Anime is an entertainment full of emotions and colours, that can brightening up the world for those who like it.
A Story that go trough all aspects of the genres, so if it's a sad story, they will go step by step and it will go deep, you will feel the sadness in you as well as your watch it. Given this aspect, it will fill you with what you want, watch anime won't make you feel lonely, but sometimes it will hurt you emotionally.
Anime have and has different kinds of art styles, if you are an artist you would like it. Inspiring you to try to draw the character in that anime or make you try different style of art.
And going to the things i hate the most ... the HATERS.
Them who like Anime like to call themselves Weeb, Otaku, and it's not an insult for us, but for some reason those who doesn't like anime make it look like an insult, doing so, you're just making them insecure.
Don't insult people for liking anime because you will or like something too, and it's wrong insulting people, what would happen to you if you were insulted for liking something, you would feel bad too.
It's not that you're right but at the same time it's not that you're wrong, but still, consider the feeling of them.