Chereads / The Archaic Dragon Mage / Chapter 635 - 21

Chapter 635 - 21



The only elf that had an expression of true terror was the time elementalist. He had collapsed at the mere sight of me. How rude.

"Little girl," The queen tensed up.

She probably thought I was insulting her gender or something like that. The thing was even with how old she'd grown she was still a child to me. She had lived thousands of years, and she was still a child to me. A thousand years was barely a thought in my mind. I blinked slowly.

I didn't need to blink, but I was unnaturally still so it helped my opponents relax. Not that I cared. I only breathed when I needed to speak. I allowed myself to float down to the ground slowly. My feet touched the ground gently.

My suit was pure black, and it contrasted greatly with the color of my skin. Black, and white went well together. Why change up a wardrobe that works? The queen slashed at me again trying to catch me off guard with a quick slash followed by a lunge. I allowed the lunge to hit me.

Her blade slide through my flesh with nearly no resistance. She looked surprised as I gripped her blade with my bare hand.

"Your soul weapon is quite weak," I smiled at her, "Perhaps it's me that's too strong. I've fought dragon kings to a standstill, and elven high kings to the death. What could you possibly do to me that I hasn't been done before?"

Her righteous indignation faltered for a moment. She realized what she was facing in that moment.

"What are you?" she leapt back.

"I believe the elves used to call me the blood immortal," I smiled at her.

She paled. That was a name that she knew. I was surprised. It had been a long time since I'd used the name. Even longer since I used it in battle.

Before I came to rest on this rock my name was all it took to turn my enemies away, but knowing my name wouldn't be enough to stop her from fighting me. She rushed forward again. This time her three meat puppets jumped in as well. Well the three that could jump in. I allowed them to attack me.

I didn't fight back in the slightest.

"It's been a long time since I last saw necromancy," I started having casual conversation about the time she stabbed me in the eye, "You do know that necromancy is forbidden magic for a reason right?"

My soul blade glistened red as I let it hang in my grip limply by my side. There were still four elves that hadn't moved yet. The time elementalist wasn't a problem. His future sight was good enough that every time he looked forward he could see what would happen if he moved against me. I didn't need future sight to predict what would happen to all of these elves.

"Don't kill the time elf," Wyatt spoke for the first time since the fight began.

He was quiet about it, and I was a little surprised to find he was still awake. The condition he was in made me think he would have passed out the moment he laid down. I guess I didn't give the young drake enough credit. He was forcing himself to stay awake so he could watch this fight. I guess I should show him something interesting while he's still watching.

"You know," I hit them all with a wave of blood.

Throwing them back off of me all at once.

"My soul blade isn't really meant for a physical confrontation," I smiled at them as I drew my blood back into myself.

I held the blade up in the air as high as my arm could reach, and let go. I could restrict it to the shape of a blade, and I often did, but that wasn't the true form of my soul blade. The blade turned liquid floating upward in several smaller drops. Those drops formed a larger bubble.

"Blood magic is a fickle thing," I kept my hand in the air.

My soul blade changed to a deep purple color. It's surface rippled. Little drops of liquid separated from the main ball. They shot toward my enemies at a speed even my own eyes couldn't track. The little droplets pierced my enemies.

Most of them wondered briefly what exactly I'd done, but they would know soon. I could feel my own strength growing as the sun finally dipped below the horizon. Their mana rushed into my body as I started consuming them from within. Those little drops of liquid were in effect pieces of my body. My body consumed blood, and mana at an accelerated rate.

Despite how much blood I'd consumed I still hadn't drank my fill. These elves didn't stand a chance against a half starved vampire. I was a half starved immortal vampire. There was no denying that simple fact. I was one of a kind even among the vampires of old.

I was a day walker vampire once. Until I fused with a pure light spirit. The combination of the healing spirit with a vampires natural resistance to all forms of damage made me the immortal creature I was today. That was also why I didn't actually need permission to drink peoples blood. I'd spent so many months, and years worrying about turning soulless once I drank the blood of another without permission.

Once I was fused with the spirit of light drinking the blood of another no longer had the ability to rip my soul, and power away. I would have died long ago if it wasn't for that simple fact. Now I was immortal because of a simple decision that was meant to keep me alive. I'd only found out later that I didn't actually want to live. It was truthfully an unpleasant revelation realized over the span of a few centuries.

I probably realized it about the time the people of my own nation started trying to kill me. The immortal lord. The immortal king. I'd been made a lord based on my own achievements. I was made a king when a younger generation came to think of me as too dangerous.