Chereads / Ben 10: Justice Incarnate / Chapter 35 - The Main Man Part 5

Chapter 35 - The Main Man Part 5

Planet Spewge

The throne room was filled with the pungent scent. A hulking brown alien sat slouched on a stone throne. The alien oozed green sludge from various orifices. Emperor Spewge was not in a forgiving mood. "I can't believe it!" He pointed finger toward one of the bounty hunters. "Not only has Lobo failed to deliver your thieving brother, Sqweek…" The Emperor's finger jabbed in Gnaww's direction. "But now you tell me that Lobo's taken a bribe to let Sqweek escape."

Gnaww held up his hands defensively. "It's true, Emperor Spewge, on my honor as a bounty hunter."

Spewge's eyes bulged, and a guttural growl escaped his throat. "Ahh! Lobo has broken his word. He'll pay for that!" The Emperor slammed a fist against one of the armrests of his throne. Green sludge erupted from his shoulder.

Gnaww flinched.

"Find him, Gnaww!" he roared. "Drag Lobo and that worthless brother of yours back here—alive or in pieces!"

To emphasize his command, Spewge slammed both fists against his throne. More green sludge spewed forth, splattering across the floor and spraying the group of bounty hunters.

Gnaww winced as a glob of the sludge landed on his head. With a sigh, he peeled and flicked it aside. "Got it."

Beside him, the other two bounty hunters nodded silently.

Spewge leaned back into his throne. "Go now. And bring me results, Gnaww. Or you'll join your brother in being smeared across my floor."

Gnaww nodded to his companions. "You heard him. Let's move."

The Preserver's Ship

Jetray straightened. "What if I told you that I'm the last hope for any alien species?"

The Preserver tilted his head. "I don't follow. How are you able to help them?"

In response, Jetray's form turned into a flash of green light. When it subsided, standing in his place was a human male. Ben crossed his arms with a slight smirk.

The Preserver's eyes widened in astonishment. "Is this your original form? You are… human?"

Ben shrugged. "Kinda. My grandmother's not from Earth, but that's beside the point."

The Preserver leaned forward. "You have my attention. Explain. How can you assist me in my mission?"

"Look, I get what you're trying to do. Preserving near extinct species is noble and all, but the way you're going about it isn't a solution. It's just delaying the enevitable. So, how about a deal? You let me and Superman go, and I'll help you fix the problems you're facing with reproduction."

The Preserver furrowed his brow. "And how, exactly, can you resolve an issue I've been battling for centuries?"

Ben stepped closer to the glass. "Because I can manipulate DNA."

"Manipulate DNA? How does that help?"

Ben gestured toward the various of creatures around them. "Take your non-sentient species, for example. I can alter the genetic material of any being. I could take something simple, like a bird or a mouse, into a genetically compatible member of an endangered species. They could reproduce and repopulate, no problem."

The Preserver's eyes widened with realization. "If what you say is true, that would indeed resolve the reproduction dilemma! Something of that caliber would be revolutionary."

Ben smiled confidently. "See? I knew you'd get it. And all I ask in return is that you let me and Superman head back to Earth."

The Preserver raised an eyebrow. "The Kryptonian's extinction would still be a risk on Earth, no?"

Ben waved it off. "Nah. We've got things covered. Plus, I already have his DNA. Worst-case scenario? I can bring Kryptonians back whenever. I would have to find them a new planet first."

The Preserver hummed in thought. The offer to save every species in his collection had clearly struck a chord. "Your proposal is compelling. I will need time to contemplate your offer and prepare the necessary tests. Before I can agree to anything, I must see such a feat demonstrated. Is that agreeable to you?"

Ben nodded confidently. "Fair enough. We can do it today, right?"

"About an hour from now, yes."

"Got any lab mice and a species in mind?"

The Preserver turned his gaze to the room, his eyes settling on the dinosaur-like alien creature Ben had noticed earlier. "The creature you observed earlier—a Trodaxian. Its species has been extinct in the wild for millennia. If you can recreate a viable mate for it, I will consider your offer."

Ben grinned and cracked his knuckles. "Alright. Let's see what I can do."

"For now, I will place you in the lab containment. Remain there, and do not attempt to leave. We will continue shortly." The Preserver gestured, and Ben was enveloped in a beam of light. In an instant, he was teleported to another room on the ship.


