Chereads / Morningstar / Chapter 5 - Power

Chapter 5 - Power

The rest of the day went like a blur for Sakura. The Charismata Ceremony finished and even as the students were filtering upstairs to the banquet hall, most if not all, were still talking about Lucifer's stunt. The noble Divines were still fuming, but the non-nobles were talking excitedly.

Sakura was lost in her mind; just Lucifer's terrifying aura constantly on the edges of her vision. 'What is here for?' During the banquet, quite a few teachers walked up to her to congratulate her personally as she was literally the granddaughter of the owner, but Sakura could see none of them. As they walked up to her to greet her and commend her, she subconsciously smiled and nodded; years and years of constantly attending feasts and parties had developed a kind of reflex memory in her mind for people constantly flattering her. All she saw was Lucifer's white hair and his arrogant smile of a victor.

The evening soon set and the Entrance Ceremony officially concluded with the Principal's Address and everyone started to leave. Almost the same controlled chaos ensued as helicopters landed, limos drove up, expensive supercars were valeted to the front. But this time, the ominous black limo was nowhere to be seen.

Sakura was focused now. Finally, the Ceremony was over and she could rush home. As Tojo, she couldn't have just run away during the banquet, but now she could go back home and tell her grandfather that Lucifer was in Kanto. Her heart beat faster as she ran towards her blue Bentley loyally waiting for her with her chauffeur. Arima's Mad Demon was in the Province. She didn't know much, but she knew no matter where he went, bloodshed always followed as if the very ocean would turn red at his touch. 'But Grandpa and Arima-dono were allies...has that changed?' She jumped inside her car, the driver amazed by the total abandon of pride in her gait.

"Let's go!" she exclaimed at the driver from the window. "Get me home as quickly as you can. Screw the traffic lights and everything."

* * *

Tojo clan's official headquarters were in Tokyo. However, the original family house that the direct Tojo family resided in was in the town of Nikko. A traditional family house that had been built by the son of Tojo-clan's founder a few centuries ago. Since, then it had been passed down to each head of the family as they had risen to the Patriarchy. A sprawling estate surrounded by old traditional Japanese walls. The grounds themselves were mostly covered by a thin forest of bamboo trees, on a bed of gravel and flecked with a few colorfully immaculate gardens.

Farther inside, right in the middle of the grounds, was the huge 'L' shaped main building. A four storey tower of old Japanese architecture piled on top of one another. The fifth storey being an almost odd-looking cap on top of the house because of how considerably smaller it was compared to the other floors, consisting of just one room with a balcony all around. Supposedly, the place from where the Patriarch could survey his entire land back in the olden days. To the sides of the main building, and a few further dotted all around the grounds, were more, smaller Japanese-style buildings serving different purposes like Dojos, Guest Houses, Servant Quarters, Storage, etc.

The long, main driveway from the front gate allowed cars only up to a certain distance after which it opened into an expansive parking and they paved road ended. Further entry into the grounds was only through walking one the stepping stones tastefully placed on the emerald green grass beyond the parking lot. Two rows of garages stood on either side of the rectangular parking area. The recent builders had tried to keep the Japanese authenticity alive in those structures as well, and the Tojo cars now stood in some kind of time-historic warehouses which perfectly blended into the old Japanese architecture.

Sakura didn't see any of that however. The only person on her mind was Lucifer. She jumped out of the car before it even completely stopped and rushed up the main path to the house. Her servants bowed to her as she passed, but once more, the people were almost invisible to her. As she reached the wooden outer deck that ran around the main house and went up the stairs, she slowed down. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself. Yes, Arima's Demon was here, but trying to relay that over gasps of breath wouldn't help. 'I have to stay calm...I have to warn Grandpa...we might already be at war with Arima.' The thought made her shudder. She knew her grandfather and Lord Arima had been disciples of the same master once in their lives, but in her world, friendships rarely lasted as long as theirs had. If a war with Arima started, she couldn't imagine what would happen to this clan. They were the strongest in all of Japan...all Tojo could hope for was that they'd at least give them a good fight. And Lucifer has always been the apocalyptic reaper that descends on the town right before it's razed.

Still fraught with worry as horrible images reeled in her mind, she turned the corner of her 'L' shaped house. 'I have to find this White Devil. He could be anywh-' She bumped into someone and stumbled backwards. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking." said Sakura looking up at the person she'd collided with.

