Chereads / I Never Run Out of Mana / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: The Taste of Money! Manticore (3)

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: The Taste of Money! Manticore (3)

50 manticores were taken out in two attacks, leaving half remaining .

After seeing the nonsensical exp gains, I calmed my excited heart down, before quickly getting rid of the other half the same way .

Blood stones started rising up from the monsters that were defeated . . It was a beautiful sight .

During that, I thought that calling them a 'Rising Sun' wouldn't be an exaggeration .

The few monsters that were still breathing were dispatched by Sang-Min's 'Ilsum' and Chang-Hyuk's axe swings .

In only 15 minutes I got over 10,000 exp, and my levels had risen .

This was actually an amazing amount of exp . I mean, the level 6 dungeon boss only gave out 100 exp .

Not to mention, this exp was divided between 5 people as well .

The party members, who had just finished half the hunt, couldn't stop being in awe of my 'Lightning Spray', as it was stronger than they thought .

Of course, due to the last week's hunting, the Skill Level was now Level 8 .

In-Ah buffing the attack increase, and Yong-Hyun debuffing the opponent's damage resistance greatly contributed too .

Typically, you would think that having one tanker and four damage dealers would be more effective, but mixing healers and necromancers together sped up the hunting .

It was probably due to the main skills that each class had .

Meanwhile, after learning 'Lightning Spray', I had no reason to use 'Frost Orb' in the level 6 dungeon .

I had a magic which would destroy them in one hit, after all .

Of course…this only applied to me .

The other half was killed in the same way .

After killing all the monsters, we moved in the 12 o'clock direction, and eventually made it to the dungeon centre . Sang-Min shook his head, and said

"Ah… this dungeon's a failure . "

'Eh? What about a failure?' We hunted all those monsters in only 30 minutes, yet he's saying something about failure?

After seeing the other party members in regret I realised something .

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Oh . In this dungeon there was a boss: the boss that dropped the 'Manticore's Soul Stone' . However, he hadn't appeared .

I asked Sang-Min, "Eh!?" Why can't I see the boss?"

Sang-Min saw my panicked face and replied,

"Ah… In this dungeon the boss doesn't always show up . It has a low chance of appearance . . In addition to that, you have to kill all the monsters in the dungeon for it to show up . Manticores have a large aggro radius so we couldn't have missed any… therefore, this dungeon is a failure . "

Damn it! I thought it was strange when they said one soul stone equalled 1 billion .

I thought 'The Association is either lazy or rich . '

But even if the boss didn't come out, I could still get a larger profit than clearing a level 6 dungeon solo .

1 run gives over 30,000 exp, many blood stones, and the probability of a e manticore soul stone .

'This . . . I think I should just stay for a few days and suck the honey?'

(TLN: suck honey = get profits then piss off, just get the sweet stuff . )

After leaving the dungeon, Sang-Min, as if he liked the Lightning Spray's damage, came over .

"Min-Cheol ssi, when can you do it 'till??"

He brought out his smartphone and continued to talk .

"It's 10am right now, and we can go until 4-5pm . If you're okay with that, then let's hunt together!" "

"I'm okay until that time too . "

I smiled to myself and thought 'Nope! I'm cool whenever, be it night or dawn . ''

"Ah,really? That's good . It's hard to get greater damage dealers . You're also really strong compared to your level, so the other guild members like you too . "

"Really? That's a relief . "

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After getting my promise of hunting with them, Sang-Min leaves the blood stone calculation to the other members who are restoring their mana and talks to me .

"Min-Cheol ssi, I'll go to the Awakened ATM machine, after we've divided up your share, and send your money to you .

Normally, when hunting with guild members or friends, you would share the loot after all the hunts were finished .

But my case was different, so he probably talked about the loot first .

I think he's a decent guy .

Since it was the first time I had been treated well in my life, I didn't know what to do and started fidgeting .

Young-Hyun spoke up, breaking up the awkward conversation .

"Hyung-nim, there are 12 F ranks and 1 D rank . "

We hunted around 200 manticores, but only 13 stones came out .

It reminded me, once again, about the low drop rates of the blood stones .

Of course, one stone is D rank, so it would fetch a higher price . .

"Did you find out the current price?"

"You didn't tell me to do that . "

He waved his hand and turned around, as if to say he wasn't even surprised by this point .

"Yeah, I'm sorry . Find out the current price and say it, please?"

"Yes, Hyung!���

Sang-Min was pressing down on his temple during this time .

After completing the search, Yong-Hyun pressed down some buttons on his handphone, and said, "Hyung! Right now F rank is 20,500 won, and D rank is 70,000 won . All together it's 316,000 won!

"Yong-Hyun, how many times do I have to say this? Take off the odds and ends and give it to Chang-Hyuk We can just say it's 300,000 and give everyone 60,000 . The municipal rate doesn't fall down that much . "

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As if swallowing a sweet potato the size of an arm, I could sense the frustration .

'If it was my younger brother, I would tie him up and beat the living daylights out of him . '

Sang-Min looked at me with a contradictory look as he talked to Yong-Hyun .

"We should give a bit more money to the main tanker . . The equipment wear is far worse for them, so we can't do anything about it . Of course, most parties do this . . It's fine, right?"

I saw that shield's life being beaten out of it with my own eyes, so I could clearly understand the point .

"Ah, right . Let's hunt together when we have the time . Can I have your phone number?""

"Eh? Ah… I'll type it . "


Kim Min-Cheol

Level : 25

Exp : [34,260/220,000]

Class : Magician

Special Ability : Mana doesn't run out .

Strength : 10

Mana : ∞

Agility : 10

Vitality : 130

Unspent Points : 0

Current Skills

Frost Orb Lv . 12 [1450/90000]

Lightning Spray Lv . 18 [86536/150000]

It was the fifth day of hunting with Sang-Min and his party .

The manticore boss hadn't shown up once, even though we hunted 7 hours each day .

Although we stayed there for 10 hours total, Lee In-Ah, and Jo Yong-Hyun spend 3 hours restoring their mana, so the actual hunting time was less .

Of course, I had to put up an act while they rested . I pretended to need mana restoration time, too .

When our hunting time together was finished, I went to a level 6 dungeon alone .

This was for Skill Exp .

I attracted all the monsters, and killed them all, including the boss .

I could easily tank their attacks, as my vitality stat was at 130 .

A 6 level dungeon usually needed a 5 member team of at least Level 10+ .

Parties would have tankers and damage dealers, but I did that all on my own .

The amount of time it took for me to move to the boss room was equivalent to the time used to complete a dungeon run .

Every day at 6 am Sang-Min called me .

Aside from my Mother, no one else had given me this much attention . I felt uncomfortable and awkward, but I soon found that someone looking for you was actually a good feeling .

The amount of money I got per day from manticore hunting was around 100-120 million won .

In addition to this, the income from other hunting was around 200,000 won .

I could earn 800 million per week .

But this wasn't enough . I needed more money .

To get that I needed stronger skills, better items, and more growth .

But right now I was completely focused on repaying the loan .

My next objective was to get the skills 'Flashing' and 'Frozen Shield' .

Due to my infinite mana, I could cast 'Lightning Spray' without rest . In order to level up, the skills I needed were not attack skills, but defensive ones .

"Now, let's get to work!"