The GPS guided the car on a small path in the woods. There were trees, rocks and mud but no human being or the buildings of Manyeo. Not that surprising through, we like to live as quietly as we can, minding our own business. The ancestors decided it to be like this hundreds of years ago and the royals made sure to keep it the same way. I don't hate it, we live quietly in the same old towns from years ago without being afraid of threats.
We are allow to leave and come back whenever we want. But that's the thing, we always come back even if it takes a couple months or years, we always come back to the same old towns. Our community, back to the coven and it rules.
The car jolts and the action throws me forward. The seatbelt cut my breath for a second and my head throbbed with pain. I groan taking a deep breath raising my head.
"What the heck!" Zagan groans. He gives me a quick glance starting the engine again. The car makes a stifled roar, shaking a little.
He furrows gripping the wheel glancing forward. The engine roars a couple time more and then suddenly stops. He puffs and get out of the car slamming the door with a loud thud.
I step out of the car to see him touching a couple things at the engine.
"What are you doing?" He puffs again and keep on touching different parts of the engine.
"Kyle said if I ever have problems with a car, I should call for help."
"Because you are a girl." He snaps.
"He told you the same thing." I backfire crossing my arms over the chest.
"Love, don't piss me off." He growls and I sigh shaking my head.
This man was the most stubborn person I have ever met. He will never back off and accept defeat or help if his ego is in the game. He will keep going and trying until he'll demonstrate he can do it.
If he realises the situation is overwhelming him, he just shrugs his shoulders and says that the problem or situation doesn't deserve his waste of energy and attention.
He'll probably give up after he gets angry and stressed enough. He'll find a reason to get out of the situation gracefully like he always did without getting his big ego scratched.
To be honest he knows as much as me about cars and that's why his father told both of us to call for help if something like this happens. But of course he will avoid Kyle's advices like he never heard them.
"I'll wander around until you give up." I say and walk past him into the woods. I hear him cuss at me under his breath but I can't be bothered to respond.
My head is spinning again and I swear that I won't make the rest of the next four days alive in this condition.
After we landed I was struggling to get out of the airport and make it to the car without passing out. My legs were numb, my body was shaking and my head was spinning. I feel becoming weaker and weaker and I know that today is better than tomorrow.
"You'll feel a bit nauseous" they said. Nauseous my ass, I feel like dying. "It's an honour" they also said but I feel everything but honoured.
It's not like I had a choice anyways. I knew I'll be one of the chosen girls, they wouldn't spare me, not me. I keep walking forward passing tree after tree.
I feel my head spinning worse than before and my legs becoming numb. I stop spreading my hands on the closest tree, pressing my body onto it trying to gain some stability. I take a couple deep breaths cussing whoever got the idea to choose me and got my ass into this mess.
When I feel like I can walk again I turn around and my breath stops. I feel my heart drop.
"Fuck." I whisper breathless. He stands there at fifteen feet away watching me. His fur is white, snow white and has grey dazzling eyes. He is big, not as big as an alfa but bigger than an omega.
We lock eyes and his gaze is drilling my shields making it's way through my mind trying to read all my thoughts.
That's a big wolf.
All I feel now is my heart making it's way out of my chest trying to escape and leave me behind. My breath is uneasy and I know that he, more than sure figured out that I'm terrified.
When he shows his fangs, I forget how to breathe.
I have no powers so I can't fight with him. I have no protection and even if I try to reach a breach he'll attack me before I get to move a finger. I'm too weak to run and he's faster than me anyways. If I scream loud enough Zagan might hear me but by the time he'll come, if he'll bother himself to see why I'm screaming, I'll be long gone.
It's a werewolf so he'll understand me if I'll tell him what happened but if I start explaining him the situation I'm in, he'll know for sure I'm a witch.
Witches and werewolves history it's not very nice and peaceful. Werewolves dislike us deeply because of some misunderstandings along the centuries. So we tend to stay away from each other, we both know each other's territories and keep ourselves far away from them. But now I'm on their territory because that GPS happened to choose to guide us trough this forest and on top of that our car broke.
The white wolf starts to growl and I'm still thinking what should I do. If he thinks I'm human, he'll attack me and I'll die. If I try to have a reasonable conversation with him and explain him what happened and why I broke into his territory he'll either attack me before I even finish my first sentence or listen and spare me thinking I'm just stupid and very unlucky. The chances for him to be in a good mood are around thirty percent by how he's showing his fang and low growls.
"WaitâŚ" I take deep breath. "We have to arrive in the near town. The GPS brought us on the path through the woods and our car broke. My friend is trying to fix it and I just walked around for some fresh air. We didn't know this is a claimed territory and we'll leave as soon as the car works again. I swear we didn't came here to harm any of you." I'm gesturing trying to explain the situation the best I could.
He stops growling but keep on staring at me not moving an inch. I take some deep breaths waiting to either bite me or the story I just blurted out.
He sensed I'm weak, he doesn't need a lot of skills to noticed that anyway. My skin is at the worse point now in which it became transparent and you can see every green vein clearly. I can't stop my body from shaking and I didn't use my power to make my escape. I'm a powerful witch but here I am, hoping that the beautiful grey eyed wolf will pity and spare me.
He takes a step forward and my breath gets stuck in the throat again. He knows I'm weak so he's the dominant one in this situation.
He keeps coming closer until we're at two feet away.
We stare at each other for a couple seconds but I got enough time to figure him out. His eyes are ice cold, emotionless and at that moment I knew he'll attack.
He opens his mouth and when I see the big fangs I close my eyes. I should have stayed with the stubborn and pissed off Zagan.
He doesn't even know that I'm on the edge of becoming the tragic victim of this awfully beautiful creature.
I suddenly hear whimpers and I open my eyes seeing the wolf crashed by a tree in front of me. He keeps on struggling and I see his body being lifted up against the tree knocking out his breath.
"Run!" I look on the right and I see Zagan, jaw clenched, hands spread forward staring intensely at the wolf. His gaze sharp and stern.
He's hurting him.
He's killing him.
Zagan lost control. He's furious. He's unstoppable. He won't let him live because he wanted to hurt me and now he's punishing him by squishing him.
The wolf whimper loudly when Zagan moves his hand and the wolf's right leg twitch in a strange position.
He broke his leg.
"Zagan stop!" I yell but he doesn't even flinch.
I start moving towards him. If he can't hear me I'm sure he'll feel me when I'll crash into him and hopefully he'll lose focus. The wolf whimper loudly once again and I don't have to turn around to know that Zagan broke another leg.
I crash into him and we both hit the ground with a thud.
"What the fuck!" Zagan growls and he lift himself up observing that the wolf is nowhere to be seen. He stands up and starts listing profanities while I hiss when I feel a sharp pain coming from my right hip.
"Love? " My body can't take anymore pain than it took already. I feel his hands gripping my shoulders shaking me.