The world government soldier sarrive with the sergeant on the port, and what they saw is a burning sea in a distance, soldier who survive the ordeal and resting on the port and the king of the country sticking in the building unconscious, as if the king was crucified, the sergeant then asked, "Who did this?" one of the soldier who was left behind replied, "Sir, It appears Shino, the Leader of Tsunami Clan, did it, we don't know the reason but the people here rejoice after seeing the king defeated" the sergeant said, "hmmm… So that Shino did something this big again?" the soldier tilt their head because they don't know what the sergeant talking about, the sergeant then said. "Ahh right, I haven't told you what are the reason we are here for" the sergeant laugh and said, "My bad, we are after the king of this kingdom, he is guilty for illegal smuggling of weapons and will be imprison, Is this guy still alive?" one of the soldier poke the king and said, "It look like he is still alive" the sergeant then order, "Get him down and put the null-cuffs on him" then the sergeant pulled out a dove that is wearing a cap and said, "Sergeant Macnoy reporting from the Mayan kingdom, we capture king Deliego and returning to base. Shino of the Tsunami Clan seems to have a fight with the king and won" and after saying it the dove flown away going somewhere and then the sergeant said, "Soldiers get on board now! We achieve our goal and going to return to the base" Soldiers start to march and a few are dragging the king on board and before the Sergeant Macnoy get on board he look at the burning place first and then the port full of scared and injured soldier and said, "He really is dangerous, just like the vice-general said" and walk on board the ship and start to sail avoiding the burning sea.
The morning has come and the Tsunami Clan members are scattered everywhere, Sora and Chico sleeping on the beach, Nensho sleeping at watch Tower, Alva is sleeping on top of empty barrels and Shino who haven't slept and sitting on the top of figurehead and the reason why he hasn't slept was he encounter someone; After talking to Alva one by one they fall asleep, first was Alva who slept on top of the empty barrel under the night sky and then Sora who is tired from fixing the ship and slept on the Shore then Chico who gather a pile of wood first before sleeping on the shore, Shino who is staring at the distance was tired and the tiredness was gone when he saw a light flying away from the distance where a bunch of trees are and notice it is the same lantern he made earlier and immediately went to the area where it take off. Upon coming to the area he saw a campfire with a cauldron on top and a smell of tasty food with one person maintaining the fire and who Shino saw was Vulcan, Shino then said, "So it was you" Vulcan replied, "Thanks for your hard work" Vulcan then handed a wooded spoon and bowl and said, "Have some stew" Shino gladly accept the offer and sat opposite to Vulcan eating the stew to wake him up Shino then said, "how come you have the lantern I made" Vulcan replied, "So it was yours, I saw your lantern and got curious so I grab it while it was flying" Shino then said, "well that lantern will land somewhere anyway, so… why did you call me here?" Vulcan replied, "I saw what happen, I bet you are curious about the tails" while having food on his mouth Shino said, "Yeah, whah ish thah hail for?" Vulcan replied, "It helps you replenish your mana faster while fighting, It is only available to Elementalist" Shino swallowed his food then said, "like I though, so.. How do I get one?" Vulcan replied, "You are quite powerful without one" Shino finish his food and while getting a second Shino replied, "Yeah but I can only fight for a short period if I use my full power, I need something to help me stand for longer" Vulcan then said, "Elemental Tail, represent your power and will come out when you are one with your spirit" after hearing it Shino's mind is blank with food on his mouth and said, "Yeah, Sure I got it" Vulcan replied, "NO! You obviously don't" Shino then replied, "but one of my member is technically my spirit because my power came from her" Vulcan replied, "I think you miss understood what a spirit mean, who is it?" Shino replied, "The busty fire Elf, her name is Pyra, does will-o-wisp really become elf when they take a form?" Vulcan replied, "Well they are close relative of the elf so why not? right?" Shino replied, "yeah, she is quite cute when pouting" meanwhile back at ship Pyra suddenly sneeze while sleeping and mutter, "hehehe, Shino cared for me" back at the camp where Shino and Vulcan, Vulcan then said, "but no, Will-o-wisp gave you your element but that doesn't mean she will be your spirit, what I mean by your spirit is your own soul" Shino then said, "Ohh! I though you are talking about something like those elemental fairies" Vulcan replied, "You are making my head hurt Shino" Shino then replied, "ahh, I am also confuse, I'll get a tail when the time comes, how about you? 'God' of fire, how many tails do you have?" Vulcan showed his tails to Shino and Shino said, "Wow that is many, Seven tails?" and clap in front of Vulcan, Vulcan replied, "Yeah, even though they said nine tails are the most, no one still able to have it" Shino then said, "Well maybe, I'll be the first" Vulcan laugh and said, "I am more than 300 years old and only got seven, good luck having nine" Shino then stood up and said, "Yeah I know I was just joking, I better go now before anyone notice me gone, thanks for the food" Vulcan then said, "Are you going now? To the troy kingdom" Shino replied, "they finish the repairs, at sunrise we will go" Vulcan smiles and bid farewell to Shino and thus back to the sunrise where Shino is sitting on the figurehead.
While sitting on the figure head Shino look at where the sun is rising and one by one each member of the Tsunami clan is awaken, Pyra came rushing to Shino and hug him and said, "Shino… Good morning" Robin with Scatillia also said good morning and then they heard Sora shouting, "SHINO! The repairs are done" Shino replied while pyra is still hugging him, "Get on board, I have something to say" and as everyone line up in front of Shino Shino then said, "So.. I guess everyone here know where are we going?" Robin irritatedly replied, "Yeah we know, Just don't do something reckless" Shino smiles and said, "Is everyone okay with this?" everyone simultaneously replied, "AYE! CAPTAIN!" Shino chuckles and said, "that sounds like we are a pirates!" Chico then said, "But isn't a pirate also a clan only that they sails on sea? Exactly what we are doing, right?" Alva replied, "True, but Pirates plunder places and steals, we don't do that right?" Shino shake his hand side to side and said, "No no, we sails across the sea to get known for��� Sora then said, "that is right, The objective of Tsunami clan is to become the strongest clan, that is why we are band together" Alva replied, "yeah, Shino mention it earlier" Pyra then said, "So are we going or not?" Shino then asked everyone to form a circle and as they put their hand in the center Shino said to say whatever come to their mind Shino is first and said, "To be the Strongest" Pyra then said, "To see what the world has" Chico follows said, "To Achieve our dreams" Robin then said, "To give out our best" Sora then said, "To protect everyone" Alva then said, "To have the greatest story" Scatillia who is still hesitant then join in and said, "To protect what we love" Nensho who is awaken by the ruckus came flying in and said, "I don't know what this for but, To become a legend" and as if they plan it everyone shouts simultaneously, "Tsunami Clan.... Set sail!" and all was jolly in early morning Shino then said, "Alva it is your honor" Alva then uses his element to submerge the ship to let them get off shore and they are off to Troy Kingdom, Off to the very first war the Tsunami Clan has participated and in the shore behind one of the three Vulcan was there watching them sail and with a smile he silently said, "Voyage as much as you want, shake this world with your presence and start a new Era using your 'A', Shino".