Her eyes widened. An icicle went through her heart...and even time froze in place. It was Lucifer! The White Devil was already here! A flash of her worst fears flooded her mind. 'Has he already...already killed them all?' Lucifer stood staring at her almost amused. He was wearing a casual black t-shirt and some beige shorts, a towelette around his neck. His white hair was a little ruffled, but his eyes were still as piercing as in the morning. She noticed his left arm was completely jet black, as if he'd dunked it in a can of the blackest paint.

Sakura's nerves gave out. The person she'd been thinking about since morning, fearing his actions and existence now stood right in front of her...inside her veru home. Her heart beat once...and she lunged with ferocity.

"Woah! Careful there." said Lucifer, easily dodging her punch. "You'll get hurt." Sakura ignored him. The red blood of fear was pumping through her entire spirit, drowning out every logic in her mind. She attacked again. Lucifer dodged again as he grinned. She attacked again, again he dodged.

It was a horrible feeling. He was right there in front of her, the embodiment of her fears, yet she couldn't even touch him no matter what she tried. 'That's it!' Sakura clenched her fists and a pink fire erupted on her hand. Lucifer paused and raised his eyebrows. 'Oh.' She didn't stop; there was no reason to hold back anymore. There was a hushed roar of the fire, and the pink flames spread out over her entire body, furiously licking the air.

"I'm going to kill you now." she said, her voice calm but her hands shaking. This time, clad in burning Heavensfire, she lunged once more, tearing the air apart in her fury. In slow motion, she saw Lucifer grin as she flew towards him, his eyes flashed, and he disappeared from view.

A powerful hand suddenly grabbed her punching wrist and another her neck. Before she even realized Lucifer had side-stepped her, he had locked her .and then proceeded to slam her against the wall with an absolutely devastating force. The wall behind her cracked into a ripple, her lungs immediately lost their air, and her entire body convulsed like she'd never felt it, begging for oxygen.

Sakura choked for air. It was the first time she'd ever been struck this hard in her life. It was like she'd gotten hit by a truck. Everything blacked out for a second as her mind went blank because of the sheer force it had been banged with.

After a horrible second, as oxygen reached her brain once again and she regained sense, she noticed she was still pinned against the wall with that herculean grip. She saw Lucifer with his hand on her throat, keeping her in place. Something was off. His aura was completely different from when she'd seen him at the school. His eyes had changed too. They were completely black now, and instead of his usual dark pupils, he now had two white six-point stars drilling right into her soul.

Sakura's spirit gave up. If he was another Divine, she would've struggled...had hope to try and break fight against him. But this moment as he held her, he sucked up all hope around him. In this moment, he was a demon. All she could do was helplessly stare into those white stars glaring at her from the abyss of his eyes.

"Don't," said Lucifer almost angrily breathing. "make me get serious." His voice was low, almost a whisper, but it was a terrifying command.

"Er..." said a small voice beside them. A young servant in a light orange kimono stood on the deck with them. Her eyes were shining, utterly bewildered and confused by the sight of her mistress being pinned on the wall. "I...I have been sent by Lord Tojo. He would like to see you, Lucifer-dono.'re summoned as well."

Almost instantly, Lucifer's grip released and his eyes shifted back to normal. He grinned at her almost apologetically. "Please forgive me for that." he said, gracefully bowing his head. "Your attack made me react almost instinctively and I didn't manage to hold back enough. I deeply apologize for grabbing a lady like that." Then he turned to the servant. "Lead the way."

'Wait, what? Grandpa wants to see me AND him? What is going on?' Sakura's mind was numb. In almost a trance she followed Lucifer as her servant led them along the deck and to the adjacent wing of the house, stopping in front of two wide shoji doors as she sat down.

"Pardon the intrusion." she announced to the people inside, and slid the paper doors apart. "Lucifer-dono and Lady Sakura." she declared, sliding to the side without getting up with an uncanny efficiency to let the two people in. Sakura wordlessly followed Lucifer inside.