Ben found himself in another glass tube with a bed and chair in what he presumed to be the Preserver's lab. He let out a sigh and leaned back against the wall. "Well? Do you disagree with my choice?"

From his headset, Azmuth's holographic projection appeared. "You are aware of the possible consequences? Someone like Vilgax wanted to create an army with genetic copies of powerful alien species. Even if this Preserver's intentions seem noble, you cannot be certain they will remain so."

Ben crossed his arms. "I get it, Azmuth. Trust me, I'm not just handing over any of the Omnitrix's secrets. This is a need-to-know basis. Plus, there's no way I would repopulate a species that would endanger an ecosystem or an entire planet."

Azmuth tilted his head. "Do you trust that the Preserver won't attempt to use this knowledge against you or others?"

Ben shrugged. "I'll be keeping him within arms reach. He doesn't seem like a completely bad guy. I mean, sure, he's got some serious control issues, but his heart's in the right place. He's trying to save species that would've been wiped out otherwise. That's more than you can say for most people we deal with."

Azmuth's gaze hardened. "You and I are well aware that good intentions do not always lead to good outcomes, Ben. History has proven that time and time again. If you give him the means to manipulate DNA on his own—"

Ben cut him off. "I'm not giving him the means to do anything. He doesn't even know about the the Omnitrix. All he knows is that I can help with his repopulation problem. That's it. No extra details."

Azmuth considered this. "What will you do if he presses for more information or decides to use you by force?"

Ben smirked. "Let him try. We've been through worse. Besides, I've got backup plans. If things go south, I'm outta here."

Azmuth sighed, though there was a faint hint of approval. "You are reckless, as always. But… I suppose the world needs people willing to take the risk."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Ben quipped, glancing toward the closed door. "Look, I'm not saying I trust the guy completely. But if there's even a chance I can help save a species without putting anyone at risk, I've got to try. That's kind of what this watch is all about, right?"

Azmuth's hologram faded slightly. "Just remember, Ben—power like this must always be wielded with caution. One misstep could have far-reaching consequences."

As soon as Azmuth's hologram disappeared, Ben noticed a faint shimmer of light. Before he could react, a pair of tall, blue-skinned alien women teleported inside.

Ben instinctively took a step back. They looked like aliens, but the Omnitrix didn't react. They seemingly weren't organic. "Uh, hello." Ben glanced between the two. "Who are you?"

The first woman stepped forward and gave a polite bow. "We are android assistants designed by the Preserver to accommodate the needs of sentient species while they reside aboard this vessel."

The second woman chimed in with a wink. "We're here to make sure you're comfortable, cutie."

Ben blinked in surprise. "Comfortable?".

The first android nodded. "We ask that you behave during your stay and feel free to ask for anything within reason."

"And we mean anything." The second android had a playful implication as she gave Ben a flirty wink.

Ben's face flushed, and he blinked rapidly, caught off guard. "Oh… uh, oh!" He quickly held up his hands, shaking his head. "Um, no thank you. I think I'm good on… that. Water would be nice. Just water."

The second android giggled softly. "Sure thing, cutie."

Without another word, the two androids vanished in a flash of light.

He let out a breath of relief, running a hand through his hair. "It seems the Preserver thought of the… several needs for."


Superman stirred. His eyes fluttering open to an unfamiliar room. He sat up, looking down at himself. The red and black robes he wore immediately struck a chord. 'The architecture...' "This can't be. Krypton?"

The holographic environment disappeared.

A voice echoed from outside a glass wall. "No." The Preserver floated into view. "But an incredible simulation."

Superman rose to his feet. "Let me guess. You're the one who hired Lobo to get me."

The Preserver inclined his head slightly. "I do what I must to preserve species threatened with extinction. You are the last Kryptonian. Therefore, your place is here."

Superman clenched his fists. "I think not."

He stepped forward and delivered a powerful punch to the glass wall. Pain shot through his hand, but the wall didn't so much as tremble. Superman frowned. 'I've lost my strength.'

"Like Krypton's red sun," the Preserver said, his tone almost reverent, "this light cancels the unnatural abilities given to you by the yellow sun of Earth. I always strive for complete accuracy."

Superman scowled. "Swell."

He turned his attention to the room, scanning for any sign of his companion. "Where's my friend? Ark?"

The Preserver clasped his hands behind his back. "I have temporarily moved him to a different part of my vessel. He and I have something to discuss. In the meantime, I suggest that you get comfortable."

