Chereads / The Spirit realm ( Reikai) vol.1 / Chapter 38 - Chapter 38. Sēireitei under siege

Chapter 38 - Chapter 38. Sēireitei under siege

Whilst the cloudy day slowly took its time to set in the afternoon, Captain Yamamoto sat on his throne when the Captains' assembly hall was full of spirit leaders and the remaining Captains assigned by him, verbally fighting on a controversial topic.

With different dissecting arguments over Yamamoto's drastic decision and a `spirit demon in the spirit world` conspiracy escalated, the sheikh king hushed them down by raising his right hand and bravely asked once all the bickering died in silence:

" Lord Shigekuni, we understand you don't want to give these kids to Beelzebub himself, but is this necessary to accept his war proposal? What's worse it's the same anniversary where the Quincies attacked this place?"

" The damage is done, Sheikh. As long as the kids are safe, they'll be heavily guarded by one of my trusted men along with his wife." he answered, which confused everyone, except Shunsui and Ramune as both felt uneased.

" There are Kings and Lords out there in the spirit world, brave enough to protect them. Yet you chose the dragon queen of the Heavenly dragon gate and her husband, one of your trusted men?

If they're capable of doing so, they're possibilities they might either fail or succeed. With that being said, it feels like this conspiracy is a made up thing just for attention. " said the African shaman leader and half of them agreed.

" Well, in that case. If you think Shigekuni made this up for attention, then I suggest we'll ask one of the lieutenants to summon them here." Requested Hirōshi. Everyone mumbled further before reaching their agreement.

" Alright, bring him in along with his sisters! " Captain Zaraki shouted and two of the lieutenants exited.



The door opened and two lieutenants, Nanao Ise and Shūhei Hisagi went back to the Captains' hall and they kneel before the spirit leaders and Yamamoto. Ichitaro, Rangiku and Yoshimura were summoned by the spirit leaders and the captains themselves. The leaders were surprised, not because they are now three of them, but also the rumors about their existence were true.

The triplets were terrified and Ichitaro tried his best, shielding his twin sisters. The spirit leaders were curious at first, followed by their mumbling, Rangiku covered her ears and Yoshimura tried to comfort her. Shunsui noticed something wasn't right, despite not fully understand one of the triplets.

" I guess it's true. Spirit demons do exist. Where do these kids coming from?" Asked one of the spirit leaders.

" From the world of the living. They were with me when the Soul society was under attack." Hirōshi answered.

He looked around and noticed Yamamoto on his throne. Doubted at first, he looked at Shunsui, anxiously on what he'll say about the old man that conquered the Soul society. He took a deep breath and sighed, before excusing himself for attention and said to Yamamoto :

" Uhh, everyone! I don't know if any old man who own this place, but I want to say thank you so much for giving us a place to stay and help me heal my right leg. But, we have to leave by tomorrow morning. There's something I must do before leaving here. If you find it offensive, then don't try to stop me. In case someone knows Ichigo and if he comes back, just tell him I'll be back soon. "

He was silent for a moment, before the old man slowly chuckled on himself and said to Ichitaro:

" Young lad. Let me remind you that the old man who owned this oligarchy fortress is me ; the Head Captain Genryusai Yamamoto. I understand you want to leave the Soul society so badly, but due to an upcoming war, it'll be impossible for you to leave. If you and your siblings leave without any protection from any other captains, you might be killed or worse. I'm afraid Ichigo Kurosaki won't be here, because he lost his own powers in order to protect both worlds. "

Ichitaro's heart sank with terror. There's no possibility he's leaving, especially when an upcoming war upheld the Soul society. On the other hand, his mind flashed with realization Yoshimura was right about Ichigo not having his soul reaper powers back and he felt bummed at first.

Nonetheless, he'll never complete one last item and return home to see his parents, as they were bothered by his sudden disappearance. What if Kazumi was right? What if the old man used the `upcoming war` as an excuse to lock him and his sisters for eternity? Did he actually send Kakuzu and Denki to kill Koro or him? All those unanswered questions were distressing, his spirit energy rose with anger.

Ichitaro closed his eyes and clasped his hands over his head, which sparked concerned over the spirit leaders and the captains themselves. When he removed his hands, he asked Yamamoto an impossible question:

" If you are willing to protect me from an upcoming war, then did you kill my only friend, Koro Yamagata?"

