Alex and Olivia were stunned, to say the least, I shook my head if they were stunned by Jus making love to me than this story would leave them marking my testimony as censored when finished. There was so much left to tell, this being an intro. Just an ingredient to a cake if I could say.
"Wait didn't you tell me you and Justin had a bad past in prison?" Alex asked
"Yes, I did."
"Why did you lie? Does he even know you're in here?" Olivia asked
"I don't know."
"Unico…" Alex said
"I'm not lying I don't know."
"Let me go order us some food it's 6 pm and I'm hungry." Olivia said as she stood up.
"I really don't know what else you keeping from me. I thought you trusted me." Alex said after a few moments.
"What do you expect from a prisoner?"
"You're not a prisoner, you're just stuck in a dark place because you didn't choose right."
Stunned I turned to look at him, how dare he! How dare he!