Bex awoke the next day with a smile on his face. He had done well on the test he had to take last night. His father was proud and agreed that on their delivery run today they would stop by the trader to see what droid parts they had in store.
The villagers rotated jobs to make things less mundane. This cycles turn to deliver was Bex's family. This was Bex's favorite job as it meant going into town. Even though he wasn't allowed to go in most of the buildings or be by himself, it always meant that they got to visit the traders.
The traders had things from all across the galaxy. Each family would make a list for things to look for while in town. These could be anything from foodstuff, toys, cloths, and weapons. This time however Bex didn't care about the treats his father would get him but on the possibility of a droid.
As Bex and his father got in the small land speeder, his mother and sister got into the large transporter they used to hall and gather the water. This was the other part he liked. It was his turn in the speeder. This meant his father and him would scout ahead for trouble. It also meant he got to hold the blaster.
"Do you think I will get to shoot anything this trip?" Bex asked his father in a fast, energetic tone.
"I hope not son."
"You always say that. I've been practicing like you told me to. I bet I could shoot that rock waaay over there."
"Now son you know you are not supposed to use that unless it's an emergency.
"I know daaaad."
They rode in silence for a few moments.
"Do you think they have a droid for me?"
"I don't want to get your hopes to high Bex. Most of what the traders carry is either too expensive or just junk. We will see what they have when we get there."
"Yes sir." Bex said with his doubts growing.
With that they topped the hill. What laid before them was a sprawl of a make shift city with a space port and shops.
"Remember to stay close and don't take that blaster out no matter what. I don't want you to cause a fight or get yourself shot" Marc warned Bex.
"Yes father" Bex replied.
Bex had hardly heard his father because the only thing he had on his mind was a droid.