Chereads / Eyes of the Emperor / Chapter 3 - Beginning of a Journey.

Chapter 3 - Beginning of a Journey.

The wind blew softly within the forest clearing and its rather bloody scene, two silhouettes still stood tall while conversing.

"Show you what being human means?" Elyenora asked, looking up at the eyes of the tall man.

She was easily dwarfed by Mon'Ter who had an entire foot over her.

"Yes..." Mon'Ter spoke quietly, hoping to have his request accepted.

Elyenora beamed a smile, and said. "Of course!" The answer had given Mon'Ter a rather pleasant feeling he had not felt before, bringing out yet another smile onto his face.

However, a face of concern suddenly appeared on Elyenora's visage. "But, does that mean you intend to follow me...?" She asked.

"Yes." Mon'Ter replied, "Me must know."

"Mmm...", she contemplated, "Then you must know of my situation first. Else it would not be fair to drag you into my problems." She spoke confidently and seriously, the gaze of a warrior returning to her eyes.

"Okay." Mon'Ter replied and began to wait for her explanation.

"First off, my full name is Elyenora Von Ezabelle Benulis. I am the first princess of the country we're in right now, Benulis, and I'm currently on the run while trying to escape from my elder brother, the crowned prince Aydian Von Ezabelle Benulis." Elyenora explained, waiting for Mon'Ter to process the information.

"Elye... Ra... Von... Eza..bora... Benuza? Von... Ezorale.... Benulis?" Mon'Ter spoke in tongue twists, holding his head with his hand as it began to hurt from the overly long names of royalty.

"You don't have to try too hard Mon'Ter, I know these names can be a little hard to pronounce, haha!" Elyenora couldn't help but chuckle at Mon'Ter's attempts, her seriousness slightly vanishing once more.

"Mmm... Okay... So, your brother, bad bad?" Mon'Ter asked, feeling a little down at not being able to pronounce the names.

"Yes, you could say that. Aydian wishes to capture me and get the location of an ancient artifact our royal family has owned for generations..." Elyenora spoke, suddenly losing both her confident and happy look.

She then continued, "Our father... Died recently... He left the knowledge of the artifact's location to me alone, so now that my brother is preparing to wage war against the neighboring countries after his coronation, he plans on using that Artifact to start his entire war campaign... My father was against it, however most of the royal guard and nobility are behind Aydian's back, thinking of him as the next great age to come for Benulis, I however disagree... No way can bloodshed lead to a great age, not when the citizens would suffer. Not when father himself hated war, it would be a disgrace to his legacy." Elyenora finished explaining, looking up at Mon'Ter to await his reaction.

"Arti...fact? War...? Royal... Country? Nobile... Coronation... Legci... Mon'Ter doesn't understand at all..." Mon'Ter said, his head steaming from the overload of information as he began wobbling side to side while holding it still.

Elyenora sighed, smiling softly. "It's fine Mon'Ter, just know that. If you follow me, then you would no doubt get attacked by very powerful individuals who intent to capture me and eventually claim my life. If you're with me then I can't guarantee your safety..." She explained, worry oozing from her gaze as she looked at Mon'Ter.

'I can't let my savior die in the waves of my country's problems...' Elyenora thought, knowing that this all had nothing to do with Mon'Ter.

From what he seemed, he was simply a wanderer with a complex background, he might not have even been a citizen of Benulis.

"Me is... Strong. It is okay, Ely... Mon'Ter will... Protect you. So, in exchange... show me what... being a human... Means." Mon'Ter spoke softly, yet his confidence was evident.

"I know you're strong Mon'Ter, stronger than me. However, some of the people that my brother has on his side are even stronger, even I don't know the extent of their strength... You could get killed... Or even worse, captured and experimented on..." Elyenora was still advising against Mon'Ter's continued involvement with her.

"... Then... Me will kill them first." Mon'Ter spoke in whispers, his eye showing a hint of menace, "Show me what... Being a human means..." He asked once more, earnestly wanting to know more and feel more humane.

"Haaaaa..." Elyenora sighed once again, "If you're that insistent then I guess it can't be helped... You'll probably just follow me anyway... And I definitely do need the help," She contemplated once more, placing a hand on her chin before shrugging, "Oh, whatever! I'm glad to have you on board Mon'Ter! I promise to show you what being a human truly means, both the good and bad of it." Elyenora spoke confidently with a grin, she knew that she needed the help her country's people and now also Mon'Ter, the man she owed her life to.

She was just putting up a front however.

'If I have Mon'Ter's help it would be far easier to achieve my goals... However, I feel bad to drag him into this... He deserves to have what he wants though, it's the least I can do to pay my debts... I just hope that I don't lead him to his demise...' Elyenora thought, placing a hand on her forehead.

"This whole business... Is so damn complicated..." She muttered, annoyed at her own situation.

"What now... Ely?" Mon'Ter asked suddenly, wondering what the girl was planning on doing next.

"Well, before this happened, I was heading towards the City of Weylorn. It's a ways away from here but we can reach it in a few stops... Might take some days." Elyenora said, "Our first destination would be the town of Cloran, it's a trading town with a decently sized population."

"Mmm... Me understands." Mon'Ter nodded, "Let's go then." He muttered and started walking in a random direction.

"Eh? Mon'Ter wait! Not that way!" Elyenora extended her hand in effort to stop him.

"Hm? Why?" Mon'Ter asked, confused as to why he couldn't go in that direction.

"The town is this way." She pointed towards the correct direction.

"..." Mon'Ter stood silent for a moment, "It matters where we walk towards?" He asked innocently.

"..." A silence loomed over the forest clearing once more, wind softly blowing through the quiet atmosphere.

"Yes... Yes, it does Mon'Ter." Elyenora facepalmed with a sigh and grabbed his only hand with hers, "Let's go, don't get lost now, okay?" She said and pulled him towards the direction of Cloran.

