After the creature escaped, the god of war was burned with rage. He went back to the castle and told his friends about it. Now the angel went back to her home high above the heavens, and when she returned to heaven, other angels came and greeted her. The angel came to a throne room, and she bowed to the one sitting there. "My Lord, I went down to earth to check on what had happened, but I bring you terrible news, the beautiful world you have made with your own hands has fallen to devastation, the land was filled with blood and death, the sea was stained in red, and the sky was darkened by smoke. The creatures on the ground only know violence and sin, and they are growing more powerful by the day," the angel spoke with great sorrow.
"Lift your head. Sin has fallen into the world, and because of that, the world can no longer yield life. The world has been plundered into darkness, now I must respond to its cry!" the man on the throne spoke with a deep voice.
The night approached, the ten gods gathered together to feast, and while the night was still young, a great vortex came down near the castle. The gods grabbed their weapons and went out to see what had happened. The wind was so strong, trees and part of earth were being devoured by the vortex. A great voice came down from heaven.
"You creature of earth, who calls yourselves gods. You have caused great pain and suffering, and now I will cast you out." God spoke. "Now prepare yourselves for judgment!" Around 10,000 angels came down from heaven, all of them equipped with armors and swords, "strike them down, all of them, leave none alive!" Then trumpets were blown all 10,000 angels engaged in battle. The ten gods ran for their lives as the angels chesed them. All of the gods of this world also engaged in fighting, but none can stand. At the very end, the ten gods were cornered, so they charged into a crowd of angels, but at the very end, there were too many angels, they fell and died.
One hundred years later. A flash of lightning struck the ground, and the lightning struck the corpse of a fallen god on the grounds near a newly created mountain. The corpse decayed, but the heart started to beat... once, then again, then again... among the corpse, a small human-like creature came out, soaked with blood, it opened its eyes, and then the lightning came down again, another small human-like creature emerged from the corpse. There was an angel nearby.
He saw this and went to God and said: "they are alive. The titans are alive."
God spoke: "those are not gods, they are human. I created them out of the light of heavens, and gave them life."
"Will those creatures also be like the gods? They will seek power and create devastation. What will you do then?" The angel spoke with concern.
"They will," God spoke.