On the far end of the room, wearing a traditional dark amber kimono and seated on a zabuton, sat the Patriarch of the Tojo family, Noriaki Tojo. An old man whose hair shoulder length hair had turned almost completely white, yet except for the majestic mustache, he was completely clean shaven. Keen eyes observed as Lucifer lazily walked in, his jet black left hand standing out as he strolled with his casual clothes and the towelette still around his neck. To the side of Noriaki Tojo stood another man in a dark gray suit. His stance was a little relaxed, yet still almost respectful. His eyes shrewdly scrutinized Lucifer as well, even a little more severely than Norkiaki Tojo's. Behind the Patriarch, almost covering the entire far-side wall, hung the fire-orange banner of the Tojo-clan. Inside, there was a black triangle intersecting another black triangle at the base, creating almost like a Christmas tree-like design: The Twin Peaks of the Tojo Clan. A black circle enclosed the two mountains inside of it.

"Old Man Tojo!" Lucifer greeted almost genially, his lazy smile widening as he walked up to Noriaki. "Long time."

Tojo grinned. 'I'd almost forgotten this kid's spirit.' "Indeed it has, Lucifer. How have you been?"

"Oh, can't complain." shrugged Lucifer, listlessly. "What about you?" He scrutinized the patriarch for a second. "You look like crap, if I'm being honest."

Tojo chuckled, a shadow of exhaustion glinting on his shoulders. "Oh, you know how it is. Business as usual." He sighed. "I may be getting too old for my own good."

Lucifer smiled. "You should relax in your own onsen baths more. The fire mage servants here really know how to get the temperature of the water right."

"Ah, but nothing compares to Yamato's water mage onsens though." said Tojo almost longingly.

"Well, of course. And you'll never beat them either. They're literally water mages after all." laughed Lucifer. Tojo chortled with him.

Sakura's jaw dropped. She'd been silently staring at the two men greeting each other like old friends, paralyzed in shock. Her very strict grandpa was, uncharacteristically, smiling at a stranger while Lucifer easily addressed him like an old playmate. 'What in the-?'

"Oh, and this is my son, Tora", said Tojo, gesturing to the man standing by his side. "I said I would introduce him to you if you ever came to Kanto, didn't I?" Tora Tojo was a sleek man, and even with his average height, he still wore the gray suit with an undeniable class that just demanded respect. His face was clean shaven, his features almost completely like Tojo's, just younger. However, his hair was just starting to pepper a little on the sides, but his eyes remained sharp.

"Ah, the Captain of Tojo-clan." greeted Lucifer. His smile was easy, but his eyes glinted as he evaluated the man. Tora nodded, not missing Lucifer's razor eyes scanning him. 'He really is dangerous.'

"And that is my granddaughter, Sakura." said Tojo, gesturing in front to the girl. "Pride of the Tojo clan and the bearer of the Heavensfire. As you know, a rare and very powerful kind of Divine fire of Tojo that very few in our clan have ever possessed."

"The fiery pink glory of Clan-Tojo." muttered Lucifer circling Sakura like a hungry wolf. "That explains the hair color though." He said stopping. "And she's a Seer as well." his sly smile spreading. "Guess Heaven blessed her twice."

Tojo sat stunned for a second. 'This kid.' Then he burst out laughing. "How did you figure it out? I never told you she was a Seer."

"Oh, just a feeling." shrugged Lucifer, his immodest smile returning.

"Yes, she is a Seer. Got that talent from her grandmother I suppose." smiled Tojo.

Sakura snapped. 'They're talking about me like I'm not even here!' "Stop! Wait! Stop!! What the fuck is going on here!?" she exclaimed. "You know this Demon?"

"Language." growled her father from the side.

"He's Yamato's ward." said Tojo, shocked. "Of course I know him."

"Wha-?" stammered Sakura stumped. 'All that worrying I did...what the...? He was never a problem? They knew he was here?' "You know him?" she repeated.

"Yes." said Tojo kindly. "And he's going to be staying here with us from now on as he attends Shukoto-Kodo."

"WHAT!?" shouted Sakura. "You invited Arima's Demon-"

"Sakura!" growled her father again. "He's Arima-dono's honored guest here."

Sakura fell silent immediately.

"So, please don't attack him again." Tora a little more gently. "And try and get along."

"I-I..." 'He's Lord Arima guest!?' Sakura turned to Lucifer and shot her head downwards in a bow. "Please forgive me for disrespecting you like that before! I shouldn't have attacked a guest of our clan! That was horribly rude. I apol-"

"It's fine, it's fine." interrupted Lucifer, waving his hand. Sakura noticed how black that left arm was. It didn't appear damaged, just utterly black like a stolen piece of the darkest night. 'What in the world could've done that to a Demon?' Lucifer grinned arrogantly. "No harm, no foul, Princess."

