Evie's POV
I don't know what's wrong with me. I haven't been able to focus lately, and I just keep having this recurring bad feeling about something. The future that society has planned out for me just doesn't feel right anymore. I don't feel right anymore. Staring at myself in the mirror hasn't ever made me see something so clearly before. I'm not the same 1201 anymore. I'm Evie.
I splash my face with water and dry it off with the sensor fan. These realizations I'm having can wait because right now I'm on the trial. The trial that's going to define my life. As I head out to the hallway, I realize it's completely empty.
Maybe she went to talk to Ollie? I leave the building and head towards the café across the street. When on break residents are allowed to group up and socialize. Ollie is sitting at a table far from the rest of the group, dressed in his clothes he seems so serene like. His dark hair and green eyes were mesmerizing, they made him look so... handsome. I caught myself as soon as the thought had entered my head, What the hell am I thinking? He's just a friend. When I reached his table he didn't even notice, so I took a seat across from him and started to talk.
"Have you seen Nevaeh by any chance?"
He glances up from his telecom, his glasses low on his face. "Nope. Wasn't she with you?"
"Yea but she must have left because she wasn't in the hallway when I got out of the bathroom."
That's when he stopped fidgeting with his telecom and activated his thermo signal tracker that was located in his eye. While he was searching for her last known signal, I saw our guide talking to a large official who was eyeing our table.
"She's gone." Ollie blurted out.
His eyes reverted back to their normal faded green, but his face was in complete shock.
"What do you mean she's gone, Ollie?" I whisper shout.
"I mean she's gone, as in she is not anywhere in this barrier. The last place that her signature was detected is the hallway in the building across the street which is the last place you saw her too."
If Ollie couldn't detect Nevaeh's heat signature that would mean she isn't here, but if she isn't here then where in the actual hell is, she?
The guide and the large official then started walking towards our table and so I kicked Ollie under the table so that he could pretend everything was fine.
"Ow! What the hell was that for?!" He locks eyes with me, and I glance behind him towards the guide, but he didn't get it because he had a look of confusion on his face.
The guide and the official reach our table and I perk up as if I was talking excitedly about my future.
"I just can't believe that we made it all this way, 1204- Oh hello Nova" I turn to face the guide and the official.
All guides are referred to as Nova because they aren't human, they're hybrids because of their consciousness but AI in terms of biology.
"Hello 1201 and 1204, I hope your tour has been informative and has properly educated you on the blue family planet- "
"Ahem." The official standing next to her cleared his throat, and his stern face sent majorly dangerous vibes.
"Oh yes, well students admin 448 here has some questions for you, remember to answer honestly please."
Nova walked off, while the admin took an extra chair and sat down. He looked at us with a deadly gaze and asked...
"Where is 1202?"