Chereads / I became Pansy Parkinson / Chapter 21 - Chapter 21

Chapter 21 - Chapter 21

"Pansy Dear come fast, we are getting late. " said Elody , my mother.

Now we are making our way through King Cross's station, it's really as mesmerizing as I thought, my heart is thumping with the excitement.

And then it came the portal between muggle world and wizarding world platform number 9 3/4.

I just stopped there for a few second to register the spectacular, I felt an encouraging pat on my shoulder I turned to see my mother smiling at me encouragingly 

"Good Luck Pansy Dear" she said smiling.

"Thanks Mom." I said smiling.

And then I moved forward to get on to platform  9 3/4 by doing a small prayer to god.As I entered I was amazed by what I saw, it is exactly like described in the book.

A scarlet steam engine was waiting next to a platform packed with people. A sign overhead said Hogwarts Express, 11 o'clock .  Smoke from the engine drifted over the heads of the chattering crowd, there are cats of different colours , owls and heavy trucks. The first few carriages were already packed with students, some hanging out of the window to talk to their families, some fighting over seats. 

And I made my way into the train I said few goodbyes to my mother as I heard the whistle blowing, I quickly made my way into the compartments to find my slytherin friends, Draco, Theo, Daphne, and others.

"Pansy!" exclaimed Dray.

I smiled and started chatting with them, and  the topic came that the Harry Potter is also on the train, Dray said he would meet him and asked me to accompany him to which I politely declined and just rolled my eyes.

As I was enjoying the scenery out of window, I was disturbed as the compartment door slid open

"Has anyone seen a toad? Neville's lost one," she said. There she is Hermoine Granger.

"Well! first things first it is quite rude to open the door without knocking. And no we haven't seen any toad" I said sighing in my heart. Its just that I don't really get along with studious people and hence I am planning to keep Hermoine at my arms length. I can see her face turning red with embarrassment and the she quickly left after saying sorry.

Now thinking about my future is making me nervous and most importantly what would be my house this question has been burning in my head since I came into this world and now it intensified a 100 times, Well I can get the answer by the end of the day, but the fact there is only a few hours to decide my house is not at all helping.

I am a leo in my previous life which shows the probability of me  being in Gryffindor, although I know that Gryffindor is all about bravery and I had enough experiences in my life which prove that I am not brave, well sorting hat may go wrong or what if I am such case as Neville Longbottom or Petter Pettigrew, what will I do if I am sorted into Gryffindor how will Cuzz, Dray and others react, how will my parents react and most importantly what would Severus think.

I guess I wont be a Hupplepuff as I know for sure at any moment of time I place myself over others, there is a high probability between Slytherin and Ravenclaw if I think rationally, I guess I am just very nervous i thought looking at my sweating palms.

My trail of thoughts were broken by Dray who is cursing about Weasleys and the great Harry Potter, as the time passed a voice echoed through the train: 'We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes' time. Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately.'  

I am just really getting nervous I started taking deep breaths to cool myself down and started wearing my black robes and then train started slowing down I along with Dray and others were about to go down then we saw two twins chirping 'Fred and George Weasley' I thought  and then as. I got down the train I heard "'Firs'-years! Firs'-years over here!" 'Hagrid I thought as I saw a big man with a lamp standing there.

"Pansy, are you alright?" asked Theo. 

I just looked at Theo and blinked alright? definitely not, I am nervous about my house  and now just by turning my head I can see some or other characters of Harry Potter, well I know they are not just characters but real people, but this is my first time coming in contact with too many (characters) people at the same time and I guess its too unrealistic.

Theo just held my sweaty Palm and smiled at me as if reassuring me that its going to be alright. I just replied to him with a smile.

And them I moved forward to see the boats, I climed them with Dray, Theo and Daphne, from the corner of my eye i can see the Golden trio and the majestic castle. I was awed by what I saw for a few moments. And then we went into the castle, there she was Minerva McGonagall with a stern face, pointed hat and emerald robes. She went on to explain the four houses and some rules and then left.