'What!?' Sakura immediately shot up straight. "I'm not a princess!" she exclaimed indignantly.

Lucifer's smile widened. 'Got her.' "Yeah, and-" The shoji doors flew open. "Dad! Dad, I-" a kid not more than 10 years old walked in. He wore brown shorts and a white tucked in t-shirt. Lucifer turned to him. 'Mama's boy, huh?' His features were plain, but he had Tora's sharp eyes. He looked surprised at the little party gathered in the room and scanned the room silently. Inevitably, his eyes drew to Lucifer standing there evaluating him; without saying word they were scanning him with a horrible efficiency.

"This is my son, Haru." said Tora as the kid suddenly turned timid under Lucifer's unbending eyes, walked up to Tora and wrapped his thin arms around his father's leg.

"Haru, this is Lucifer." said Tojo, gesturing towards the white-haired boy. 'He needs someone like Lucifer.' "He is like your older cousin brother, so you can call him aniki. He will be staying here with us for a while."

Haru allowed his eyes to fully scan Lucifer from under the protection of his father's shadow. With his Dad's hand on his head, there was nothing he would be too terrified of. The white-haired boy seemed to challenge him with his thin smile. It was the first time he'd ever seen someone outside of their family so at ease around his father and grandfather.

"What happened to his arm?" asked Haru, pointing at Lucifer's utterly blackened hand.

"Haru." said Tojo almost sternly.

Sakura perked her ears interestingly as well, but remained quiet.

Lucifer however, burst out laughing. "I like him." he said, eyeing the small kid. "I have a feeling we'll get along just fine." He turned to the patriarch. "Well, then, Old Tojo, I'll see you around." he said to the old man. "I'm heading to bed for tonight. Take care."

"I'll see you tomorrow." nodded Tojo as Lucifer lazily waved over his back and walked out of the doors.

"You seem fond of him." observed Tora after Lucifer had gone, still staring at the blank paper doors.

Tojo chuckled. "We needed someone like him in the clan."

"Will it be okay?" asked Sakura, staring too, at the shoji doors. "He is the White Devil after all."

"He's not a bad kid." said Tojo quietly. He remembered the few things Arima had said about Lucifer's past as they'd drunk tea. And that was only a little of what he knew. What real hell might he have been through before Arima? "His life...hasn't exactly been perfect. He's been scarred by the worst this world has to offer. Lived in hell for a long time but still held onto his sanity through sheer will." said Tojo reflectively. He looked up. "I respect him for that. But...that also means he can be very, very dangerous if he ever snaps..." He turned to his son. "If you ever have to fight him...don't."

Sakura stared after Lucifer's vanished shadow. His white hair, his lazy eyes, his blackened left arm. 'What really have you been through? Why does everyone fear you? What...happened to scar you so much?'

* * *

The next morning dawned bright and sunny, the warm sun casting a beautiful orange halo as it rained on the world below. Sakura walked down the garden path to the parking lot of her house, clutching her bag just a little more tightly than usual. It was the first day of high-school after all and despite her expression, she admitted to herself that she was slightly nervous.

She was dressed in the Shukuto-Kodo uniform today that had been sent to every student's house. A pure snow white blazer with a similarly flawless white skirt around her legs. Glittering golden accents lined the sleeves and shoulders as well as on the buttons of the coat. Around her neck was a glittering golden neckerchief, impeccably tied. Her shoes glinting like fresh snow as they clicked on the stone pavement. A cool breeze blew and she breathed in deeply, her head bowed. This uniform held a lot of respect all over Japan, and especially so in Kanto. Right now, as she wore it proudly, it eased her nerves a little bit. 'I have to become worthy of it...and of the Tojo name after failing them.'

Sakura looked up and almost broke out into laughter. Her family was gathered in the parking lot to see her off. Her father, her grandfather, mother, and even Haru. They didn't have to make this THAT big of a deal. She smiled to herself. But I am happy.

"You didn't all have to see me off." she said a little bashfully as she walked up.

"Oh, but you don't have the very first day of high-school every day." winked Tojo.

"And a Tojo is going to Shukuto-Kodo for the first time in twenty years." beamed her father proudly. "How could I miss that when it is my own daughter."

