adrien says, "I know him and he will use you, just be careful around him…". Mari nods, looking into Adriens eyes, her hands on the front of his chest, her face as red as a tomato. Adrien lets go and holds her hand walking to class together. Everyone looks at Adrien and Mari. They are all chatting about if Mari is dating Adrien. She stays close to him. Adrien smiles and keeps walking with her to their class. {Let's just skip to the end of the day} Mari is walking home by herself and she doesn't know she is being followed by her bullies. Her old friend comes out and says, "Hey Mari!!! Your boy toy isn't here to protect you." Mari turns around scared, shaking a bit, frozen in place. Mari says, "C-Chloe… You don't have to do this. You can be better than this." Chloe says, "Nah this is more fun." Chloe and her group start to charge at her ready to jump her. Mari closes her eyes and someone jumps in front of her and pushes the others away from her. "I don't think so." Mari opens her eyes and sees Chat infront of her. "C-Chat?" "The one and only Purrincess." Chloe gets back up and looks at the cat-like man. "Who the hell are you?!" Chat smirks, "I'm your worst nightmare." He puts a blindfold around Mari's eyes and fights the others. Chat picks Mari up in bridal style and keeps her close. Mari holds on as tight as she can, scared, and still shaking a bit. Chat brings her home and puts her on her bed. "There, your home now Purrincess." He is kneeling down in front of her. Mari slowly takes the blind off, shaking still. Her eyes are filled with tears ready to pour from her body. Mari jumps into Chat's arms and stays close with him. Chat holds a bit tight. "Shhhhhh, it's okay, I promise you, no one will ever hurt you." After a few hours of calming down, Mari goes to the piano room and gets out her sheet of music. She takes a deep breath and she starts to play the piano slowly. Chat is in her bedroom sleeping, until he hears a soft voice singing. He gets up and follows the voice. As he gets to the door, he realizes who it is. It's Mari. She is singing, "Paralyzed" . {Just pretend she wrote it and it's her song, I know it's by someone else} She keeps singing not realizing she is being watched by Chat. As she is singing, some tears go down her face, and then a little black purple butterfly comes in and goes towards Mari but luckily someone saves her. "Princess look out!!!" Mari gasps and sees the black and purple butterfly or as known as an akuma, falling to the floor. Chat grabs it and turns it to ashes before it can touch her. Mari on the floor, breathing heavy, wiping her face, scared, shaking, looking at Chat. "I-I-I...". Chat stands up and picks Mari up, bringing her to her room once more and stays with her so she is safe. They didn't talk for the rest of the night. Mari had fallen asleep next to Chat. Chat smiles, covers her up, kisses her forehead and says "Sleep well, Purrincess". He left her to sleep. The next day Mari wakes up early and looks around, it's 5 in the morning so she decides to go and see if her family is back. She realizes that her family isn't there still, and she has tears going down her face. She wipes her face, puts a black hoodie on, puts her hair in her hoodie, grabs her backpack, puts her shoes on and takes a walk in the park before going to school. As she looks around she sees families, friends and couples walking in the park and she gets upset, tears rolling down her face again, and she starts to run. People looking at Mari while she is running, they start to ask themselves, "What happened? Is she okay? Why is she running?" She doesn't stop until she bangs into Luka. She falls back, tears going down her face, her hood falls down and Luka turns and says, "Are you okay?!" Luka bends down and puts his hands on her face. Mari wipes her face. "I-I'm fine". Luka helps her up and Mari puts her hair back up and her hood so that no one knows it's her. Luka is still looking at Mari, wondering why she is acting like this. "Mari? What happened?". Mari explains everything and she has more tears go down her face. Luka pulls her close hugging her. "Shhhhh it'll be okay. I'll protect you." Mari slowly calming down, she pulls away from Luka and wipes her face once more. "I better get to class… I don't wanna be late…" She leaves, looking down at the ground, trying not to cry again. Luka looking atMari, feeling bad. Luka leaves as well and Adrien pops out from behind the wall, feeling bad as well. Adrien follows Mari around all day making sure there hasn't been an akuma trying to get to her. It's the end of the day Mari gets outside to be tripped by Chloe and her group. Chloe says, "Now you're alone". Mari tries to get up but then she gets punched on her back and she falls again. After about 10 minutes of being beat up, Mari gets up, holding her sides, trying not to fall on the ground again, bleeding from