I turned my face to see Harry looking at me I just smiled at him, to which he did the same and then he turned to Ron

'How exactly do they sort us into houses?' he asked Ron. 

'Some sort of test, I think. Fred said it hurts a lot, but I think he was joking.' said Ron.

All my nervousness I have been feeling has just disappeared for a few seconds I just tried to control my laughter by seeing the faces of Golden Trio, Harry's face is turning red, Ron's pale and Hermoine is revising all the spells she learned.

"It's just a sorting hat!" I said controlling my laughter.

"What a dumbos!" said Dray in my ear.

To which I just narrowed my eyes at him 

"Okay! Slytherins have to act good, I get it" said raising his arms into surrendering position

"What will you do if I am not sorted into Slytherin?"

"What are you even talking?" he said making a face as if he has eaten Bertie Bott's vomit flavored jelly.

I just sighed listening to it. And then Professor McGonagall came and took us to the great hall and I have absolutely no words to describe the beauty of it, I felt that two eyes are not sufficient to see the beauty, as I was mesmerized by Hogwarts, then I saw Severus along with other professors, the sorting ceremony began after hat sung its song.

It started with Abbot and then Bones, Boot and so on

"Greengrass Daphne" 

"Malfoy  Draco" 

"Nott Theodore" 

And then it came

"Parkinson Pansy."

I just went to the stool and sat on it only to see that a hall full of people are looking at me, I can see Cuzz from a corner of my eye. My palms are sweating, my stomach is crunching and then the hat was placed on my head, "Hmmm..interesting very interesting there are good brains, a fiercely protective  love for the loved ones, I could sense a great potential in you! But where should I put you in, may be Gryffindor I can sense it could be great for your future"

"Slytherin Please" I whispered.

"Slytherin? I could sense you would do excellent in Ravenclaw with that brain of yours."

"Slytherin Please" I again whispered.

And then the hat went on conflicting with itself in which house it has to keep me in, it felt like an eternity has passed, I looked at Slytherin table only to see the nervousness in the faces of  Draco and my other friends, Cuzz is biting his nails which he would do only in his extremely tensed states. I can hear my heart beat louder with each second passed, I can feel that the great hall is getting quieter and quieter wondering who is taking this much time, sorting hat is still contemplating on where to put me, I just rolled my eyes in my heart, 1st for my wand and now for my house why do I have to wait for this long.

"Slytherin Please " I said sighing for the last time. 

"Slytherin? Are you sure..? I am sure you would do great in Ravenclaw though well TA..DA...SLYTHERIN " 

I felt an instant relief in my nerves I turned my head to give a triumphant smile to Severus as I moved towards Slytherin table I can see Cuzz literally jumping with joy while throwing green silver sparks from his wand the whole table is shouting with joy .

"Stop it Cuzz you are embarrassing me." I said with a fake glare.

" Pansy!  you can't imagine in your wildest dreams what I have gone through just now, can you imagine you being in another team of Quidditch literally knowing every strategy of mine " said Cuzz

"Oh! so all the drama just know is for the quidditch?" I asked.

"Ofcourse! Don't tell me you thought it's for you" Cuzz told with a scoff.

For which I just rolled my eyes.

"Do you know you got the longest Hatstall in the history of Hogwarts?" said Theo.

"Really!" I said sighing.

"Anyway! I am just happy that you made it into here. Welcome to Slytherin Miss Parkinson" Dray said in a dramatic tone.

"Stop it Dray" I said and turned my head only to see that Harry Potter moving towards the hat to get sorted and with in two minutes the hat shouted "Gryffindor" and then he got the loudest cheer ever.

After some time the tables are filled with food and I ate to my heart content and then our prefects made our way to our Slytherin common room, the 1st word that came into my mind after seeing it is 'Grand'. I shared a room with Daphne and Millicent. At the end of the day I wrote all the days events in the dairy given my Ricky and slide into my dream land.