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The Day I Saw A God

This story is about a girl. Her name is Natsumi Furakawa. She is in a High School Girl. She lived in Tokyo Japan. She had A Normal Life. Though she was the Japan's most Richest Architecture's daughter. One Day She Meet With Someone Who Told Her That She Is Going Die Today. What Will Happen To The Girl? What Will she do? Read the story to know about what happened to her and all the other people that she will meet and she had meet will have there promised day. The day they die.

Chapter 1 - The Promised Day

Chapter 1

Humans are born in this world for a reason. They live searching for the reason why they are still alive. They might also not search for that reason and lives his or her life the way they wants to. But one might live to protect his love ones. Some lives and born to become a king or queen. Some are born poor trying to live their life in hardship and in the hope that their life will change in the future. Some are born for disturbing the peace of the world. Some lives to find peace that they have lost. Some may find there reason to live in there lifetime and some may can't find it even if they searched it in there entire lifetime but either they find it or not find it, Everyone have a promised day. A day that was promised by the god. This day wasn't only promised to humans but for every living being in the entire world. Humans, animals, fishes, bird and they all are aware of it. The day when there life come to an end. That day was known to all living being by the mother nature. That is Death. Every living being will die one day. That is the promised day.

Once upon a time in the country of Japan in the year of 2020 it was raining all over at the city of Tokyo. The school bells of Tokyo high school ranged. All of the students of class 3-A starts to leaves the classroom. Everyone of that class takes there own shoes from there respective locker and Takes their umbrella from the umbrella holder. The students of that school starts to leave the school by a few seconds after opening there umbrella. The firsts to leaves the school was 2 boys from class 3-A leaves the school together wearing there school uniform and the school bag on there back. They starts talking with each other.

The boy 'A' puts his hand on the other boy's shoulder and asks the other boy like this :"Hey! Do you know what happened in the P.E class?"

The other boy yawns after hearing his questions. He looked sleepy and answers his questions with a sleepy voice like this :"How could I know!?! I was sleeping at the classroom. Nobody told me it was the P.E class at that time!"

The boy 'A' laughs. The other boy didn't know why he laughed. He looks at the boy 'A'. The boy 'A' replies to him while laughing loudly like this :"When you were sleeping I put some dead cockroaches in your bag"

The other boy looks at him with a unamused face reaction. He replies to him like this :"Do you want me to kill you?!!" He clench his fist.

The boy 'A' stops laughing and replies to him while sweat falling down from his face like this :"Don't worry, it's not a real one!! It's just a toy! Hahaha~"

The other boy still replies to him with the same face like this :"Still you shouldn't have done that. When I go back to my house and my sister's sees it she will have a heart attack." He continues his reply to him (The boy 'A') by threatening him like this :"If she have heart attack, I will Kill you!"

The boy 'A' apologize to him like this :"I am sorry. I won't do it again!"

All the other students starts to leave the school by a few moments after they leaves. While they were talking to each other a brown hair female student from that school starts running towards another one female student in the opposite side of the direction while holding her umbrella.

That girl shouts while running towards the other girl like this :"Oy~!!! Natsumi!!!!"

The other girls looks back at her directions and stops walking. She makes a stop sign with her right hand by putting all of the fingers closely to each other telling her to stop like that. That girl stop running seeing that. And goes to her by walking normally. She gets in front of the other female student.

That girl asks her like this :"Can I talk now?"

That other girl replies to her like this :"You can. So what you were trying to say even after we bid farewell to each other for each other the 5th time in a day? Kona?!"

That other female student's name is Natsumi Furukawa. She have red color hair with blue eyes. She is at her third year of her school life. She is the only daughter of Japan's most richest architecture. She have a part time job in mcdonald's. It's not like her parents doesn't give her money. She does it for to kill time and fun. She always stays at the top in her exams. The other girl's name is Kona Haruno. She is just an ordinary idiot girl. She is her (Natsumi) friend. She have black eyes. She have average in most of the exam

Kona asks her like this :"So, Natsumi wanna hang out with us in the karaoke? One of my friends will also come to the karaoke"

Natsumi replies to her like this :"I am sorry. I have my part time job after now"

Kona was disappointed. She didn't know that she would refuse. She replies to her like this :"Oh! That's a shame. Then I will see you tomorrow in the school. Goodbye!"

Kona leaves from there and goes to her other friends whom were waiting for her in the other corner of the gate. That boy 'A' from before was laughing at the school gate loudly after Kona leaves the scene.

Natsumi looks at them. She gets curious and questions arises in her mind. She thought to herself [Why is he laughing? Even if you want to laugh, laugh less loudly. Your friend is being embarrassed in the public because of you]

Natsumi starts walking without thinking anymore about that situation. She didn't care anything about that. She walks and goes to her part time job's place by the metro train in Shibuya. After the train stops at the place where her part time job is she start walking to her part time job from the train station. She walks for a few minutes and arrives at her part time job place. It was McDonald's. She enters her part time job's place through the back door of the building. Nobody was there in the backroom. She goes directly to the changing room to change into mcdonald's uniform. Her female senior was there in the changing room. While she is changing at the changing room.

Her part time job's senior asks her while both of them were changing and she (Senior) was putting her buttons like this :"Natsumi! How was your day?"

Natsumi replies to her like this :"It was just like any other day."

Her part time job's senior name is Maki Sonohara. She have deep blue hair with blue eyes.

Maki asks her like this :"What about your entrance exam for university?"

Natsumi replies to her question like this :"I think I will somehow pass the exam"

Maki didn't expect that kind of half hearted answer. She asks her like this :"Somehow? Are you really sure?"