Silence reigned in the hall, as Ichitaro lay a difficult question onto Yamamoto. Seconds later, individual chatters disrupted silence and Yoshimura's eyes widened with shock before grabbing his arm.

" Ichitaro, what are you doing? Are you trying to be a martyr or something? Listen to me, I don't know who told you that crap about how Koro died by an old man's assassins, but we'll leave here as soon as possible. " Yoshimura muttered.

" But these two guys that are after me aren't soul reapers. I saw them with my own eyes, they murdered him. I don't know if Kazumi was telling the truth or not. " Ichitaro explained softly.

Yet, the old Head captain chuckled at Ichitaro's question again, as if he's not taking it seriously. When the triplets were looking at him, along with the spirit leaders and the captains, he took a deep breath and stopped his chuckle.

" Oh, child. Whoever accused me for sending someone to kill Koro, is more insane than an average madman. Koro was one of my loyal friends and one of the founders of the 14 division. I could think of many ways to defeat him, but killing him is more impossible than ending Celestia's life. But, that certain someone was brazen on doing so. I won't be surprised if it was Kazumi.", Said Yamamoto and continued,

" You know Koro, just as much as I do for a long time. Even as your dear friend. Now its the first time I've heard on his passing, I would never hurt a good friend of mine. Hence, you should have asked yourself that question regarding on Koro. And that's the only truth I am telling you. I swear on my son's grave, I would never do that to a co-founder of the Gotei 13."

Ichitaro felt like a fool when the old man's words drifted into his ears. Since Yamamoto told him the truth, Ichitaro assumed Kazumi is going to pay for ending his dear friend's life. She lied to him and yet he had doubts.

' Uryuu was right. ' he thought. Suddenly Ichitaro's eyes shimmered with sadness and his heart beats faster than normal. Yoshimura and Rangiku stood back towards the captains in case his spirit energy might harm them.

He felt his body trembled so sudden, his body swiftly grew cold when a mysterious spirit energy rose from his body. Ichitaro knelt on his knees with his hands wrapping his stomach around and panted heavily as if a spirit energy was squashing his emotions. Shivers ran down on the spirit leaders' spine when they heard Ichitaro's spine chilling disembodied scream echoed all the way to the human world that every humans can hear.

Then, a combination of black and white spirit energy surged from his body before a majestic shadow figure appeared behind him and what looked like a ghost dragon. An audible rumbling roar emitted in everyone's ears, and the spirit leaders' jaws were dropped.

" We need to leave! Immediately!" Shouted the Celtic king.

Panic resurfaced everywhere when they all briskly advanced to the door for safety as Ichitaro's spirit energy grew out of control and almost cracking the hall with its robust strength like an earthquake.

" I gotta help that kid!" Shunsui said, grabbing a yellow paper from his wife.

Courageously, Shunsui went towards Ichitaro, bracing a powerful spirit energy strong enough to tackle any strongest hybrid in the world of the living and in the spirit world. Despite the captains tried stopping him, he continued shuffling to Ichitaro anyway.

Struggling to get closer to him, he succeeded on calming Ichitaro by placing a yellow piece of paper on the back of his head. Ichitaro felt woozy before nearly fainted. The spirit leaders stared at Shunsui grabbing Ichitaro's body, but not all are awed in amazement.

Engulfed by rage and terror, an Archangel stormed towards Shunsui, but they halted him from attacking. Yamamoto stood up and remained silent, yet Yumikō finally argued:

" You confirmed that spirit demons were here from the Crystal souls to the Soul society and the Yokai village, but you didn't tell us their spirit energy was enough to kill a God. A fucking God!"

" Unfortunately, even in my time for thousands of years, I've had never laid my eyes on this." Yamamoto said, telling everybody the truth.

" Blasphemy! You're telling us you're going to keep Phantom, whose spirit is inside this boy until the war ended? You're a naive old man, you know that?" Thundered the Archangel.

" Then this is the risk I can take, Archangel Michael. There's nothing you can do to change my decision!" Yamamoto boasted.

The spirit leaders mumbled with disagreement, but the sheikh king raised his hand again for silence and, unusually, agreed with the leaders.

" Lord Shigekuni, what that poor child possessed was Phantom, an actual celestial ghost dragon. It must be him. Do you realize you're endangering the Soul society including yourself? I'd say we send this boy and his siblings back to where they come from."

