Chereads / The Duns / Chapter 4 - Chapter Three

Chapter 4 - Chapter Three

Chapter Three



I stare at myself while changing into a white shirt and suit- appropriate for the important function today. My scars are healing, slowly, marks of what torture the ridiculous giant had put me through, all his 'generosity' having disappeared after mom's death. A new one that I had just received from his ruthless whip is now turning a shocking shade of green instead of purple.

It will all make sense in another 30 minutes.

My skin is similar to my mother's, as are my eyes and hair, but the rest of the features of my face resembled my father exactly. I pull up my trousers and fix on a belt, letting go of the aching memories.

I already know a little about what I was. We call ourselves 'Oi Alloi' or 'The Others'. We are a group of normal everyday people with extraordinary powers; not always physical, but powers that make us different, greater.

Our leader, though no one knows his real name, is called Igetis. He is the oldest and strongest of us all. No one dares to stand against him- it would be too big a risk often ending in unknown death- which was hilarious because we all know who committed the sin.

Oh, and fun fact: No one has ever seen his face. Ever

Igetis starts giving each one of us missions from our very first year of joining Oi Alloi. These often mean killing innocent people or putting them in deep trouble- but hey, no one stands up to Igetis.

On turning 17, every member of the Oi Alloi attends a special Ceremony, and when they walk out, they are henceforth termed as 'men'.

I pull on my blazer and button all the three buttons that positioned themselves lower down. I smile at myself in the mirror as I brush through my hair with my hand. Max was right. Taking one last glance at the happy boy that faced me, I take a deep breath in and leave the room just as Ester howls for me from the outside.

I stumble out the door and pull open the backseat door for myself, settling in. I should be thinking about what was coming up this evening, on me turning 17, the Grand Ceremony that would be held for me and all the other 17 year olds having now reached 'adulthood', but all I could think of was her hand in mine, her torturous smile. I groan quietly. I will miss her more than I could express. A more sensible side of my brain suddenly spoke up: you've literally only actually been with her for one day- not even 'been' in that sense. Wake up! It's an important night! Possibly one that decides your future!

But I pressure the words out of my mind and once again look out the window at the moving trees and light rain that finishes today's art piece. My mind is at peace- or at least it should have been.


7 boys- all in formal wear- lined up against each other on the oh-so-familiar stage. Our parents once again, are seated in front of us, except for three things: (1) Mine are both dead; (2) Even though the surroundings were similar, the reason was most certainly not and; (3)The audience is filled with males only- no sight of feminine bodies are visible- or allowed to be visible here right now.

Igetis occupies our Principals place onstage at the lectern, the school emblem still distinguishable, and is delivering the most convincing speech to everyone seated inside the auditorium. He is wearing a long black coat- as always- that covers every single part of his body. A hood covers his face, making me wonder how he could see anything. But my head was elsewhere.

Since we got here, there has been a sixth sense in my mind, constantly trying to tell me- perhaps even warn me, it was almost something of a lethologica. It is terribly annoying, and is making me desperate. There's someone out here. Someone not part of the Oi Alloi. Who? Where? But scaringly, the very idea of me able to sense something like this is spooky. Igetis had mentioned about our powers finally coming to be, but I never expected them to come to light this soon- or so I think. What's going on?

I shake my head and try pulling myself together; concentrating on the words the great, godlike Igetis was giving.

"These set of puny boys in front of me," I flinch. He continues, "Are going to become men tonight. Men amongst men. One of us. Some will find themselves to have acquired great powers to help the Oi Alloi make a name in our amazing community and then in the measly human society." I flinch once more. He carries on, "these boys- oh excuse me- men, will now, following my command, begin today's Ceremony."

I turn to face him. The Igetis looked excited- very very excited. His hand trembles as he picks up the sheet in front of him. It contains a list of names of all us boys and, following the order of the list, we would each enter 'adulthood' and make ourselves a name in the Oi Alloi.

He clears his throat and starts, his chilling voice filling the hall. "Richard Abbott. Please step forward."

Richard is a good friend of mine. I am a bit nervous for him, being the first to do it. 'It' because until today, none of us have ever experienced or stood witness to the Ceremony before.

Richard walks forward, not a hint of uneasiness, towards a huge metal pot placed right at the front of the stage.

"Stretch out your hand." Igetis commands. Richard obeys. "Do you, Richard Abbott, take an oath to keep this celebratory lifestyle, your exceptional powers, and the very idea of Oi Alloi a secret till your death?"

He doesn't hesitate for a second. "I do."

Igetis takes out a knife from his black coat, and pricks at Richard's palm. A single drop of blood falls into the pot below him.

"Do you Richard Abbott swear that you have now devoted your life to that of the Oi Alloi and will willingly give up yours to protect this beloved society?"

"I do."

Another drop of blood falls into the bowl. "And now, Richard Abbott, drink this." Then, Igetis hands over a glass. I frown. Where did he get it from? Thin air? The inside of his coat? From under the stage? An alternate dimension? Richard drinks the liquid in it sincerely.

I blink. And in that split second, Richard is high up in the air. Like literally hovering in the air, his head leaned back. I gape at him. What in the world! All of a sudden, a voice, a new one, thick, with an unknown accent speaks. "Richard Abbott. Super strength. Element: Earth."

Igetis smiles contently and ushers the now lowered Richard towards the audience. A round of applause fills the room as he finds his way down the stairs leading to the seats.

The same routine is followed by three more boys, Max included. The same voice announces each one of their superpowers in the same, robotic tone- "James Adams. Instant healing. Pocket space." A quieter cheer, a disappointed James.

