It's been a week since we returned, Justin was leaving tomorrow, and I was already back at work. I was happy to see that Ann had been promoted to the position I was in a while back. We were excited to be working as partners, even though my side would have a bit more work.
Lucy was back and more determined than ever. I, her, and Ann had gotten closer than ever. Despite Justin and I's fall out, we stayed in the same place, my apartment, in different rooms though. We barely spoke to each other and just greeted, respected each other's space. At times we would assist each other when we could regarding work, but the love was now bitter and cold.
Our friendship stale…all we were…what it felt like we were…is strangers with a strong past… closing on what we could have been. Happy. I shook my head as I packed up my files and placed them in the safe. As I shut it, I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in," I called.
"Hey." He greeted.