her mouth, has a black eye but she didn't know she was stabbed on her side either. She starts walking home and Adrien sees her. Mari starts to fall to the ground but before she does Adrien comes and catches her. Adrien calls 911 and then an ambulance comes and takes them both to the hospital. Adrien, waiting outside Mari's room, the doctor comes out. "She's awake, you can go see her." The doctor says. Adrien rushes in and goes to her. "What happened to you?." Looking into Mari's eyes. She says, "Chloe and her group beat me until I couldn't stand and then they ran off somewhere…". She is looking down at her hands, her eye is covered in a bandage, her sides bandaged as well, including her wound, her lip still bleeding a bit. Adrien looking at Mari, he takes her hands and holds them. Mari looks at him and tears start to roll down her face once more. "I don't know what I did to deserve this… I never did nothing wrong… I've always done what's good for others… and this is how I get repaid…". Adrien looking at her, not knowing what to say. "You know Adrien, you're the first person to actually care for me. No one has ever done this for me. I've always been an outcast and I've been bullied since I was a little girl." She starts to shake a bit and more tears start to go down her face. Adrien goes closer to her and stays close to her. He says, "I'm really sorry for whatever happened to you in the past, I couldn't imagine all the stuff you've been through." She smiles, tears going down her face, staying close to him. The doctor comes in and says, "Well miss, you are free to go when you want but we wanna check your face before you leave if that is okay?" She nods and faces the doctor. The doctor slowly takes the bandages off and her eyes are closed. The doc gasps and backs up slowly. "I-it's…" Mari says, "W-what?" "It's gone" the doc says. Mari opens her eyes and looks in the mirror. She smiles a bit, touching her face, making sure it's not sore. Adrien smiles at Mari and looks at the doc, "Well whatever you guys did, she's really happy." The doc nods and runs off quickly. Adrien comes over and hugs her from behind. Mari blushes a lot, smiling more, giggles softly. Adrien smiles and says, "Go ahead and get changed, imma take you somewhere." He starts to leave. Mari runs to him and hugs him. "Thank you Adrien." "Your welcome Mari." He leaves the room and closes the door. After he closes the door Luka sneaks in and looks at Mari. "Hey cutie." She stops and freezes. "What do you want Luka…" "I want you to be mine." "P-please leave…". She pushes him and he falls to the floor and screams. Adrien comes in and goes to her, holding her. Luka gets up and smirks, "I'll get you Mari, one way or another." He leaves. Adrien looks at Mari keeping her close. "I'll stay in here with you, i'll just close my eyes okay?" She nods. He closes his eyes and she sees a dress on a table and looks at it. She puts it on and fixes her hair. "I-I'm done". Adrien opens his eyes and looks at Mari. His cheeks turn as bright as a rose and says, "Wow, you look amazing." Her cheeks turn to a bright pink rosey color and she smiles. "Thank you." Adrien grabs her hand, and walks out of the hospital. Adrien takes Mari to his house to have dinner and meet his family. "Father, Mother, this is Mari." "It's nice to meet you." Adrien's Mother says, "It's such a pleasure to meet you too. *smiling*" "Yes, it's nice to meet you." Adrien's Father says. Mari looks at Adrien's father thinking of how cold he is. Adrien says "So what's for dinner?" Adrien's Mother says, "We are having steak, mash potatoes, and gravy." Adrien's Father sitting down looking at Mari. "That sounds delicious Mother. Right Mari?" Mari looking around, not hearing a thing. "Mari?" Adrien says again. Mari snaps out of it and she says, "Oh yeah it sounds amazing. *smiling, crossing her arms in front of her*" Adrien's Father leaves for a minute, feeling some negative energy from Mari. "Where is he going?". "He's prolly making sure the food is almost done." Adrien says to Mari, wrapping his arm around her waist, smiling. She smiles back, blushing a bit. After a few minutes they all sit and food starts to come out of the kitchen and is set in front of everyone. They all start to eat except Mari. She stares at her food, not feeling well. Adrien says, "Mari? You okay?". "Where's your bathroom?" Adrien stands up and takes her to the nearest bathroom. She goes in and stays in there for a few minutes, tears going down her face again, holding a knife in her hand. Then an akuma comes in and it goes into the knife, she bangs into the wall and she is trying to make the negative go away then she hears a deep voice. "Hello Mari, I am Hawkmoth and I can give you what you desire." Mari is still trying to fight it, she opens the door and walks out, grunting. Adrien holding her trying to figure out what is wrong