Superman narrowed his eyes but said nothing, his mind racing for a way out.

A sharp knock on the glass interrupted Superman's thoughts. Outside, Lobo leaned casually against the enclosure. He had a chest full of jewels and Sqweek on a leash. "Hey, monkey." Lobo rapped his knuckles against the glass. "Want a nana?" He mimicked exaggerated monkey gestures, scratching his armpits and screeching mockingly.

Superman crossed his arms. "When I get out, I'm shoving that arrogant smirk right down your throat."

Lobo enjoyed the reaction. "Oh, yeah? You know, I believe that Lois gal might be gettin' a tad lonely now that you're doin' time in a cosmic petting zoo. Maybe I'll go back and cheer her up."

Superman's glare deepened

Lobo turned back to Sqweek. "Of course." Lobo tugged on the alien's leash, "I do have to collect the bounty on this geek first. Emperor Spewge's got a bad temper on him." Lobo waved casually at the Preserver. "Adios, wrinkles. You want any more rare dorks snagged, you got my number."

The Preserver's voice interrupted Lobo's swagger. "Actually, there is one other being I need for my collection: The last Czarnian."

Lobo barked out a laugh. "That's rich. I'm the last Czarnian!" He glanced smugly at Superman. "I fragged the rest of the planet for my high school science project. Gave myself an A."

Before Lobo could continue, a cylindrical glass tube dropped from the ceiling, enclosing him and Sqweek in an instant.

"What the—" Gas began filling the tube, cutting him off. Cough "HEY! You ugly, two-timin', big-faced fragger!" Cough. Lobo pounded on the glass, his voice growing raspy. "You just carved your own headstone!" cough "Nobody cough double-crosses the Main Man!" Cough. "Nobody!"

Superman turned his glare toward the Preserver. "You're playing a dangerous game."

The Preserver's expression remained calm. "I do what I must, Kryptonian."

Superman's eyes narrowed. "This isn't going to end well for you."


At Superman's request, hero was changed out of the traditional Kryptonian garb for his iconic red and blue suit. He adjusted the cape over his and turned to face the Preserver, who observed him from just outside the containment chamber. "Thanks for returning my uniform. Now, how about my ship and my friend?"

The Preserver shook his head. "At this time, I cannot allow you to leave. As I have told your friend, For ages, I have preserved many rare creatures... even some from your adopted planet Earth."

Superman crossed his arms. "I'm not an animal to be stuck in a cage."

The Preserver nodded. "Indeed you are not. Depending on the outcome of today, I may be moving you to a more open ecosystem. Normally, I don't take sentient beings. However, you and Lobo are all that survive from your respective home worlds. The Czarnian seems to be adjusting to his new surroundings. I suggest you do the same for now."

Superman's jaw tightened. "That's not going to happen."

In the containment cell nearby, Lobo stirred, his eyes fluttering open to find two striking blue-skinned alien women leaning over him.

One spoke in a sultry tone. "Rise and shine, big boy."

Lobo blinked, then grinned as he sat up, flexing his arms. "Pinch me, I'm dreamin'." He gave himself a quick pinch and chuckled. "No, I'm not. It's a party, right? I can deal with that." He swung his legs over the side of his chair and stood, his swagger returning in full force. "You babes sit tight, and I'll grab us some suds. Man, I don't know where I am or how I got here, but I'm glad I—" With a loud thunk, Lobo walked straight into a glass wall. He staggered back, rubbing his nose as he scowled at the invisible barrier.

From the adjacent chamber, Superman smirked. "Morning."

Lobo growled, the memory of his capture flooding back. "Suddenly, it's all comin' back to me. Where's that little creep that locked me in here? When I get my hands on him, I'll—" Lobo slammed his fist into the glass, causing it to crack.

"Take it easy, swookums," said one of the blue-skinned women.

"No need to get rowdy," chimed the other.

Lobo turned to them, ready to snap back, when their jaws unhinged and extended, revealing mechanical interiors. Nozzles emerged from their mouths, spraying a dense gas directly into Lobo's face.

Lobo coughed and staggered, waving his arms. "Gas! Back off, you blasted robo-bims." He collapsed back into his chair.

The androids gently lifted his legs and placed a pillow under his head. "There. Nice and peaceful."

"No one fights here," added the other.

