Chereads / Kengan Ashura: The Blue Demon Of Asia / Chapter 2 - An Insight Into The Demon Of Asia

Chapter 2 - An Insight Into The Demon Of Asia

(Ohma's Home)

Tsukareta growls and walks up to the fighter and kicks him straight in the chest before grabbing his wrist and hitting him in the throat and liver before throwing the fighter into the wall with enough force to send him through it. Ohma and the other fighter gasp while Tsukareta sighs and sits back down, the fighter turns to Ohma "I'll be facing you soon, let's see how strong you are without the demon at your back." He leaves and Ohma turns to Tsukareta slightly chuckling "And you said your retired" Tsukareta laughs "Yeah I am but I ain't washed up I still train just in case." Ohma smiles "Good to know" the two laugh and discuss what the other fighters capabilities might be.

(The Next Day, Rundown Building)

Tsukareta walks with Nogi and his assistant and they meet Mr Yoshitake. He gasps and looks and Tsukareta "Tsukareta, what are you doing here?!" He grins "Managing Nogi's fighter why?" Yoshitake gulps slightly but grins again "Either way I think my fighter will beat yours Nogi and with ease" Nogi laughs "We shall see won't we" Yoshitake nods "Indeed" they get to the stands.

(Building Stands)

Tsukareta looks around and sees members of the Kengan Association staring at him and complaining about Ohma replacing Komoda but they quickly fall silent when they see Tsukareta staring at them. He turns back to Ohma and the fighter which Nogi tells him is Lihito and wonders what his style is, Ohma and Lihito get into a stance and stare at each other for a few minutes before Ohma moves forward and punched Lihito in the head who lets it connect, Lihito then throws a few punches of his own which Ohma easily doges before trying to grapple Ohma who kicks him on the side of the head knocking him down before then kneeing him in the face and mounting him and punching away at Lihito. Lihito then slashes at Ohma's chest and arms at which point Ohma dismounts and stands back up a few feet away before the two begin taunting each other before Lihito rushes at Ohma again and try's to perform a downward slash with his fingertips only for them to be caught by the tips of Ohma's fingers. Tsukareta grins " know the flow of power...(chuckles) you've already won this fight", Ohma then knocks Lihito back down before stamping on his head.

(A week later, Tsukareta's Home)

Tsukareta sighs and thinks to himself "It's almost surreal, seeing talent again after so many years...I hope Ohma survives, I'd like to give him my techniques some day" he hears shuffling and turns to see Ohma "Yo, Tsukareta" Tsukareta sighs "I hope you knocked out the guards before you came in here" he nods and Tsukareta sighs "Anyway what do you need?" Ohma smiles "You wanna come with me for a bit?" Tsukareta nods "Might as well, not much else I'm gonna do sat in my house alone"

(Gyutami Bar)

"Didn't think you were the type to eat at a restaurant Ohma" Ohma laughs while Tsukareta sits down at the table. "When your in the city you acquire new tastes" Tsukareta laughs "True am I footing our bill or you" Ohma smiles "Oh no don't worry the money's on it's way" Tsukareta looks at him with intrigue until he hears the door to his left open, he turns to see Akiyama "Oh hey Akiyama" Akiyama turns to Tsukareta "Oh your here Tsukareta" Ohma turns to Akiyama "Your here secretary" Akiyama sighs "Its Aki-Yama try to remember that Tokita" Ohma sighs "No way that's a pain in the ass" Akiyama pulls out a envelope from her bag "Here's the money from your fight with Lihito, don't spend it all in one place" Ohma laughs "Okay, Mom" Tsukareta chuckles while Akiyama turns to leave "Goodbye then" Tsukareta turns to her "Hey Akiyama, why not stay and join us. You look like you could use some unwinding" Akiyama gives him a death stare which he shrugs off before she sits down and takes off her coat while Tsukareta and Ohma drink and eat away at their food.


Tsukareta laughs as he pours Akiyama another drink "As I said your gonna need a stronger death stare to scare me" Akiyama looks at him confused "Why? You had worse?" Tsukareta nods "Yep, there's only one woman who's ever scared me...Tomari Tohgo" Akiyama looks at him shocked "The CEO of Iwami Heavy Industries?!" Tsukareta nods "Yep, I worked with her for my last two years at the Kengan Games representing her company, you could say we were close...if you count also being at each other's throats half the time cause we are so similar" he laughs before composing himself "Anyway something I wanted to ask...why the hell did Nogi stick me with Ohma? Did he know my Kengan reputation before hand or something?" Akiyama shrugs "Id much love to know the reason myself" Tsukareta sighs "Did I offend her or something?" Akiyama continues "But it is chairman Nogi we're talking about so he must have had a reason. Speaking of which I would like to know what reason Tokita you decided to join the Kengan games?" Tokita and Tsukareta laugh while Tokita responds "Do I need a reason to fight?" Tsukareta nods "Exactly a real fighter doesn't need a reason to fight" Akiyama sighs "217" Tsukareta looks at her confused "Eh?" Akiyama repeats "217 registered fighters in the Ultimate Fight promotion currently, each fighter participates in around 1.6 matches a year. While in the Kengan games" Tsukareta interrupts "Each fighters competes in 8.5 matches per year with around 1205 fighters...I know all to well" Tsukareta sighs "But with that many along with business conflicts and the vicious fights...deaths are commonplace" Akiyama nods "Exactly and your leaping head first into this environment you must have a reason for it-" Ohma cuts her off "....Hey woman, you seem pretty worried about me. Are you wet for me or what hm?" Tsukareta spits out his drinks and starts laughing violently while Akiyama barely reacts "...Pardon?" Ohma sighs "Good grief I let you talk and you just go on and on...we'll all right I'll answer your question...I just want to prove who's the strongest of all!" Tsukareta grins "Ambitious, I like it" Akiyama sighs "Thats it? You know you could lose your life for that?" Ohma grins "Not gonna happen cause I'm never gonna lose!" Akiyama gasps "Is this arrogance or pure confidence" she looks at Ohma "Is he so arrogant or does he have that much trust in himself?" She collects herself before speaking again "I've made yourself quite clear...and you've made me want to watch you and see how far you'll go" Ohma smiles "Yeah, you better watch me...when I make it to the top..." Ohma thinks to himself "He'll be there among the 1204 and when I see him again...I'll kill him...I can't wait for our reunion" Akiyama's tablet goes off and she looks at the screen before turning to Ohma "Tokita I have good news." Your next Kengan match in is two days" Tsukareta sighs "I see the time table thing hasn't changed" Ohma grins "Ooo that's a good pace... so? who's my next victim?" Tsukareta smiles "Yeah who else does he have to beat to get in" Akiyama shows them the screen "Your next opponent will be the affiliated fighter for Koyama Mart Inc, Kaburagi Koji aka the medicine man" Tsukareta deadpans "Are you...fucking...kidding me!" Ohma and Akiyama turn to him "He looks like he couldn't kill a fly and I've seen old fighters and they at least have muscle and scars he just looks an average middle aged man" Ohma nods "Agreed, I don't feel anything from this guy" Akiyama sighs "You both end up burned if you think of him as an average middle aged man" Tsukareta laughs "...Akiyama I've seen fighters who don't look intimidating at first glance but he has no Aura to him, he's probably an old and weak martial artist who will only get himself's not gonna be's gonna be a one sided quash."

(End Of Chapter)