Mon'Ter felt rather weird to be tug along by the frail looking girl, however he decided to let it pass and simply enjoyed the presence of someone else.

Hours passed, morning turned to evening and evening turned to night. The duo of princess and monster had managed to exit the mountain's forest and were about to set up camp inside of a cave that they'd found, Elyenora needed to rest after the long walk of the past days.

"Haaaa..." Elyenora breathed out, sitting down on her old sleeping bag that she had been carrying in her bag of items. "This seems like a good spot to rest at, right Mon'Ter?" She asked.

"Yes... Me likes... Caves..." Mon'Ter spoke up, standing on the ceiling with his talon like feet digging into it.

He was similar to a bat in this sense...

"You sleep like that?" Elyenora asked, "Isn't it uncomfortable?"

"Its... Calming... For me..." Mon'Ter replied, closing his eyes and dozing off rather quickly.

"Wow, he sleeps fast!" She exclaimed, a bit surprised at his speed of falling asleep.

'Well, I'd better go to sleep too... We should reach Cloran by noon tomorrow, I can't wait to taste some actual food!' Elyenora thought, her face drooling at the thought of a proper meal.

"Hehehe~" She giggled as she laid in bed, thinking of food only to soon also dream about it. "Delicious steaks..." she mumbled in her sleep, drooling over her sheets in hunger.


When the morning arrived once more with its beautiful sunrise, the pair packed up and continued their journey towards the trading town. It took them nearly six hours until they finally reached their destination!

Once they were nearing the town and its gates were in view, Mon'Ter spoke up, "Hm... Me can't... enter town... People scared..."

"Mmm, I know that...' Elyenora said and began to think, "Mon'Ter, could you stay back for a while?" She asked.

"Yes, Mon'Ter will wait... here..." Mon'Ter replied softly and sat down with his legs crossed.

"Good, I won't be long..." Elyenora said, "I'll be back quick okay? Don't worry too much okay?" She said in a soft tone, backing up slowly while looking at Mon'Ter.

"Yes... Me wait..." Mon'Ter spoke and waved at Elyenora with his claws.

Once she waved him back, she quickly started to run towards the gates, not wanting to trouble Mon'Ter with waiting for too long.

She passed by the guards without trouble, it was a small stone gate of about six meters in height connected to a five meter tall wall. It wasn't a fortified town and was in a generally peaceful area thus this was enough protection for the townsfolk.

Elyenora walked through the streets filled with people, making sure to stay hidden underneath her now ragged black cloak. She was looking for a shop where she could buy a new cloak for herself, as well as something better for Mon'Ter to wear.

'Hm... A big cloak is a must for him, however he needs actual clothes underneath too... Those bloodied rags he wears barely qualify...' Elyenora thought as she walked around the stores.

It didn't take long for her to find a shop where they sold clothing, it was a mostly brick built building with a wooden floor and ceiling. She walked up to the counter where an old man was sitting in his chair while reading a book.

The old shopkeeper was quite short and fragile looking, had a receding hairline, a short moustache and an unkept beard. His skin was rather wrinkly, he had a lazy eye and wore a pair of old glasses.

"Excuse me? Mister shopkeeper? Do you sell any cloaks? Preferably like the one I'm wearing right now as well as one for a man about this tall!" Elyenora said while tip toeing and raising her hand up, trying to simulate Mon'Ter's height.

"Mmm... I'm sure there's some in the back," The shopkeeper spoke, "Anything else?"

"Yes, for the tall man I need some leather clothes, bigger the better! As well as bandages, many many bandages!" Elyenora pointed out.

"Sure thing... Is this man injured? You should take him to the doctor in town, he's just down the street here." The shopkeeper spoke.

"Thank you, mister. I'll be sure to go if it's needed" Elyenora smiled lightly.

"Okay then, hope your man is fine. Now, let me check for those items of yours, I'll be right back missy." The shopkeeper said and disappeared in the back of his shop.

"My man?" The innocent girl questioned, not knowing what the shopkeeper had assumed.

Soon enough, the old man returned with two black cloaks of different sizes as well as a set of dark leather clothing for Mon'Ter and some white bandages. "Would these do, miss?"

"Perfect! How much are these?" Elyenora asked, beginning to take out some coins from her bag.

"Three silver coins." The shopkeeper stated.

"What! This is daylight robbery! One silver and twenty coppers!" Elyenora protested.

"I need to run a business here miss. Two silvers fifty coppers." The shopkeeper stated.

"That's still too much for some cloaks, leather clothes and bandages! I would spend fifteen coppers just for a day's lodgings and meals already! Not to mention two silver coins and fifty coppers... One Silver and fourty coppers!" Elyenora haggled.

"You're being unreasonable, two silvers and twenty coppers." The shopkeeper haggled back.

"Silver and eighty coppers!" Elyenora yelled, leaning over the counter.

The shopkeeper moved back a little, "Two silvers, take it or leave it." He said, getting a little nervous.

"Haha! Yes! Got it, mister shopkeep! Thank you for the trade~" Elyenora said and took out two silver coins, handing them over to the shopkeeper. "Have a good day mister!" She said whilst taking the clothing and running out of the shop.

'I'm glad I could haggle the price down by thirty three-ish percent... I don't have too much funding left on me and we still need to pay an entrance fee at Weylorn.' Elyenora thought, running towards the exit of the town in a pleased mood.

'Ha! I usually sell that kinda clothing for a silver coin and seventy coppers missy! Ya got haggled out!' The shopkeeper thought to himself, before laughing. "Bwahahahaha! Anotha one in da bag!"

With an oblivious smile to her lost money, Elyenora moved towards the place where Mon'Ter was waiting for her to return.