Chereads / The Archaic Dragon Mage / Chapter 410 - 26.3

Chapter 410 - 26.3

I changed the shoes to high boots. The kind that had too many laces. They could be seen through the jeans whenever I flexed the fabric right. I remembered finding them attractive when I was human. It's a guild.

If you can see your feet then you'll get them damaged. Now the hard part. Taking on Savannah's mentality. This would take practice. Another question popped into my mind as I thought about the amount of meat I needed for my meals.

"How do you make a spatial storage space?" I glanced over to Regala.

"You'll need to reach the fusion level before you can even attempt it," she eyed me suspiciously.

"What do I do once I make it to the fusion level?" I pressed on.

"It's not an easy spell to cast," she sighed, "Even if you do manage it. The space requires constant concentration, and mana use to maintain. You're better off creating a spatial crystal, and having an accomplished forger place that crystal in a ring or necklace. Once the runes are in place the spell maintains itself."

"Runes?" I hadn't herd of those before, "Are those some sort of language?"

"Written language of magic," Regala looked at me like I was stupid, "Runes help direct magic into spells. Elemental crystals help amplify the effect of the correct runes as well as drawing in and converting mana."

"So even if I did cast the spell I would have to maintain it constantly," I contemplated, "That's not funny."

"Nothing comes free," she made a nonchalant gesture as she made the illusion of a woman disappear.

I woke up not long after the conversation ended. Ethan stayed a hundred percent aware of the surroundings the entire time I was sleeping. He relaxed visibly when he realized I was coming around. He knew he could wake me anytime, but didn't think of actually doing it because I needed the information Regala was giving me. I flicked my tail away from my body as I brought my wings back up.

Folding them in close. The muscles in my neck flexed slightly as I raised my head, and looked out over the camp. I needed to determine where the nest was before I went too crazy with the internal investigation. I noticed the drone tent when the chilled wind blew the flap open. They had five of them.

I stood up quickly. Startling everyone nearby with my sudden movement.

{Who wants to help go exploring?} I mentally asked all three of my bonded.

Ethan looked at me funny. I didn't need to ask him. He always wanted to go.

{Do I get my own dragon scale warming armor?} Jax replied slowly.

He was getting better at speaking mentally.

{You'll have to ask Bryce,} I snorted, {He's the one that'll make it for you. Ask Savannah to loan you the phone.}

{Without that armor I'll freeze my ass off,} Jax replied faster this time, {I'll stay here, and help create better defenses. Underground bunkers wouldn't be a bad idea.}

{Eric will probably send someone to try, and poach you again,} I rolled my shoulders, and slowly began to extend my wings, {Don't trust them. They were willing to experiment on creatures as dangerous wyverns. I don't think they would hesitate to do something to you. They might even try to say that whatever it is is beneficial to you.}

{You don't know that for sure,} Jax replied haughtily.

I did know for sure. How I got that information was the questionable part?

{I'm going,} Savannah had been awake for a little while now, {I need to test the enhancements your blood made to my body, and this darkness element. It's dangerous. I put a hole in the tent just trying to test it out.}

She hadn't discovered the shadow manipulation part yet. I'd have to show her that part.

{Have you noticed the change in your fire element?} I let my eyes drift as they slowly migrated over to her.

The humans around us could feel my eyes as they brushed past each of them. They shifted uneasily, or moved away. I stopped when my eyes landed on Savannah. I was surprised to see that her armor had changed. The black scaled armor now had obvious red edges.

It was nearly half red. The stiff cautious way she walked told me she wasn't used to her strength yet.

{How far did you fly when you tried to get up?} I stretched my wings, and back until they popped.

Straightening immediately afterward as the relief washed through me. It was always satisfying to pop a stiff limb or spine. The pops were loud enough to make the people nearby flinch. I allowed my wings to come in about halfway. They'd gone out of their way to give me plenty of space.

I offered Savannah my tail as usual. She stepped on it, and balanced on its width perfectly as I lifted her up to my back. She was no longer unsure about how well she'd manage to balance anymore. Ethan just jumped from the ground to my back without hesitation.

"You could do that too if you really wanted to," Ethan whispered into her ear as he moved past her to sit in his notch.

Savannah just looked at him in disbelief. He'd never said something so full of cocky arrogance before. I launched myself into the air before she could think of a response. I could feel the extra weight of a second person distinctly. It wasn't enough to stop me from flying, but it would exhaust me eventually.

I'd never flown longer then four hours with multiple people. The flight from our outpost was only three hours, but I had one less person right now. I planned to go out an entire day. That meant I was going to be gone a minimum of two days. Jax's mentality was focused on creating some underground fire bunkers that would disperse flames instead of allowing them to reach the people hiding inside.