Superman frowned. His gaze shifted to the other exhibits in the room before lingering on an alien resembling a triceratops munching on some plants.

As he looked around his own cell. His eyes fell on crystal decore. An idea formed in his mind. Picking it up, he angled it toward the triceratops-like creature, catching the overhead light and directing it toward the alien's eye.

The creature flinched and walked away from the light.

Superman adjusted the crystal again for the eye. "Sorry, fella, But you're my ticket out of here."

The light caught the alien's attention. It turned toward Superman's cell as it realized the source. The alien backed up and charged, slamming its horned head into Superman's glass wall. The pane cracked but held.

Superman angled the light again to provoke the creature further.

The alien growled louder, backing up and charging again. This time, the force shattered the glass completely, sending shards flying.


As the Preserver entered the lab and began preparations for the experiment. His wrist brace chimed.

His robotic assistant spoke. "A disturbance in the south wing, sir."

The Preserver turned sharply, his gaze narrowing. "Details?"

The brace projected a live feed of Superman stepping out of his shattered containment cell, shards of reinforced glass scattered across the floor. Beside him, the triceratops-like alien pawed at the ground, snorting aggressively as if ready to charge again.

Across the room, Ben raised a brow as he drank from his cup. "Everything alright there?"

The Preserver shook his head. "A minor disturbance. Rest assured, containment procedures ensure the safety of the creatures."

"Right…" Ben hummed. "I take it that Superman isn't taking his accommodations too well." He was hoping to settle this issue as diplomatically as possible.

The Preserver sighed. "I suppose I should have expected it." He pressed a button on his bracer. "Send the security probes. Ensure the Kryptonian is returned to his cell unharmed. Do not engage the other exhibits."

"Did you tell Superman about our little bargain if it works?"

The Preserver shook his head. "It would be best to verify such claims before giving them unwarranted expectations."


"Yes. Currently, the Czarnian is in captivity as well."

Ben made a face. "Who and what is a Czarnian?"

"You have already met him. The one called Lobo."

Ben raised an eyebrow. "You mean the guy in the biker jacket with the flying motorcycle?"

The Preserver turned to him. "Yes. The bounty hunter is the last Czarnian."

Ben straightened. "Huh. Considering what I've seen of him, were the Czarnians some kind of warrior race or something?"

To Ben's surprise, the Preserver shook his head. "Actually, the Czarnians were once a peaceful, thriving alien race."

Ben blinked. "Really?"

"Indeed. They were a highly advanced species, well-versed in philosophy, the arts, and the sciences. They cherished peace and above all else."

Ben tilted his head. "And then what happened? Did they get conquered or something? How'd they end up with Lobo as their sole survivor?"

The Preserver sighed. "Lobo happened. Years ago, he eradicated his entire species. For reasons known only to himself, he unleashed a plague upon his homeworld, ensuring no other Czarnian would survive."

Ben's jaw dropped slightly. "A part of me says I shouldn't be surprised, but I still am. That's… wow. Next-level messed up."

The Preserver nodded gravely. "It is a tragedy. Lobo, however, shows no remorse. He revels in his infamy. He is, in every way, the antithesis of what his people once were."

Ben blinked. "You know what, I won't feel bad if you decide to keep him in a museum exhibit."


Superman watched as the triceratops-like alien finished its charge and began munching on a patch of plants that had fallen from its own pen into Superman's shattered containment cell. Now out of the artificial red sun chamber, Superman felt his strength returning. He bent down, picking up a large shard of the reinforced glass. Testing his grip, he crushed the shard into fine powder, letting it fall between his fingers. He wasn't at full strength, but it was good enough.

He began jogging toward the corridor. Just as he reached the hall, a voice called out from behind him.

"Yo, Supes."

Superman stopped and turned, his eyes narrowing.

Lobo was on his knees, leaning against the glass of his own cell. "You ain't gonna bail without your old pal Lobo, are ya?" The Czarnian flashed his trademark grin.

Superman folded his arms. "If any creature in the galaxy deserves to be locked up, it's you."

Lobo's grin twisted into a snarl. "Why, you dirty—"

Lobo slammed his fists against the glass, causing faint cracks.

"Lobie," cooed one of the blue-skinned android women. "Are you getting rowdy again?"

Lobo immediately backed off, raising his hands. "Oh, no, no. I'm cool. Just chillin', ya know?"

The androids smiled politely and stepped back.

