Chereads / Callisto’s Gift / Chapter 69 - Sixty Eight

Chapter 69 - Sixty Eight

I was worried that it was too soon, but George and Keith agreed with Elizabeth. They had  been ready, but they just needed a reason to get the public on their side, and " an evil sorcerer killed the king and queen, but we can't prove it" just didn't cut it. We rode for a while, before Keith pointed out we should make camp before dark for security reasons.

We set up camp, and made stew out of the two rabbits and a basket of herbs Joan had swiped from the kitchen staff. We, and by we I mean Keith, told stories of his glorious conquests, while flirting with my sister right in front of me, which was a little cringey for me.

While Joan and George were cleaning up and Nara and Keith were tending the horses, I gathered up all my courage and asked Elizabeth to let me fight beside her. She pointed out how they had saved me earlier, but I didn't let that excuse slide. We argued back and forth until she got up and drew two swords.

She threw one down in front of me and told me that if I could beat her, then she'd let me fight beside her. Whoever forfeited first lost. With that in mind, I didn't hold back at all. I had the upper hand in the beginning, since she wasn't taking me seriously, but that quickly changed.

She suddenly began trying and she soon had me lying on my back with her sword to my throat. She called me weak and told me that I should stay home, and that enraged me. I somehow toppled her and soon she was underneath me. My left arm firmly held her right arm and sword down as me right held her throat. I told her to give up, but she refused, so I began to squeeze.

Nara and Keith returned, saw the situation and immediately pulled us away from each other. I asked her why she didn't give up when I could've killed her, and she said "you don't  have it in you. I'd rather die than put you in danger again." The camp was silent as George and Joan returned. The atmosphere was suffocating, but the quiet was shattered by the sound of a twig snapping.