then the butterfly turns white and leaves the knife and Adrien sees the knife. "W-where you trying to…" Mari stays quiet, not talking, shaking, scared. Adrien picks her up bridal style and takes her to his room laying her on his bed, he is sitting next to her holding her hand. "I-I'm sorry… I-I don't know w-what I was th-thinking… I just can't live with this pain anymore…" Adrien takes Mari and kisses her, blushing a lot. Mari blushes as well and kisses back. After a few minutes they split up the kiss and put their foreheads together. Adrien keeps Mari close to him and she lays on his chest and starts to fall asleep on him. After a few minutes, she is fast asleep on him and Adrien moves Mari off him. A little black floating object comes out. "Are you sure it's safe for her to be in here while you transform?" "Plagg, it's fine and if she does find out it's me, I promise to protect her with all my life." "Okay then Adrien, if you say so." Adrien takes a deep breath and looks at Mari, then says, "Plagg claws out!". The little black object goes into a ring Adrien has on and he disappears in the ring. After a few seconds Chat {AKA Adrien} takes Mari, in bridal style and takes her home. After he gets there he lays Mari on her bed, covers her up and kisses her forehead. "Good night Princess, sleep well." He cancels her alarms so she doesn't go to school tmr after what happened after this day. He hops on the window sill and looks at Mari before leaving. He smiles with his cheeks a light rosey pink and leaps back home. Mari wakes up by knocking on her door to find someone who she hasn't seen in a very long time, It's her best friend Alya. Her and Alya have been best friends since they were in elementary school. Now they are like sisters. You can't split these two up. "Hey girl, long time no see." Alya says. Mari hugs her so tight that she doesn't know her own strength. "Girl you're kinda crushing me. *She giggles*" Mari lets go and laughs. "Sorry, it's just been so long. But look at you. You look amazing as always." "Yeah I know, but look at you, you seem like you've been having problems." Mari let's her in and fills Alya in with the deets. Alya hugs Mari and doesn't wanna let go. "I'm so sorry girl, I wish I stayed here to help you."Mari, hugging her back, has a few tears go down her face. "I-it's fine. I've been hanging in there." She wipes her face from the tears that are flowing down her face. They talk for hours until a certain someone knocks on the door. Both of the girls get up and Alya opens it to see a boy, in a tux, holding a bouquet of blue tulips and roses. "Oh sorry this must be a bad time." Alya says, "Nope this is perfect, let me get her ready she'll be out at 5." Alya closes the door, pushes Mari to her bedroom, picks the best outfit and does a little bit of make up on her. "They're all done girl." Mari stands up and looks at herself in the mirror, about to cry because now she can say that she is "beautiful". After all the years of bullying and name calling, she has never been able to say that through her life. "Now… GO GET YOUR MAN!!"Alya pushes Mari out the door and makes Mari go into the boy's arms. "Have fun love birds." Alya closes the door. "My job here is done" and she goes to find hidden food around the house to munch on. Mari pulls herself away from the boy and turns red as a rose. "S-s-sorry". "It's fine, don't worry about it." He smiles and hands the flowers to her. She takes them and smells them. "My favorite kinds of flowers!" She sets them in a vase that has fresh water already in it {what a shock}. After she puts them in the vase, the boy which is Adrien, takes her hand and pulls her close. "Hello there beautiful". {so cheesy} Mari turns even more red and starts to stutter. "H-H-Hi". Adrien smiles, blushing a light pink like the sky when the sun is setting." I just wanted to see if you would like to go somewhere with me." "L-like a-a da-date?" Adrein rubs his head, smiling. "Yeah you could say that." Mari smiles, and giggles softly. "Yes I would love to go out with you." Adrien then pulls away from her but still holding her hand. He takes her to a restaurant, a walk in the park, a walk on the beach, and then a nice slow walk back to her house. Adrien then says, "So did you have fun today Princ- uh I mean M'Lady?" "Yes I did." She smiles and giggles. Out of nowhere, a tall black figure comes out scaring Mari. "Who are you?!" The figure comes closer and closer grabbing Adrien and throwing him to the ground.Adrien grunts and Mari stands there, frozen like a popsicle and gets drugged by the figure. "Nighty night, sleep tight." The figure says. Adrien ends up in the hospital that same night not remembering what happened but he does remember that Mari was kidnapped by someone. After he got out of the hospital he ran straight to Mari's house and banged open the door to find Mari's best