"You look so pretty, sweetheart." said her mother gently brushing Sakura's hair over her ears. Atsuko Tojo was a beautiful woman with long, flowing black hair. Her skin fair and supple. She wore a very precious and flawless purple kimono today; the silk glinting delightfully in the sunlight. Her green eyes shone with silent happiness as they observed her daughter's nervousness and embarrassment. Without saying a word, they calmed her daughter as she looked at her.

Sakura smiled at her entire family as her Bentley pulled up to take her away. She wanted to tell them how glad she was that they were all her family, yet all she could do was smile at them.

"You really are a precious little princess, aren't you?" said a voice behind her. Sakura jumped and wheeled around to see the familiar smirk of Lucifer grinning at her.

"You-!" Sakura stopped. Lucifer was different today. Bizarrely, she didn't see any semblance of his dark aura as he stood behind her with his shoulder bag flung over his back. His smile was completely different today as well...he was smiling. He was genuinely smiling. That was the first time in her life that Sakura ever saw Lucifer smile honestly. He wore the Shukuto-Kodo uniform as well. White blazer and pants for the boys with a golden tie around their neck. Lucifer'd already discarded the tie and the top buttons of his white shirt were open. Yet somehow, as he stood there in the tender light of the morning sun with an almost completely snow white outfit, his graceful white hair falling over his eyes as he smiled at her, somewhere Sakura's heart missed a beat.

"And you look as pretty as any princess too." Lucifer added as she stared at him in silence.

Sakura's face heated up, blood rushing to her cheeks and she clutched her bag tighter. "I - I - I...suppose you too look better in that white than you did in black." stammered Sakura almost too quietly. Only her mother saw Sakura's turmoil of emotions and she tactfully covered her grin behind polite hands.

"You look really dashing, dear." said Atsuko to Lucifer. He grinned at her.

"Wait, you've met Mom?" asked Sakura bewildered.

"Who did you think I had dinner with last night?" winked Lucifer. "Mrs. Tojo was kind enough to personally cook a very traditional Kanto course for me and even accompanied me on the meal."

"Oh, it was nothing. It is my duty to look after any honored guest in the house." said Atsuko modestly, her tone very soft yet clear. "And you're Arima-dono's ward, so it was doubly so."

"Pleasure was all mine." said Lucifer politely bowing. Tora shifted on his feet slightly. The White Demon was more of a gentleman than he'd thought. Lucifer turned to Sakura. "Mrs. Tojo told me quite a bit about you as well, Princess." he teased.

Sakura's cheeks flushed again, this time almost heating her eyes. "What did you tell him?" she asked, almost horrified and too embarrassed.

"Sakura, you don't have time to be playing around." said her father looking at his watch. "Don't you think you should be off?"

"Wait, why are you leaving so early anyway?" asked Lucifer eyeing the Bentley beside her. "School doesn't start for around one and a half hours more." he said bewildered. Almost as soon as he had finished that sentence, his sly smile returned on his lips, this time his eyes enjoying the moment. "Wait, could it be-" He lifted off the ground and floated over to Sakura. "You can't use Flight Magic!?"

"No, she can't." interjected Tojo almost somberly.

"She's always had a problem with Flight matter how many times I try to teach her." said her father.

"No, she can't." laughed Haru.

"She's afraid of heights, you see." said Atsuko.

"Wait, stop!" exclaimed Sakura looking at each family member horrified. How could they say that to him!? He's gonna think I'm some kind of loser!

A wider grin spread over Lucifer's lips. "I see." he muttered.

"No. Stop!" said Sakura, her green eyes flashing bashfully. "I - I...just haven't had the time to practice it again these past few months."

Lucifer laughed slowly and floated closer to her, barely a foot between them. "Tell you what, Princess, I'll teach you. Demons are inherently great fliers, so I can give you a few tips. Once you learn to fly, you won't need one and a half hours to get to school. You can wake up later, and still get to school faster."

Sakura's heart was racing like she was running. Her cheeks had gone red, but only Atsuko could see the change in color and she once again hid her smile. "No, thanks." said Sakura haughtily. "But if you're such great flier why are you leaving so early as well?"

"Oh, I'm not going to school. I'm heading to have breakfast. The Old Man told me I should try this small inn when I got to Kanto, so I'm heading there." said Lucifer slyly. "Arata's made all the reservations, haven't you, Arata?"

Lucifer's butler stepped in from the sidelines. He was a tall, thin man wearing a long, black formal tailcoat tuxedo. His long hair was smoothly gelled to the right, his posture in an elegant, if obsequious bow, as Lucifer addressed him. "Yes, I have, Master Night."

