Immediately she picked Andrew's call."Good Morning Sir",said Niya politely. "Good Morning..... Ms have to join EMPIRE from next month", said Andrew from other side." Oh I forgot to say...send me your details ",said Andrew.
" OK sir ...I will send my details.... just give me 10 minutes",said Niya."Mss you can take time up to 1 hour, but call me after sending your details ",said Andrew." OK, sir ...thank you ",said Niya." Welcome and bye",said Andrew and hung up.
Within 10 minutes, Niya send her details to Andrew and call him again. He picked her call in first ring."Sir...I sent my details ",said Niya." Good",replied Andrew and hung up the call.
In Nora's room, after their passionate kiss. Tadelesh gave a peck on her forehead and kissed her knuckles. Seeing her husband's love for her , her eyes got teary."Thank you Tadelesh for giving me another life...and thank you again for giving me so much love",said Nora.
"Oh my beautiful woman..... don't remember her about your past just focus on your present and future....I am your present and future.... I will always stand by your side no matter what happens", said Tadelesh to Nora." Thank you my man",said Nora while smiling.
"Tadelesh got up from bed and went to complete morning routine. After he went inside bathroom and locked it's door. After a while he opened bathroom door " Wifey....plz give me bath towel",said Tadelesh to Nora."Baby...I think you should ask this to your Jack Wifey",said Nora while chuckling. "That idiot must have been sleeping in his room", said Tadelesh.
Nora opened the cupboard and took new piece of undergarment and new bath towel from inside. She closed the door and went near bathroom. She knocked the bathroom's door and he opened the bathroom's door a little.
She gave them to Tadelesh." are so lucky. I am not doing anything here",said Tadelesh with a smirk.Nora was blushing at the time. He closed the door and she came out of the room.
She went near Niya's room and knocked on the door."Coming ",she heard Niya's voice from Inside . After few seconds she opened the door." Good Morning sis",said Niya to Nora."How are you dear?",asked Nora. Niya slowly nodded her head.''Take care of yourself ",said Nora." Hmm",replied Niya slowly. "Sis....please come inside", said Niya.Nora nooded and went Inside.
Tadelesh came inside room and dialled Jack's number After 4 rings he picked Tadelesh's call." What happened brother'',asked Jack in sleepy voice from other side."Are you still sleeping? ",asked Tadelesh." Yes, brother",replied Jack.
"Tell me about yesterday's incident", said Tadelesh." I will tell you later bro ",said Jack." But when are you..... ",said Tadelesh." Very soon",replied Jack understanding Tadelesh's unsaid words."OK...OK leave bed and take care of her",said Tadelesh. "OK ... and bye bro", said Jack from other side." Hmm ...bye",said Tadelesh and hung up.
In Jack's room, he leave the bed and went inside bathroom. First he completed morning routine and then he took bath.After 14 minutes he came back to his room. He dried his hair and changed into clothes from bath robes.
In Niya's room,"sister how much you know about Jack?",asked Niya."More than you in this life",said Nora ."Sis I want to know his relation with that woman? ",asked Niya." Girl...he never told his relation with that girl to us",mentioned Nora.
"Sis, I thought he is a nice guy....but I was completely wrong", said Niya with teary eyes."Oh my girl don't cry everything will be fine very soon", said Nora while caressing her back." Sis why is he playing with me .....after all he knows our relationship ",said Niya.
"Hey my baby....don't cry because of your Idiot", said Nora." Sis....honestly I don't love him",said Niya."From now on....I will never cry for him.....after all it's his life.....He can do whatever he want he want",said Niya."My strong",said Nora.Niya nodded and they both were talking with each other when Niya's phone started ringing.
The call was from Victoria. "Good morning sister", both younger girl said." Good Morning my little babies ",said Victoria from other side.Both little bits giggled hearing the word" babies"."Hey tomorrow we planned something ",said Victoria." What sis",said both girls excitedly.
"Well we are going on beach today....,I mean our full family", said Victoria." What?",said Nora excitedly and said Niya shockingly. "What happened Niya?", asked Victoria." Idiot also going with us",asked Niya. "Of course girl", said Victoria." Our code dress white sleeveless knee length frock for girls and white shirt with light blue jeans short pants for boys....and one more thing we five couple are coming there within 1 and half hours...and get ready till 8:30",said Victoria and hung up.
The two girls quickly got up from their seat and quickly both girls choose white sleeveless -knee length frock according to their code-dress.
In Jack's room Tadelesh was also there. The both guys were searching for 2 white shirt with light blue jeans short pants. Jack gave a new set of clothes to Tadelesh to wear. They both quickly changed into beach code dress.
They quickly changed their dress and do simple hairstyle and use sunscreen to protect their skin from sun rays.
In Niya's ROM both girl choose light makeup on their face and both choose light pink shade for their lips. They were doing their makeup when someone knocked the door."Young the door",said Laila."Coming.... elder sis',said Niya from inside.
In few seconds, Niya opened the door.Laila was holding two box and two bottles of juice in her hand. "What is this sister", asked Niya." Little girl.....I kept breakfast in two box. One is for young master Tadelesh and young madam Nora and another one is for young master and you.... you guys didn't eat breakfast.... this is juice bottle",said Laila.
"I have to share breakfast with him", asked Niya unquestionable look." Yes, girl.....don't worry",said Laila."Please sister....I don't want to share with him",said Niya."Oh my little sister.....every thing will be fine very soon",said Laila . Niya denied her head....
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