" What about Kazumi? You've heard it yourselves the boy confessed that Kazumi might've tried to silence him and those men that attacked the Soul society are after his head. She even dragged the name of the Soul society through the mud and it's not the first time this occurred. ", Ramune spoke, " I'd say, let's spare and protect the boy and his sisters' lives. I'm sure he meant no harm to anyone. Besides, it's not like he's Phantom."

When their bafflement and their fury were at ease, thanks to Ramune's suggestion, few questions were unanswered. For instance how Ichitaro went from the world of the living to the spirit world without any portals alone, the existence of spirit demons even though they were long extinct, how Kazumi killed Koro in cold blood and why did Koro kept the remaining spirit demons for so many years.

Concerned by what happened, a queen of witchcraft stepped forward and said :

" I care less on your beliefs, your Majesty. Phantom or not, he could endanger us all, if not controlled. "

" Then, let us train them.", Shuru advised the witch queen, " Just give us time in doing so. Soon, you'll see how they improve themselves and managing their own powers. "

" Hmm. Legend has it that only elderly siblings can do that and manifest their spirit energy. Since he or she isn't here, very well. We'll give you some time and if you fail, we won't hesitate to send them home. " she said, pleasing Yamamoto.

" Thank you, Hecate and the other spirit leaders. You are all dismissed, before the winter day transformed into night. " Yamamoto responded before it took them minutes to leave.


On one faithful winter night, a sleet heavily downpours from the mountains to the Sēireitei. Even though it hadn't entirely covered every grounds and rooftops white, icy raindrops enjoyed dancing in the air before landing on natural places and sometimes on concrete walls. A black crow, carrying Koro's notebook with its beak, flew towards the entire Divisions, looking for someone.

Once it noticed Ichitaro's shadow on the 8th division, it dived down there until it reached the center. When darkness stepped in, so does tension in the air. Shunsui sat alone in the balcony, thinking about the incident.

Ramune, somehow sensed his spirit energy if he was angry and now she reckoned it was a feeling of disappointment, she went towards him and sat next to him.

" Still angry about Shīfù?" She gently asked.

" No, not really. Just disappointed. Due to his reckless decision, old man Yama could endanger our lives before we know it. On the other hand, I have to take care of those kids by old man himself and one of them had some kind of a weird secret about old man Koro." Shunsui answered.

" Precisely, although it's quite strange how the kids got here. Whatever it is they're hiding, we need to figure this out before they could hurt themselves or the entire spirit world. "

" Of course. We need to think this through quick."

Whilst continuing with their conversation, the crow landed safe on the bottom of the roof and saw Ichitaro's shadow on top of the bed. It immediately landed on the doorstep and entered a warm and cozy cottage house as the sliding door was slightly opened.

Inside the cottage, a small stove like fireplace conducted the heat for a warmer room for the slumbered triplets during the bitter cold winter. All of them were covered in a large kirin furred blankets and all three siblings were sleeping on each different bed. Then, the crow noticed Ichitaro's hair brightly popping through the blanket.


" Here's another thing. I don't know what's gotten into Shīfù lately. The way he chuckled at that kid's question on Elder Koro's death. " said Ramune in a concerned tone.

" I must admit, Koro's death was shocking and confusing. It feels like he doesn't take it serious at all. It reminded me when he'd chuckled on Psycho's questions. " Shunsui stated.

His wife scoffed with a smile on her face at what he said and asked :

" You still talk about Saitō like that, even in her grave?"

" Maybe. " Shunsui lightly giggled and later they both laughed.

In the mean time, the raven looked at both of the couple laughing at their jokes, in case they were leaving or thought so. The crow turned to Ichitaro and hopped onto his tired body. Examining carefully, it encountered a piece of paper stuck behind Ichitaro's head.

By then, it used its claws to remove that paper before dropping the notebook onto his front face.

Ichitaro, swiftly woke up but his eyes remained shut. He looked around until a cawing clear sound was heard from his ears.

" E..Excallibur?" He asked.

He ran through his fingers and noticed Koro's notebook. When he opened his eyes, to him, he could see clearly and noticed Excallibur on top of the bed.

Excallibur, then hopped down, just to follow its trails again. Still feeling woozy, he got out of the bed, before leaving his sisters once again.