Chereads / Initium Eternia / Chapter 2 - Chapter 1: The Beginning

Chapter 2 - Chapter 1: The Beginning

When I opened my eyes all I could see was darkness. They say darkness is the absence of light, but this darkness devoured every trace of light.

"...Where am I?" I call out into the darkness not really expecting an answer. I opened my mouth again to speak, but was interrupted by the chime of a bell. "What was that?" as if to answer my question the bell chimed again; then after a moment a voice spoke.

???: "Hello my dear little Atlas. I know you have many questions, but let me answer one right off the bat. Well....actually two. You have died, and you are in the space between worlds." The voice was obviously female, and was rather calming. "Now before you start firing off questions you have a choice to make. Now this choice will affect you're future, and the future of those who will gather around you." the voice let out a laugh it was a hypnotizing sound; though it's next words came with a surprising amount of seriousness. "Now will you choose to become The Spectral, or will you become the Devourer?"

"Huh? What's the difference?" If the disembodied voice could see my face it would probably laugh. My face looked like something in between confusion and anger. I did not know why I was angry, but I was extremely so.

???: "I am not at liberty to tell you the details, but you must make you're choice." The bell chimed a third time, and now the voice sounded frantic as if it was running out of time. "Please hurry and decide! You must make you're choice, or it will be made for you and you will not like the outcome!"

"A-Alright I uhhh pick The Spectral." With being forced to choose, and not knowing the consequences of my choice I chose at random. I would face anything that came afterwards when and where it came. Moments after I made my choice I felt like I was falling. Down deeper into the darkness. The voice let out a sigh as if my choosing put it at ease.

???: "I hope your journey is filled with the happiness you never got on earth..." And with that I no longer heard the voice, but the sound of running water, and the breeze brushing against leaves. I gingerly opened my eyes only to see a explosion of different colors green, blue, brown, and lastly red. I looked down at my body and saw I was covered in blood. Then a wave of intense pain washed over me nearly knocking me out.

"G-God damnit..." I grit my teeth letting the pain subside before getting up and looking at my surroundings. All I'm able to see is trees. Trees everywhere, and a river to my right. "W-Where there is water there is life..." I grit my teeth again even talking induced pain. I take a step in the direction the river is flowing; another intense wave of pain washing over, but I press on hoping to find a way to save my life. I walk for what seems like hours an endless amount of pain coursing through my body. With each step forward a small village slowly comes into view. I let out a small sigh of relief as I finally reach the edge of the village, but my vision quickly dims as I black out.

I open my eyes sometime later to find myself lying down in a bed, and my body wrapped in bandages. "What the hell?" I slowly sit myself up pain shooting through my body "Agh!" A noise came from somewhere within the house; then moments later a beautiful woman who seemed to be in her early twenties came rushing into the room. She had shiny blonde hair, and deep brown eyes. She came rushing towards my bedside putting her hands gently on my shoulders, and lightly pushing me back down.

Lucille: "I'm sorry young man, but you need to rest. You've been injured and lost a lot of blood." She spoke in a soothing voice trying to calm my nerves. She gave me a smile once my head once again hit the pillow; then after a moment she spoke again "Now you go back to sleep, and when you next wake I'll have some food prepared." I give her a slight nod in response before shutting my eyes drifting off to sleep.

Later I found out the woman's name was Lucille, and was married to a man named Alec. They told me over dinner that they were simple farmers in the town of Koda which was on the outskirts of the kingdom of Elshenor. Alec who was a bit gruff quickly said that as long as I stay with them I had to help out on the farm. Lucille tried to say I was to hurt and needed more rest, but I stopped her and agreed saying it was to be expected. Hours pass as we chat deep into the night. A small smile forms on my face as I mumble to myself "Well this definitely isn't a bad start."