Chereads / The Archaic Dragon Mage / Chapter 223 - One sided beating

Chapter 223 - One sided beating

I wrapped Ethan in my water so that only his face was spared from getting wet. Moving him to the edge of the arena near a door, and using ice to rip the door apart before depositing Ethan in the little room on the other side, and draw all the water back to me slowly. Leaving Ethan safe, and dry away from the fight. Finally my eyes went back to normal. I kept my murderous intent focused on Mathew.

"Waiting for me to come to you first?" I snarled, "Or just too much of a pussy to attack me?"

Mathew's face twisted in anger as he threw a wind slash my way. I enclosed his attack within my own wind elemental mana, and broke it up before it could reach me. Having my shirt ruffled by the remnants of his attack.

"Is that the best you can do?" I walked towards him as my outer expression went blank.

I shot out a wind slash of my own. Mathew sensed the attack, and threw out his own to intercept it. Both attacks slammed into each other. Mathew's was destabilized by my attack, but not destroyed. The attack slammed into me.

Slashing a big line across my shirt, but doing no damage at all to my body beneath the shirt.

"Your affinity for wind is stronger than mine," I sent out another wind slash with twice the mana behind it.

Difference in control could be made up for with power. Mathew sent out his own attack. Our attacks destroyed each other.

"Doesn't make much of a difference," I rushed towards him.

Throwing out wind slashes to block his as I closed the distance. Mathew realized that I was closing faster than he could get away, and formed a whirlwind around his feet. Using it to fly.

"No," I growled to myself as I pointed two fingers at him like a gun, "Ethan didn't get to run."

A lightning bolt shot out of the tips of my fingers, and struck him. His body went ridged as he came tumbling back down. I hadn't forgotten about my water either. The horror that crossed Mathew's face when he landed in water less than ten feet from someone who could use lightning. I shot lightning into the water.

Since the water was mostly composed of my mana there was no resistance from the water as my lightning passed though it. Shocking Mathew from everywhere the water was touching. My water circulated the lightning again so he got hit twice from the same bolt. I prepared another bolt to hit him again. I raised my hand to release the bolt only to get hit by a wind attack that was far more powerful than Mathew was even capable of.

A large cut was opened up on my back as I was slammed face first into the ground in my water. I didn't lose control of my lightning since pain was a minor distraction for someone like me. I let the lightning loose in the water again, but I didn't have time to circulate it back to Mathew again before what felt like two feet buried my face into the floor of the arena. I grabbed an ankle before he could get off of me, and threw yanked one of his feet off the back of my head as I shoved up with my free arm. I felt my eyes change again as my anger started to get the best of me.

He tried to yank out of my grip, but my grip tightened before he could.

Storm dragons wrath skill activated.

Don't care. I lifted him up with one hand by the ankle until his other foot came off the ground, and went to slam him into the ground. I got hit with a massive amount of water, and since I'd barely managed to get to my feet a second ago I was slammed back face first into the ground. Massive amounts of water poured on top of me. Slamming me into the ground in waves to keep me from getting up for a few seconds before it let me float off the ground within the bubble.

All the air had been driven from my lungs so I panicked for a split second before I realized that I still felt fine. Focus Wyatt. I told myself as I slammed my hands together as if I was praying. Rotating my left hand until my left fingers were point straight down while the fingers on my right continued pointing skyward. I used the time it took to rotate my hand to take control of all the water touching me, and my hands as a focal point.

I closed my eyes to focus on the water I was controlling, and tried to expand the amount I was controlling a little further. I thrust both hands palms out as far as I could. Dragging all the water within my control with them. Blocking any water that was out of my control out of my bubble. I spit the water out of my mouth, and breathed in slowly before exhaling just as slowly.

By now the water great had figured out that I had taken control of some of the water she'd summoned. I crouched down like a seasoned runner, and focused on the direction I felt the least amount of danger from, and leapt. Slashing my way out of the massive water bubble with my air. To me it felt like it took half an hour to gain control over some of the water, and escape it, but in reality it all took less than a minute. The mass of water burst splashing everywhere in the arena except for where the two mages I was fighting were standing.

The water cascaded back. Covering the entire floor of the arena with about two inches worth of water. I looked at the two greats that were standing on the other side of the arena. Mathew had gotten himself back up, but he was soaked from head to toe in water just like me. The water great stood on the water, and the air great stood in it.

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