"Well, let's go then." said Lucifer. He threw Sakura another cheeky grin then immediately blasted off with his usual sonic boom as he left a ripple of dust and air below him as he rose, cutting the air like a speeding bullet. Sakura could just stare open-mouthed as he disappeared into the soft clouds within seconds. 'Arrogant bastard.'

"I apologize for Master Night's crudeness." bowed Arata again, his right hand resting on his left chest. He stretched his other hand to the side as he straightened up and a large blue magical disc formed under his feet. It glowed for a second, then disappeared. Having cast Flight Magic, Arata bowed again, then he too, took off, but with no noise and almost no air disturbed as he rose in the sky like a quiet hawk, disappearing with moments as well.

"Even his butler can use Flight Magic?" asked Sakura, almost awed at Arima-clan's power.

"He's not just a butler." said her father, his eyes sharp. "Well, come on, unlike them you can't fly." he said, his expression turning kind again. "Off to school now."

Sakura smiled. Hugged him, hugged her mom, kissed her little brother then hugged her grandfather. "I love you all." she said softly and stepped into her car.

* * *

With calm, confident steps, Sakura walked into the Shukuto-Kodo campus. The first year building was a little ways inside the grounds, and students were allowed to take their cars, or in some cases, even helicopters inside. Sakura however, wanted to walk. This was her first day; she wanted to savor this her pride as a Tojo and not take any quick shortcuts. She wanted to see everything as she passed it. Other, non-noble students who were walking down the road whispered and pointed at her as she walked, and she tactfully acted like she couldn't hear them. Apparently, the results of the Charismata Ceremony spread further than she had expected. Even a few sophomores lazing in the grass sat up and eyed her as she quietly passed by.

The first-years' building loomed silently down a wide road to the left. A large estate that looked almost normal compared to Shukuto-Kodo's usual standards. A cream and red structure that could put most Western mansions to shame, stretched expansively in front of Sakura. The cream stones were thick, the red brick flawless. The windows were large and open, allowing unfettered access to the bright pouring sunshine.

The long entrance facade impassively greeted the arrivals, mercilessly staring down all the nervous students who looked upon it. Two other wings stretched invisibly at each end towards the back creating almost a C-shaped structure of the entire estate, with the longest wing being the entrance facade. Inside the large building rested a recess garden enveloped on three sides by the wings of the estate, blooming with plush green grass and ancient trees that had seen many generations of students come and go; their stories as untold today as any other. Sakura took it all in, but remained unimpressed; she had seen pictures of the building many times before. Disregarding the scale, she walked inside

Her classroom was on the third floor of the building. A few students were already gathered in class; they looked up from their groups as she walked in and nudged each other, but didn't say anything out loud. She was a Tojo after all. In silence, she took an empty desk at the front row by the window of the wide room and sat down, patiently waiting for the clock to strike, marking the start of her first academic day.

* * *

Lucifer, yawning widely, pushed the sliding classrooms doors to the side. He knew he was five minutes late for school, but ignored his ornate watch. His quick eyes scanned his class: all the students were in their seats and there already was a female teacher standing at the front, addressing everyone. Lucifer ignored it, and letting out another yawn, walked inside. Almost inhumanly, he glided through the benches without disturbing a single student, till he reached the last row and collapsed on the one remaining desk at the very corner by the large window.

"Well...Good morning to you too, Lucifer-kun." greeted his homeroom teacher, awkwardly, almost shocked at his lack of concern. He waved a lazy hand at her in greeting; she noticed they were covered in non-school uniform, white gloves. The principal had warned her about this student. Her brown hair done in a loose bun, she stared at the last student through round glasses, her pretty features slightly worried. 'Will it be alright?'

"Anyway," she said, turning back to the class. "as I was saying, I am Miss Ema Ikeda, homeroom teacher for class 1-A." There was a hint of nervousness in her face, but behind those eyes sparkled kindness.

'She's new here.' thought Lucifer, his black eyes silently evaluating the teacher. 'No way a teacher of the legendary SK Academy would be nervous in front of their students. Might be her first day on the job. A sly smile spread across his lips, but he said nothing out loud. 'Hehe, that can be useful.'