Once they were out of earshot, Lobo turned back to Superman. "Come on, cut me a break. They keep me so pumped with gas, I can hardly move. I gotta get out of here."

Superman narrowed his eyes. "So you can attack Earth again? I don't think so."

Lobo glared. "All right, fine. I don't need you! I'm the Main Man, ya hear me, you rag-fragging geek-wad!"

One of the android women stepped back into view. "Oh, my. Such language."

The nozzles extended from their mouths again, and Lobo's bravado turned to coughing as the gas began to fill his cell. Lobo stumbled, shaking his fist at Superman. "It might take me a week, it might take me ten years, but I'm gonna bust out and kick that big red 'S' of yours all over the galaxy! Right after I'm done nuking the Earth into GUACAMOLE! And that's a promise!"

Superman frowned, turning back toward Lobo's cell as the Czarnian collapsed to his knees. "Lobo, if I let you out, do you swear to leave me and everyone else on Earth in peace?"

Lobo coughed but looked up. "The Main Man's word is his bond, man."

Superman hesitated for a moment before clenching his fist and slamming it into the glass. A crack appeared, causing Lobo to flinch. Superman delivered another punch, then another, until a final blow shattered the glass.

Lobo stumbled out, gasping for air.

One of the androids gasped. "Oh, jinkies. The Preserver won't like this one bit."

Both androids moved to deploy their nozzles.

Lobo grinned wickedly. "Come here, sweet things."

He lunged forward, grabbing the nozzles of both androids and twisting them together in a tight knot. The gas continued to pour from their mouths, building up until the pressure caused an explosion, sending shards of metal and synthetic parts scattering across the room.

The two androids collapsed in a heap.

"Woohoo! Dang, that felt good," he said, catching the broken android hands as they fell into his palms. He tossed them aside with a chuckle. Lobo turned back to Superman. "Hey, Blue, thanks."

Before Superman could respond, Lobo threw a punch, landing it squarely on Superman's face and sending him stumbling to the floor.

Superman got back to his feet. "What was that for?!"

Lobo grinned, cracking his knuckles. "Didn't want ya thinkin' I'm goin' soft on ya."

Superman sighed, rubbing his jaw. "Why did I expect anything different?"


The Preserver returned to the lab, followed by two of his mechanical guards carrying a small containment unit. Inside the unit was a small blue female alien lab rat.

The walls around Ben receded into the floor. "You are free. Any deception will result in immediate confinement."


"Let us proceed with the experiment."

Ben stepped out, cracking his knuckles. "Relax, big guy. I'm here to help." He turned to the dinosaur-like creature in its containment cell. "Alright, so before we start, I need a little more info."

The Preserver nodded. "The Trodaxian is a male herbivore. Introducing it into a new ecosystem would pose little to no risk of disruption."

"Perfect," Ben stepped closer to the creature. "Let's do this."

He placed a hand on the Trodaxian's hide. It took a moment for the Omnitrix to silently scan and archive the creature's DNA. Ben glanced over his shoulder at the Preserver, making sure his actions went unnoticed.

Applying Non-Sentient DNA to a Sentient being had a number of risks. However, similar to the Nemetrix, using Non-Sentient DNA on a Non-Sentient being was fine.

Ben then turned to the lab rat and placed his hand on the small creature. The Omnitrix began altering the rat's DNA. The creature's form shifted. its fur receding as scales replaced it. Its body elongated, growing larger as its limbs and features morphed. In an instant, the transformation was complete.

Before them stood a smaller, female version of the Trodaxian. In contrast, it had vibrant emerald scales thanks to the genetic recombination sequences to promote genetic diversity. It blinked at its surroundings, letting out a soft huff.

The Preserver froze. His eyes widened. For a moment, he seemed unable to speak. Then, as the female Trodaxian approached the male and nuzzled his side, the Preserver's lips trembled, and his eyes glistened with tears. "There is still hope for us all," he whispered..

Ben smiled. "Told you I could do it. Looks like the Trodaxians have a second chance."

The Preserver blinked rapidly. "This… this is more than I could have ever hoped for. You have given them a future. I am… indebted to you."

Ben shrugged. "Just doing my part. So, Superman and I can go free, right?"

The Preserver nodded solemnly. "Yes. A promise is a promise. We shall meet every 30 Earth rotations to reconvene on the project."

Ben smiled. "For now, let's focus on getting us back to Earth."