friend, passed out on the couch, in a food coma. {true facts, but anyway} Adrien, trying to wake up Alya, keeps yelling, screaming, banging pans and pots together, just isn't working. "How am I gonna tell her that Mari got kidnapped". Alya then pops up and says "EXCUSE MWA?!" Adrien then backs up slowly and says, "Yeah uh… she um, got kidnapped by someone…" Alya walks up to him and she gets in his face and says, "What happened…" He explains what had happened and she gasps but she remembers something they did when they were kids. "Where is my phone!!!" Adrien starts to help her and finds her phone and hands it to her. "Thank you, now lets see where you are Missy." Adrien was very confused. Alya then explained that when she and Mari were kids, they put trackers in their arms so they could find each other if they were in trouble. Adrien is now not confused and now knows the truth. After a few minutes, Alya finds Mari but it says she is in the house. So both Adrien and Alya run upstairs to find the tracker, covered in blood, on her dresser. Alya says, "Sh*t… great now how can we find her… I can't lose her." Adrien starts to think and sees drops of blood on the floor leading outside from the window. Adrien runs back down stairs and goes outside to follow the path of blood. Alya follows him, freaking out because she doesn't know where her other half is. After about a half hour, the blood path stops in the middle of nowhere. They both look around and Alya sees an abandoned building {shocker} . She thinks that Mari could be in there. So both Adrien and Alya go in the building and check it out. Adrein finds another path of blood leading to a room. Adrien opens it very slowly and quietly to find that someone is holding her. Adrien says, "LET HER GO!!" The figure doesn't speak. Alya steps in and pulls out a gun and shoots the guy in the leg, close to his good luck charm {if you know what I mean}. The figure then lets go of Mari and she falls on her knees and breaks one of her kneecaps. She grunts in a lot of pain, trying not to scream. Adrien then comes over and picks her up and helps her. Alya goes to the figure and takes the mask off. "Do you guys know him?" Both Adrien and Mari then look at the figure and say, "LUKA!!" Luka gets up and says, "Give me her and I won't hesitate to kill her. He pulls out a gun himself and points it at Mari. Alya then shoots him again but shoots him in the nuts so he can't have kids. {I love it}. Adrien then sees all the blood that is on Mari, realizing that Luka had done something to her. "What did you do to her... *looking at Luka*". Luka, still standing somehow, says, "Look at her back and wrists. *smirks and laughs*" Adrien doesn't look, he just says, "Plagg, claws out!!" He then transforms into Chat, and then says "Cataclysm!!!" A black orb surrounds one of Chats hands and he puts his hand on Luka, making Luka turn to ash. Alya then screams "I KNEW IT!!!"Mari, in shock right now, has no words to say except say, "ouch!" holding her kneecap. Alya then runs over to Mari helping her up to make sure that she doesn't break her knee cap even more. Chat turns around and picks up Mari and puts her on his back. "Hang tight Princess…" He then looks at Alya and says, "Meet us at the hospital, I can only carry one, sorry." Alya then says, "It's fine, take care of her, I gotta get my steps in anyway to get rid of the food I just ain't not that long ago {This is also true facts}. He then runs out of the abandoned place and leaps to the hospital and detransforms to his normal form, and gets her inside to get checked up. After about an hour, the doctor has confirmed that she does have a broken kneecap and she needs surgery for it {big oof}. Adrien says, "That's fine, I'll pay for it." The doc gives him a paper to sign so Mari can get the surgery ASAP. Mari, not speaking or saying a word to him. Adrien then gets up and walks to the window and stays there. Alya then comes running in the room, outta breathe. "I'm *deep breathe* here *deep breathe* jeez that was a long time." She looks at both Adrien and Mari, realizing that there is a big problem. {Hell is about to break loose} Alya had a dark face "What's wrong?" Adrien nor Mari speak. She looks at Mari and says, "Mari, what's wrong" she had used it. Alya had used her mom voice on Mari. Her greatest weakness. Mari gulped when she heard it. She tried to say something but was too afraid and ashamed to even speak to anyone. Mari just looked down, and was trying not to break. Meanwhile, poor Adrien was new to the voice and was scared for his life. Mari raised her head and a pretty black and purple butterfly came at her again once more and both Adrien and Alya knew what was next. Adrien didn't have time to transform so instead he hugged Mari as tight as she could but it didn't work… Mari is now akumatized. {What do you think will happen, find out soon}