Natsumi replies to her like this "I think so." Though she wasn't not that confident about it herself.

Maki takes her word and doesn't get too deep in that matter. She asks her like this :"What subjects you are going for in the entrance exam?"

Natsumi replies to her questionlike this :"Computer science and electrical and electrical engineering"

When she replies that both of them finish changing there clothes into the restaurant's uniform.

Maki was familiar with that subject. She replies to her like this :"CSE. Study hard it's not a easy subject"

Natsumi replies to her like this :"I am trying my best"

The elderly looking Manager of the McDonald's restaurant opens the door of the changing room and yells at both of them :"What are you girls talking for?!! Go back to your work!!!!"

Both startles at the same time and gets scared. They both also at the same time leaves the room and replies to the manager like this :"Yes Ma'am"

She is the manager. Her name is Iroka higatawa. Her employee's call her Iro-San. Even though she look like a 60 years old woman she is only 30 years old. No one knows why she looks like 60 years old woman.

Iro-San gets displeased by there talking says this after they leaves the room :"Nowadays all the newbie just talks! Doesn't work at all!"

Natsumi start's working for 4 hours afterwards in her part time job's place. While working she would sometime talks with her senior and slacks off her work. When Iro-san see them talking instead of working she gets mad at them and shouts there name.

Natsumi run away and goes back to her. She sometimes think this when Iro-san shouts in front of the customer [And because of that shouts we don't get that much customer]

After 4 hours of working at McDonald's she leaves the shops after changing into her school uniform in the changing room. Before Natsumi leaves the shop her manager calls her to the reception. She goes there as her manager ordered her to.

Natsumi replies to her like this :"Yes ma'am?"

Iro-San gives her payment for her part-time job. Natsumi shows her gratitude for giving her the payment by thanking Iro-San like this :"Thank you so much!"

Iro-San replies to her like this :"Don't forget to take the trash bag with you"

Natsumi felt not too happy hearing that. It wasn't her duty to take the trash in the trashcan with her today. She thought it some kind of mistake. She replies like this :"Umm.. Iro-San, I am leaving my work time is over and today is Maki Senpai's time in taking the trash out."

Iro-san replies to her like this :"It's your job. Since she already left before I could tell her that"

Natsumi was stunned. She thought to herself after hearing this from Iro-San [This makes it a another full week of throwing the trash bag by myself. One day I am gonna take my revenge]

While she was in her thoughts Iro-San continues her reply to her while looking at her with serious eye like this "Or do you want me to fire you?!"

Natsumi became more disappointed and angry at her senior and couldn't arguing back to her manager. So she took the trash bag and throw it on the trashcan. It was still raining at that time. Natsumi opens the umbrella and leaves the shop. She starts walking to the station. After walking for sometime she arrives at the train station and at the train station she meets with Maki. Though she didn't saw her at first. Though Maki saw her. Maki waves her hands above her. She sees her.

She was still angry at her because of that. Natsumi thought to herself after seeing her [She is here I should kill her. Wait a minute! Killing is a crime I should not do it! I can't even do it! If I do it I will get into jail and my family's honor might lose]

Natsumi replies to her like this :"Senpai! You are still here! I thought you went to home by now"

Maki replies to her like this :"I would have leaved but I want to thank you for throwing the trash in my place for whole week again."

Natsumi got angry and thought to herself [So you have done that full knowing. I wanna kill her.] She clench her hand and continue thinking [No. Anger! I have to calm down. I can't kill her. If I Jill her that will turn me into a criminal.]

Natsumi takes a deep breath to calm herself. She calm down a little bit.

After calming down she replies to her with a smile on her face to conceal her anger like this :"No. It's nothing. That's my job as a junior."

Maki replies to her like this :"Then do it for me for this month." Without thinking about how much of a hassle would be for her.

All the anger that she calmed down all of them comes back to her again. After she says that she starts running from her. She couldn't sustain her anger anymore.

Natsumi thought to herself [This is as much I can take]

She starts run and look for Maki but she couldn't find her anywhere. After searching for sometimes her mobile phone ranged. She takes her phone and see that it was a message notification that came up. She opens her smartphone and read the message.

The message was like this :"You can't catch me that easliy. MUHAHAHAHAH xD."

Natsumi got more angrier and thought to herself after reading the message [How fast can she move!? Oh I forgot! She was in the athletic club in her high school! And while I get tired after running for two laps] she gets a bit depressed after thinking that to herself

After she thought that she stops searching for Maki cause she knew she wouldn't be able to catch her anymore. She gets into a train to go to her house. After she gets into the station where her house was near she lefts the train and starts walking to her house. While she was walking she comes before a open park. She looks at the flowers on that park. She saw that there was one withered flower in all of those flowers that were displayed. That flower was just a ordinary withered flower but Natsumi finds an interest on that withered flower and take it home back with her. She puts the flower in her bag. She once again starts walking towards her home. After walking for 5 minutes she enters her home.

She says this after entering the house :"I'm Home."

Her mother hears that from the kitchen. Her mother was cleaning the dishes. She asks her daughter like this:"Welcome home. How was your day?"

Natsumi replies to her mother like this :"As usual"

Her mother replies to her like this from the kitchen :"Take your bath and come to the dinner room"

After she takes her bath at the bathroom and gets refreshed and she puts the flower in a vase. She eats her usual dinner with her family. She goes to her after eating and finishes her homework for tomorrow in her desk.

Natsumi thought to herself in the chair she was sitting in her bedroom [Today was a great day. As always mother's cooking is the best i should sleep first]

She jumps on her and sleeps right away as she was tired. One of the petals from the flower falls down from the vase right after the clock hits 2 am.