With Superman

Four floating security drones descended from the ceiling, locking onto the Superman and Lobo. "Return to your enclosures."

Lobo cracked his knuckles and punched the palm of his left hand, grinning. "Who's gonna make us?"

In response, the drones fired synchronized energy beams, slamming into both Superman and Lobo with enough force to send them flying backward.

The two hit the ground hard as the drones advanced.

In the containment tubes nearby, various alien creatures let out low growls at the commotion.

Superman and Lobo scrambled to their feet, diving behind a large containment tube for cover as another blast struck the ground near them.

"Thanks, bigmouth." Superman brushed the dirt off his suit.

Lobo shrugged. "I didn't know they were armed."

A third beam seared past their heads, causing Superman to duck instinctively. "Neither one of us is back to full strength."

"If they drag us back, they'll probably strap our butts to the floor with razor wire."

Superman shot him an incredulous look.

Lobo raised a brow and grinned wider. "Not that it ain't a pleasurable way to perk up an evening. But I do have me that prisoner to deliver."

Superman ignored the comment, peeking around the corner. "We need a decoy to draw their fire."

Without hesitation, Lobo shoved Superman out into the open. "Elected."

"Hey!" Superman stumbled forward just as the drones turned to him.

They fired again, and Superman narrowly avoided the beams of energy.

Meanwhile, Lobo moved out from behind the containment tube. He crept up from behind and grabbed two of the drones, smashing them together. The drones sputtered and fell to the ground in pieces.

The third drone turned its focus toward Lobo, but before it could fire, he delivered a powerful kick that sent it spinning through the air.

Superman punched, shattering the spinning drone's shell. It exploded in a fiery burst of sparks.

The fourth drone fired a direct blast at Lobo's face.

The burst left his hair sticking out in wild directions, sand covered in soot. Smoke curled out of his mouth as he glared at the drone.

"Fragger." Lobo raised his fist and brought it down hard. He crushed it into a heap of sparking metal.

Superman jogged up beside him. "Come on. Let's move before more show up."

Superman and Lobo sprinted down the corridor as security alarms blared. They burst through a door and into a lush, forest-like biome.

Lobo cracked his knuckles as he ran. "Soon as that gas wears off, I'm grindin' that Preserver into kibble and feedin' him to his varmints."

Superman shot him a sideways glance. "We should just get our ships and leave."

Lobo sneered. "You wanna run? Fine. Your wimpy little toy rocket's in the south hangar, right where I left it. Me, I'm stayin' to feed Wrinkles 31 different flavors of pain."

However, it didn't take long for another group of security bots to follow. They were closing in behind them. They scanned the area and located the duo.

"Great. These fragger bots are persistent!" Lobo leaped over a log.

Superman glanced back. "Maybe if someone didn't yell so much, we'd have had a better chance of sneaking out."

"That's half the fun!" Lobo shot back.

The drones fired another round of stun blasts, forcing the duo to weave through the trees as they came closer and closer.

Superman's eyes widened as he noticed a shot veering straight for Lobo. Acting on instinct, he lunged, tackling the Czarnian to the ground just as the blast singed past them.

"Get off me, Blue!" Lobo shoved at Superman's shoulder.

Before either of them could react, the ground beneath them gave way. With a loud snap, a portion of the forest floor broke apart, revealing a fenced-off hole hidden among the undergrowth.

"Uh-oh," Lobo muttered.

They fell through a gaping hole, landing hard below.

Superman pushed himself up. "You okay?"

Lobo looked down. "Yeah, but I think I stepped in somethin'."

His boots began sinking into the dirt, and suddenly, he was yanked upward as the ground came alive. An enormous, snake-like alien creature surfaced. Its massive tail gripped Lobo and hurled him into the cavern wall.

Superman barely had time to react as the creature's head shot forward, jaws wide, aiming to swallow Lobo whole. In an instant, Superman shoved Lobo out of the way, causing the creature to slam into the wall instead.

Lobo rubbed his head. "Thanks. I owe ya."

The creature's massive tail shot up, aiming directly for them. Lobo jumped clear, but the tail slammed Superman into the ground, coiling around him tightly.

The creature hoisted Superman into the air, preparing to throw him toward its gaping maw. Superman twisted midair and landed on the creature's exposed jaw, struggling to hold it open as it snapped furiously.

From the ground, Lobo watched the battle with a smirk. "Whoa. That's gonna hurt."

