Giant vines suddenly bursted out of the ground in the area between the guards and the podium, sealing any reinforcements from the courtyard. Elizabeth immediately got the message and managed to knock the executioner out, but the guard behind her raised his sword to kill her. The sword fell out of his hand as he fell to the ground after another guard had knocked him out. The revolution had begun.
I jumped out of my hiding place and snapped everyone's ropes allowing them to fight. George and Nathaniel were dropped out of the sky by the girl in her wolf form, and they managed to regroup with Donatello and the others. Nathaniel and Elizabeth left to find Paul, who had run off, while Joan, Keith and Donatello helped fight off the guards. George noticed Nara trying to shoot Joan with an arrow and blocked her in the nick of time.
They then turned to fight each other. George asked her why she betrayed us and she told him, "nothing will change, unless you change it yourself" before attacking him. He blocked her attack and she said how he's had an easy life. The only thing he had to worry about was expectations, and not about whether or not he'll get to eat. She was envious of his life and concluded that the only way she can live like him is if she takes it.
George was dominating the fight, but Nara grew angrier and somehow unexpectedly grew stronger when he told her that she couldn't blame every unfortunate thing on the king. She soon began pushing George around and eventually pinned him on the floor. She held her sword above him and told him, "Your son is next," but before she could kill him, Joan shot her sword out of her hand with an arrow.
She then pulled out a dagger and started fighting her, but her overwhelming strength was getting the best of Joan. George saw this and joined in the fight.
They tagged-team her until she was cornered and unable to move. Joan went to kill her, but George stopped her and said that he'd do it. She tried to use his feelings for her as a reason for him to spare her, but he said that his feelings for Nathaniel were stronger than the ones he had for her since he was his "son."
After he killed her, George met up with Joan, Donatello, and Keith inside the palace and they made their way to Paul.