Ash rained on heads and Betria puffed his spoiled gulp of air out. His face was like a blood-red pale leather, the same as the river-blood he had made on the snow. Elendeer was riding a hell-spirit and approached him, "Your majesty, we shall get back and refresh the army."
The monsters would not live for a long time. Their soul was weak and had to kill and catch souls to live more. Therefore, Betria and Lug are going to feed them enough. Although dismaying that he commanded them to retreat in Leigaroun. He got back into his spaceship and left swiftly to not witness more misery!
Humans and elves were tired barely held swords. However, those monsters were able to rush back as they heard the sounds of lashes. It was very unlikely Betria would not tolerate fighting days to take the Cold castle. Lug had no intention to waste his forces on Taramus. Next time, he would not play and directly go for the Cold castle.