Superman, straining to hold the alien's jaws apart. "Lobo, thought you said you owed me!"

Lobo was unimpressed. "What, now?" He got to his feet. "Oh, whoopdie-fragging-do."

Lobo sauntered over to the creature's tail, gripping it with both hands. With a powerful yank, he ripped the outer layer of the tail's skin clean off like a forced molting.

The creature let out a screech of pain, loosening its grip on Superman and retreating underground.

Lobo held up the peeled skin. "Belt?"

Without a word, Superman grabbed Lobo by the jacket, hoisting him off the ground.

"Hey, what gives—" Lobo started, but Superman launched into the air, flying them both up and out of the hole and emerged back into the forest-like enclosure.

"You really gotta work on sayin' thanks, Blue."

Superman rolled his eyes. "Let's just find the hangar."

With Ben

When the Preserver got a notification that a separate exhibit was breached, he brought up the security feed. Ben and the being watched as a Sand Worm attempted to eat Superman and Lobo.

While both were glad that Superman wasn't eaten. The sight of the Czarnian ripping off the skin of the animal unsettled them. Granted, it was like a snake and would grow back, but that's beside the point.

His personal drone hovered nearby. "Preserver, another ship is approaching us."

Ben raised a brow. "Were you expecting visitors?"

"No." The Preserver turned sharply. "Identify the vessel."

The drone's monitors flickered, displaying the image of a jagged, heavily armed ship closing in.

"Hello, there." A transmission crackled to life. Gnaww yelled on the radio. "We've tracked the bounty hunter Lobo to your ship. We have orders for his capture."

"Bring up the video feed." The screen changed to show the owner of the approaching vessel. He looked awfully similar to the one detained named Sqwee. The Preserver frowned. "I'll have you know that Lobo is in my custody and will stay that way until further notice."

"I have direct orders from Emperor Spewge to bring him in."

Ben mouthed out the name again. He could only imagine what an alien like that looked like.

"Lobo is sedated in my ship," the Preserver partially lied. They were still weak from their sedatives. " Now, leave, or I will be forced to take action."

"Isn't that good news for us?" Gnaww laughed. "Force, huh? We'll see about that."

"Again, I ask that you leave. I will not fulfill your request."

"That's the thing. We ain't asking for him."

Before the Preserver could reply, the ship shuddered violently. They all heard and felt a distant crash. A shrill wail of alarms sounded.

The drone approached. "Preserver, the hull in the south wing has been breached. Emergency environmental sealing has been initiated."

The Preserver straightened. "Damage report. Have any creatures been harmed?"

The drone's paused. "Scans indicate no open creatures in containment have been harmed. However, there are intruders on board. They are making their way toward the south hangar."

The Preserver's lips pressed into a thin line. "Prepare the security drones. And activate containment measures for all critical specimens. I will not allow this ship or the creatures to be compromised."

"Understood, Preserver. Advanced security measures are being deployed." The drone zipped off to execute the commands.

Ben, who had been observing the exchange, raised a hand to catch the Preserver's attention. "Listen, the test was a success, and I expect you to hold up your end of the deal. But since we're under siege, I'm down to help you out."

The Preserver turned to him. "I intend to uphold our agreement, but please, save my ship."

Ben smirked, giving a casual salute. "Don't need to ask me twice."

The Preserver moved to a nearby console, bringing up a layout of the ship. He highlighted a path on the screen, then adjusted the ship's internal lighting to direct Ben toward the breach site. "The lights will guide you to the entry point. Proceed with haste," the Preserver instructed as he opened the lab door.

As Ben began jogging down the path, a playful grin tugged at his lips. "Perhaps it's time to use Lobo's DNA."



AN: Special thanks to Seana, Jebest4781, OmegaDelta, Henry Stickman, fearmegu, Kitsune Robyn, Dragon lord, Shooter1344, Ajax Roranson, trey, Asaf, DJC, Alex, nighnight, Roswell, SpeX, Giorgie Baramidze, Professor Xivass, AF360, Adam, yosief, Primordial, Author Of Purpose, VaneixusPrime, Dragondragon, Bowsmen, Jeremy, JamPoe81, Lord McDeath, Alex, Mystbornwolf, A Nameless Hobo, BigTyson, Andr, A Vlogs, V3Lithiun, Nezih, Giorgie, Mahomed, puggle!

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