"Max Green. Shape-shifting. Element: Air." A ear piercing applause.

"Miles Matere. Elasticity. Element: Water." A mediocre sound of appreciation filled the auditorium.

I am next. My head throbs against my skull as my name is called out by the eerie Igetis. On his authorization, I hold out my hand over the bowl, palm faced upwards.

"Do you, Peter O'Connor, take an oath to keep this celebratory lifestyle, your exceptional powers, and the very idea of Oi Alloi a secret till your death?"

A bead of sweat makes its way down the side of my face. Am I ready to give it up? Am I ready to give it all up today? Am I ready to leave her, only when I just got her? Ester's face fought its way into my mind and I know that even if I wanted, I have no choice. "I do." My voice feels surprisingly sturdy, seeing that I am freezing even with my blazer still on; my fingers trembling in the coolness. The knife pricks my palm and I swallow a scream as a drop of my blood mixes with the millions of drops in the bowl below me. Two drops of blood from each member of the Oi Alloi, each member pledging their allegiance to this wasted society.

"Do you Peter O'Connor swear that you have now devoted your life to that of the Oi Alloi and will willingly give up yours to protect this beloved society?"

"Yes." I couldn't think about her... Then why, god tell me, did I feel her presence right now, here with me? The same tingly feeling from before comes back.

Igetis hands me the glass. I take it safely into my trembling hands and, holding my breath, drink the distasteful drink in it.

It is as if a spirit has taken control of my body. I am lifted into the air, my arms widespread, my head automatically tilted back. There was a bright, eye-blinding light surrounding me. I can hear the voice now. It says my name. And then, it stops.

Oh no. Oh no, no, no! It was true. It couldn't be! But it was.

And the voice, as if it had been reading my mind, announces to the impatient audience once more: "Peter O'Connor. Exceptional fighting skills. Sharp hearing. No need to breathe. Element: Fire."

I am placed back on my two feet on the ground. There is silence all around me. And then suddenly, Igetis grabs both my shoulders and thrusts me towards him. I was dazed at how easily I can move his arms- I literally just shrugged them off.

Igetis take a few faltering steps back, muttering to himself, "It's not possible. This is not possible." over and over again. Until suddenly, he comes to halt and shouts, the loudest I have ever heard his voice go, "How did you do that? How? What did you do?"

I stand in my position, bewildered, three scary thoughts now scratching against my mind: Firstly, there really is someone else here, a female. No... Two? Secondly, Igetis was not going to let me rest until he got over me and what just happened and thirdly, Igetis is jealous. Of me.

I turn and make my way off the stage through the wings instead of following the other boys down the stairs to join the audience. And then, after making sure I am safely out of sight, my hand holding onto a rather familiar female palm, I run.


It's only once I am sure that we have run far enough, I let go of her hand and stop. I am not hurting, or even breathing fast after all that sprinting, but I'm sure the human I had just saved would be. I turned away from her, angry. Why was it me? Why did I have to be so different?

"Peter?" A feminine voice cuts through me. I stand up straight and gasp. No. It can't be her. I turn, slowly, to face the origin of the voice.

Catherine stands in front of me. Her forehead is covered with droplets of sweat. She raises her arm to wipe them away, suddenly conscious. "Where are we?" she asks, wearily. I reply with a small, wicked laugh. That was the first thing she could think of? Where are we? She had just experienced the Ceremony. The Ceremony- and got away alive- and this was the first thing that came to her mind?

"Peter!" she says, more defensively now. "Where are we? We have to get back! Shailene is still there!" She continues her rattle. I look around at the clustered trees behind me, the sky turning darker. She is right. I had to go back. Not we- I. Her chatter comes to a sudden stop. She comes towards me, and I feel a warm touch at the back of my black blazer. She places her hand nervously onto my spine. "Peter?"

My palms are on my face, covering my eyes. It hurts. It burns. It is happening. The Ceremony is almost over. I give out a screeching sound, my knees knocking together, banging onto the ground. My hands stay protectively at my eyes. "Aaaaahhh!!" I groan. A sharp pain edges through my side, thrusting up my chest, my face. "Aaaargh!!" A shock of lightning, endless white sparks. Is this happening to them all?

And then, in a few moments, it is over. I turn to face her.

She stumbles backwards. Her voice is coarse, almost a whisper, "Peter... Your eyes..."

"I know," I lie, reaching out to her, "I know, but it's okay, that's not important right now, we need to get you somewhere safe." What was she talking about? What's wrong with my eyes? Forget it, not right now.

She took my outstretched hand into hers. She has no idea what kind of danger she is in.

"Not a word of what happened there to any living soul." I have to kill her. I have to kill her, like I killed Sara. I turn my attention back to the damsel in distress. "No one. I'll explain everything to you tomorrow." No, she has to die. She can't be alive tomorrow. "Go, Catherine. Now." She didn't know what I could do. I didn't know what I could do. "Catherine..." I warn her, a new edge in my voice prominent, as I look her straight in her eyes, "Go.

She takes one last look at my changed eyes and runs back home. I let her go. I broke the promise just moments after swearing to it. Igetis would kill me. Ignoring everything that has happened today, I too leave for home.


Furious wouldn't have been the right word to describe Ester when I reach home. He is emitting smoke- literally- from his ears when I enter and if not for the sudden increase in my status in the Oi Alloi community, and the shocking news of my four dominant powers, he probably would have killed me without thinking twice. But now, he knows that I hold the upper hand. That I am the one this house belonged to. That I have complete control of his life now. That if he bends against my will, even once, I can crush him like one could crush an unknowing ant on the streets.