The darkness hides the most secrets,
As people commit heinous achievements
The evil lurks where people cannot see it,
And hides when people witness the culprit.
A predator's eyes
The deceptive smirk,
The sweaty hand
And a flattened berk.
Scanning the room,
Grooming small children,
The people warned them,
But parents swore him.
Crazy eyes looking
And finding that the closest believe the illusion;
Yellow teeth sneer
And crunch upon the child's impairment.
Pulling and grabbing;
Witnesses are threatened
And the victim becomes satisfied,
While the prophets hide and flight the lies.
Outsiders ignore or believe β
The crazy man's eyes and his impeccable charm,
The neuro-typical testimony
Is role-played as anxiety.
The mother's perfect child
And the father's Borderline-filled-star
Is far away from the moon
And is forming like dark matter.
The sun's blazing heat
Burns the plexus like wax
And reveals the core through the crust,
Shining the Indigo's seeking duty
While the evil man dies a looney.
Crystals protect the vulnerable,
As the enablers side with the predator,
Eventually, realizing the truth,
And turning up the real tune,
But the crazy man's dead inside,
And doesn't bat his eyes.