There was a fire burning in Jian Yu.
It felt like being cooked alive, not from the outside, but inside. His breath quivered in short, quick gasps every time he inhaled, his lungs having no choice but to painfully and rigidly take in the chilled air around him.
His body ached. It burned from somewhere inside him.
He couldn't seem to stop shaking either. Sometimes it was rough, other times he could manage, but every time he'd get close to sleep, a new spell of violent shaking would force him awake.
An unsettling chill ran down his spine and made his arms crawl. He attempted to calm down by taking in a huge gasp of air only to choke.
Jian Yu's last thought before he blacked out completely was that now he was more worried than ever.
Jian Yu swam slowly back to consciousness. He was lying down, he mused. The surface beneath him was sturdy and cold, it wasn't his bed.