Chereads / The Archaic Dragon Mage / Chapter 83 - Basilisk Venom

Chapter 83 - Basilisk Venom

Turning people to stone with a bite was an ability only Basilisk's had. Yet I saw Wyatt use that exact ability. It had to have something to do with that crystal I'd fed him. I got up, and started walking down the hall the check out the rest of the bunker we'd locked ourselves in. It was three floors deep.

There were fifteen tiny rooms on each floor. The rooms basically only had standing room besides the bed, and the small side table with two drawers. Some of the rooms had a few weapons hanging on the walls. All the weapons I saw were clearly secondary weapons. Some were kept in brand new shape for when they were need while others were in severe disrepair.

The difference in personalities was funny to see in the weapons that hung on the walls or the lack of weapons. Each floor had a single three stall bathroom at the end. Each bathroom had one shower. There were stairs that led down as if to go to a fourth floor, but it was pretty clear that construction on that fourth floor had barely begun. Once I was satisfied that we were the only ones here I went back up the the ground floor.

I drug a mattress out of the closest room to Wyatt that wasn't blocked by his body, and sat down on it to meditate. I didn't know how long Wyatt would be out this time, but between the exhaustion, and whatever change his body had gone through I hoped it would be sooner rather than later. Whoever was coming for us would only have three days to find us after today. I yawned as the days events slowly caught up to me as well. I wondered briefly how much longer I could stay awake without my adrenaline keeping me going.

I could worry about that later though.


I heard an annoying beeping sound pulling me back into awareness slowly. My wings twitched as I brought my head up to stare down the bunkers top floor hallway. Savannah was asleep with her back up against the wall. I on the other hand felt great. I hadn't felt this good after sleeping since before I became a dragon.

Then I remembered. I'd gotten a ton of notifications when I was fighting. I'd ignored them all at the time because I needed to focus on surviving at the time. System give me the shortest version of all those notifications as you can.

User has successfully evolved into unique variant youngling Storm Dragon. User is currently level 12. Variant abilities unlocked. Passive skill Berserker has evolved to passive skill focused storm dragon's wrath. Activation parameters of skill have not changed.

Current stats

Health 110

Strength 41

Agility 41

Stamina 43

Instinct 20

Damage resistance 42

Mana 220

Multiple skills have leveled up. Current levels.

Murderous intent level 7

Camouflage form hand to hand level 5

Mana absorption level 7

Stealth level 6

Hypnotism level 3

Trust bond ally Ethan level 7

Trust bond ally Savannah level 5

Marksmanship level 8

Mana control level 6

Venomous level 2 (Unique mutation)

Air affinity level 3

-Air bubble level 3

-Air burst level 3

-Air slash level 3

-Air void level 3

Water affinity level 5

-Freeze zone level 5

-Healing spring level 5

-Ice sword level 5

Lightning affinity level 5

-Lightning skin level 5

-Lightning breath level 5

Multi element spells

-White out level 3

-Eye of the storm level 3 (Unique spell variant to Storm dragon)

-Restore level 5 (Unique spell variant to water affinity type dragons)

185/3200 xp until level 13.

I reread all the notifications again. I didn't remember Storm dragon being on the list of possible evelutions. I wracked my brain for a minute as I tried to think of whether the system had mentioned something like this. Unique variants had three or more elements. I looked through my notifications again, and I did in fact have three elements now.

Not only that, but my newest element had shot up to rival my strongest element. If I didn't evolve into one of the variants that I'd looked at before that meant I had no clue what I looked like now. I looked down at my chest first. Black. I looked over the rest of me slowly.

All my scales had turned black, but they weren't completely black. They had what appeared to be a single colored hair thin stripe in the middle. It would be easy to miss this slight coloration if it weren't for the complete, and utter darkness of the rest of each scale. These colored stripes came in three different colors gold, icey blue, and silver. They appeared to be spread equally throughout my entire body.

The only part of my body these thin stripes didn't extend to was the membranes of my wings themselves. The membranes of my wings were completely black. Even my claws had thin stripes of color on them. I stood up slowly on all fours, and noticed that despite rising to level twelve I wasn't actually that much bigger, or at least I didn't feel that much bigger. I glanced over to where Savannah was sleeping, and watched her quietly for a few minutes.

That is until her watch blinked. I rushed up to Savannah shaking her gently. Savannah blinked at me slowly as she looked up at me.

"We're being pinged," Was all I said before rushing down the hallway to find some clothes.

Whatever I found probably wouldn't fit right, but it was better than being naked. I grabbed the first clothes I could find that were close to my size. Switching forms, and pulling them on. I got lucky on shoes. I found a pair of boots that were actually a really nice fit.

Then I briefly wished there were clothes that would change with me so I wouldn't have to go through this every single time. I rushed back up to Savannah. Savannah didn't look startled when I came up behind her this time.

"Do you want to wait in here or go out there?" Savannah asked.

"Let's go out," I unlocked the door, and looked at Savannah to see if she was ready for what came next.