Chereads / The Archaic Dragon Mage / Chapter 136 - Better than you think

Chapter 136 - Better than you think

"Better than you think," He stepped on Bray's body as he came towards me.

"You're using that body up," I growled, "I can smell the decay from here."

I rushed forward. His bones snapped broke as they shot though his skin. Wraith's used dead bodies to manipulate them as weapons. Problem with that was they kept the bodies ability as well as being able to manipulate their magic at will. That, and the bodies they inhabited weren't always dead when they took them for themselves. I reinforced my body to withstand the hit of the bone spikes that shot out of him.

They were just gaseous beings in the first place. They needed a body to do damage to magic resistant being. Disgusting. I rushed forward without hesitation. I needed to destroy his body.

Once a wraith leaves its host body its vulnerable. They can't survive more than a couple hours without a body, and they cannot take over a strong living body. Their survival time was entirely dependent on how much magic they had left in their reserves. The more of those reserves I managed to use up before he abandoned this body. The less time I'd have to keep the wraith busy before it would die.

I started breaking bones off. Without another source of calcium he'd have to use his magic to regenerate them. His face, and body started to get more, and more flexible as he had less, and less bones to keep his body in a human shape. It was started to feel like I was punching a human shaped balloon the longer this all went on. It was completely dark by the time he ran out of bone.

At least that was what I thought when a spike went through my gut. Grett lost his composure, and rushed in when I was wounded. The wraith summoned all the bones of his broken body back to him piercing Grett in the back half a dozen times. Grett went down, but he was still alive. I could hear his heart pounding.

I pulled the stint of bone out of my gut, and rushed him again. Calling the bones back wasn't a human ability, and he didn't have much magic to begin with. His body was starting to decay fast. If I forced him to do something like that again then he'd have to abandon his decaying body to find another body. Once he got a new body it would take some time for him to regenerate his mana.

I gave up on surviving this encounter. Grett was down for the count, but the wraith wouldn't be able to take the body of any of the wolves here so he wouldn't be able to tear his body apart like he'd done to the others. I took stab after stab only bothering to protect my vital areas. Breaking off the bones any and every way I could. As the Alfa of the excursion I was responsible for the survival of my temporary pack so death would be considered equal compensation for my failure.

My transformation started to fail as my vision blurred, and my mana ran out. I backed away to try, and figure out which one of the wraiths in my vision was the one I was fighting, but my destroyed knees buckled. I couldn't stay standing anymore.

"I guess I will need a new body," the glow in the wraith's eyes began to fade.


I could smell decay as we approached the wolves cautiously. I didn't have the greatest sense of smell so it had to be pretty strong for me to detect it. Soren seemed to have given up of defense. He was trying to take out Jesse with himself from what I could tell from the intense exchange of blows. Soren wasn't doing very well.

He was against an enemy that didn't seem to care about his body at all. When Soren backed off unsteady on his feet I knew he wouldn't last much longer. I straightened up on my own feet, and shoved the confused Ethan out in front of me as I nearly collapsed from the pain I was in. Ethan looked back at me in his confusion.

"Kill that thing," I leaned against a tree.

Ethan's face went from confusion to focus as he rushed into the fray. Activating his ability, and crushing Jesse's body. Defending the last two surviving wolves. My focus was basically shot. I could barely keep my eyes open let alone focused on the two severely injured wolves in front of me.

System stabilize their conditions. I don't want them to die.

Permission to use spell healing spring?

Granted. Water gathered around the wounds of the two collapsed wolves, and started healing them both as Ethan nonchalantly used his telepathy to shrug off the bone attacks that followed Ethan's initial crushing of the now zombified looking corpse of Jesse.

"Enough!!!" Jesse screamed as something started to shrug off his body slowly.

The glowing green humanoid cloud that came out of the corpse as it decayed. Rushed Ethan. Picking him up, and throwing him into a tree like a rag doll.

"Now," The green cloud monster looked down at the bodies of the wolves about the same time that Soren regained consciousness, "Time for me to get a new body."

Ethan tried to crush the wraith's body again, but without a solid form the wraith just slipped out of the ability. My eyes dropped as a fresh wave of pain rushed through me.

"Perfect," The wraith released a wave of icy chilled air as it rushed the unknowing me, "A wounded one."

It slammed into me dragging me up into the air with it, and started shoving itself into every opening on my head. Forcing it's way into my body.


I felt the chill of water on my skin, and the feeling of my wounds slowly closing. Healing water magic? But who? I pushed myself off the ground slowly just in time to see that kid with the telepathy going flying past me into a tree.