Chereads / The Archaic Dragon Mage / Chapter 300 - 3

Chapter 300 - 3

I had no intention of going too crazy right now. I froze before closing the warehouse door. I spotted someone recognizable. Seemed like the boy snuck out on his own. I had to refrain from smirking while the guards were watching.

That didn't mean I wouldn't be able to chat with the kid. I had my own tricks as well. I closed the warehouse door, and used my new privacy to switch to my human form. My mana clothes appeared on my lean muscular frame the instant I made the switch. The saddle dropped to the ground.

Now far too loose to fit my much smaller frame. I adjusted my jacket casually, and opened a spatial portal to the roof of the warehouse. The drain was lower then I expected, but that was probably because I was used to opening spatial portals to other planets. I took advantage of the dark night sky, and rushed to the edge of the roof before jumping across to the next building over. Using the wind to soften my landing so that I wasn't heard.

Rushing across a few more rooftops before dropping down in the alley between two buildings, and sneaking my way over to the kid. I walked up behind the kid, and tapped his shoulder. Startling the crap out of the kid that was trying to covertly look around the corner to the warehouse where I normally rested.

"What are you doing?" I kept my voice low enough that I didn't have to worry about being overheard.

"Nothing," he stuttered, "I was just out for a stroll."

"A stroll?" I smirked, "Kind of hard to do in a wheelchair. What made you come this way? I heard there was a dangerous beast in that warehouse you were thinking about breaking into."

"No," He rolled back a foot or so, "I wasn't thinking of going anywhere near that flying lizard."

He flinched when my expression turned sour for a second. I shook off the sting I felt when he called me a flying lizard.

"I can get you in if that's what you want," I stepped back, and leaned into the wall, "He was interested in chatting with you, and has been waiting for you to show up."

"You've talked to that thing?" he looked up at me in amazement.

"I've done a lot more than just talk," I held back a snigger as I thought about just how funny it was to talk about myself in he third person like this.

"Why should I listen to you?" the kid finally questioned my intentions, "You could be some kidnapper that wants me for something bad. I swear I'll starting yelling as loud as I can if you so much as touch me."

"Who said anything about wanting to touch you?" I chuckled, "You can figure out your own way in if that's what you want to do." I opened a spatial portal to the warehouse behind me, and stepped back into the warehouse, "It was just an offer. You don't have to take me up on it."

Now that the kid saw me in the light he realized something odd about the way I was dressed. I wasn't wearing any shoes, or a shirt. Just a long coat, and a pair of what appeared to be black jeans. I allowed the spatial portal to slowly start shrinking. The kid looked more than a little concerned as the portal slowly shrank out of existence.

"Wait," he reached out to stop me for leaving him.

I enlarged the portal again, and raised a brow at the boy, "Why?"

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Wyatt Nix," I shrugged casually.

"Nix?" the wheels were slowly turning in the kids head, "Isn't that the beast's name?"

I shrugged with a smirk, but didn't answer. Stepping out of the kids line of sight, and letting him make a choice on his own. I could revert back to my real body anytime I wanted, and I probably would if the kid didn't make a choice in the next five minutes. Even if opening the portal was cheaper than I expected, that didn't make it cheap. The only reason I could just casually keep it open like this was because of how massive my mana reserve had become.

I'd given him plenty of reasons to want to come in. It was up to him now. I wouldn't force him. I wouldn't get what I wanted from him if I did. The kid rolled through the portal cautiously.

Stopping mid way through the portal where he could see me.

"In or out kid?" I grumbled from where I stood, "Spatial portals are expensive, and not exactly the safest place to stand."

He wheeled himself through cautiously, and the portal closed behind him.

"They'll hear me if I start yelling in here," the kid looked at me nervously.

"I won't do anything to you," I scoffed, "What kind of pervert do you take me for?"

I picked up the saddle, and folded the straps up before setting it down next to the wall. Double checking the door before turning my attention back to the kid that was watching me.

"Who are you?" the kid asked again.

"Wyatt Nix," I smirked at the kid before allowing my eyes to change back to their dragon appearance, "The dragon."

I allowed my body to slowly change back completely. My scaly bulk seeming to come out of nowhere at all. I chuckled at the kids terrified look at the man that had turned into a beast right before his eyes. The wide eyed terror on his face made me want to smile even more.

"I did say I wanted to chat with you didn't I?" I flicked my long tail casually.

"You're a dragon?" he stared at me with a stunned expression, "How did you look like a normal guy?"

"Spellcasting," I flared my wings slightly, "Magic. It's not as difficult as you might think."

"Why would something like you want to talk to me?" the kid asked.