Jecht and Siri make it to a mountain that borders Everton kingdom and the Kingcardium empire it is known as troll mountain it was used during the war a hundred years ago but now it is not known as a useless battleground as both sides lost men due to this mountain is home for troll creatures. They arrive at the beginning of the trail covered in rusty old weapons from all the falling troops on both sides of the war.
"We need to be careful, Siri there are trolls on these mountains," said Jecht.
"Maybe we should take one of these to help us when we encounter them," said Siri.
"That's a good idea. But I rather avoid fighting them," said Jecht. He looks around and sees a rusty great sword it looked rusty and dull. Jecht picks it up and feels light to him for a great sword.
"It might not be able to cut anything," said Siri.
"I don't like hurting people or creatures but with this at least it won't kill them," said Jecht. Jecht and Siri start to walk up the trail making sure not to alert any trolls.
"So, is this place a graveyard?" asked Siri.
"Sadly, it is. the war between the empire and the kingdom was a battleground. But in my option, I think war is dumb. I just wish people can just talk it out," said Jecht.
"It alright to feel that way it kind of reminds me of my brother," said Siri. They travel for a bit till night since they have been traveling since they left the lake. Jecht sees a small cave it is barely deep but would be a good place to rest for the night. Jecht and Siri enter this cave. Jecht did not see any trolls in the cave and sees an old campfire remains and some logs left behind Jecht starts the fire and Siri sits down near it and Jecht sits near the entrance with the rusty great sword ready just in case a troll finds them.
"Man, what a day, dragons, my home village burnt down, and now I am risking my life just to save this kid who is a dragon. Is it possible she can find her home or someone who can help," thinks Jecht. "What would I do once I help her?" question Jecht to himself in thought. Jecht would sit there until he passed out until morning came.
Jecht wakes up and looks out the cave and looks down the mountain watching until Siri awakes.
"I guess it safe to continue then," said Jecht. Jecht and Siri leave the cave and keep on going on the trail.
"How long is this trail?" asked Siri.
"Not too long we should be off by noon," said Jecht. "But we better not alert any trolls to our location." Jecht and Siri see what looks like a camp of some sort and they then see a bunch of creatures they had green skin color they were tall and skinny creatures there were at least five of them in the camp these were trolls and they set up camp on the trail.
"Damn it, they set up camp on the trail. But if I were a hungry troll I would too," thinks Jecht. He sees a path behind what looks like a way to sneak past the camp of trolls. The Camp was on a cliff and below the cliff there was a small ledge opening where they can walk around the camp.
"We could go around using that path over there," said Jecht. Jecht and Siri go to the ledge.
"This looks like it could be bad if we make a bad step," said Siri.
"We must go slow then. Be careful you should go first so if you fall, I can catch you quicker," said Jecht. Siri leans her back on the wall and starts to make her way across. Jecht follows her. They scoot across bypassing the troll camp over them. Jecht looks at the troll camp to see if any saw them and none did not see them so they continue the pathway heading down the mountain now and they see the end of it.
"Great, we are home free," said Jecht. But a troll comes out behind a rock and sees them.
"Oh, no," said Siri in fear. The troll comes near them and grabs Siri and he was about to eat her as she begins to panic.
"LET HER GO," yelled Jecht. He goes and swings his rusty great sword but before he hits it, he hesitates and misses. But this was enough to scare the troll and it drops Siri and runs away up the mountain. Jecht grabs Siri and runs away from the mountain to the city.