"You fought hard to get here into this classroom, I know." Miss Ikeda continued. "However, I'm afraid things are only going to get even tougher from here on. There is a lot expected of you now that you are part of Shukuto-Kodo. A lot of tasks, challenges, and exams that you have to pass; you have to fight to keep your place here. Your journey is just starting." Every student sat straight, rapt with attention. Lucifer's eyes however, were lazily browsing his fellow students, searching for anyone who might pique his interest. Currently, only two students besides Sakura caught his eye. "But, don't worry, I will bring each event up when the time comes. And, whenever and wherever you need help, I will be sure to guide you." She added kindly.

The students silently nodded. "Let's begin with our first task then." Miss Ikeda said abruptly. "Our order of business today is to elect a Class President." Three chalks magically shot up behind her and busily started scratching on the wide blackboard. "The names of every student has been written on the board. You will each vote for someone who you think should represent you and your cla-"

"So the strongest guy?" asked Lucifer's lazy voice, interrupting her.

"Huh?" Miss Ikeda stumbled, the safety net of her practiced speech so suddenly ripped from under her. Lucifer nodded to himself. 'Knew it was her first day'. All his classmates turned around to look at him and he continued. "Class President is like our leader, right?" he asked. "So, it should be the strongest person in the class, shouldn't it?" Every student immediately shot back around to face the teacher, their eyes burning with the same question now as well. Even Sakura was curious; after all this was SK, unlike any normal school before.

"No. No, no, no." stammered Miss Ikeda. "Class President is someone who represents your entire class. Not a leader. He or she...just makes the decisions that are best for every-"

"So, like a King? Only the strongest rule..ah...I mean, represent their people." suggested Lucifer, his eyes glinting.

"No. No.-"

"Of course, since that's the case." continued Lucifer easily. "voting for someone else is like admitting you are weaker than them."

"What?" a student burst from the other end of the room. "Admitting I am weaker than someone else? An Ashworth will never sink so low! We have pride. Do you expect me to submit to someone as ridiculous as, say, the Beauforts? Vote for them and 'admit' we're weaker than them? I'll duel them right now to prove otherwise."

"What was that, you shithead!?" exclaimed the French noble, standing up. "You wanna see who's weak right now!? We beat the Kitagawas the last time we were here!"

"That was an unfair match!" shouted the Kitagawa heir, bolting up too. "But we can have a fair rematch RIGHT NOW!"

"Wait, wait-" Miss Ikeda desperately pleaded, but it was too late. Chaos had already begun and like dominoes the students kept standing up, ignoring their teacher's distraught pleas, and continued hurling insults at each other, a hair's breadth away from charging magical spells.

A wide smile spread across Lucifer's face as he lazily observed all the mess. 'Still as fragile and useful as broken porcelain, Nobles.'

Sakura sat quietly too...but her eyes were fixed not on the ensuing pandemonium, but on Lucifer. Almost worriedly, she scanned the lazy pleasure on his face as he smiled at the arguing nobles. 'Was this the Devil's power? To so easily sow disarray? Twice now he's created chaos as easily as lighting a firework.'

"Stop!" shouted Miss Ikeda finally. Green magical discs from her hands loudly exploded in the air as she clapped her hands, immediately silencing the heated students with a thunderous bang. "Please calm down." she said almost awkwardly, suddenly aware of how bold that magical clap had been. "No need to curse at each other...right?"

"There is no rule against voting for yourself." suggested Lucifer from the back as he leaned his chair.

"See?" said Miss Ikeda thankfully jumping on the rescue lifebuoy he'd thrown her. "We can be civil about this. Sit down please."

Deflated so unexpectedly, the standing students almost uncomfortably looked around, embarrassed at how the few students who were still calm were judging them. They nodded and quickly sat back down.

"Good." said Miss Ikeda, her normal friendly tone back. "There's a piece of paper under your desks. Write a name and put it into this bowl right here." she said gesturing at the glass container at her table. "Then I will count the votes."

As everyone rushed to scribble the names, Lucifer easily threw his paper from the back, and uncannily, it landed perfectly in the bowl. If Miss Ikeda saw it, she chose to ignore it, instead continuing to write attendance in her record book in silence, her cheeks red.

Finally, with the last vote cast, Miss Ikeda straightened up and started deftly opening the folded papers in the bowl. The three spellbound chalks behind her danced all over the blackboard, marking a tally in front of each name as they were voted for. Sakura stared in amazement: every name had just one tally in front of it; everyone had voted only for themselves. With each vote, Miss Ikeda's expression got worried and worried. No name was being repeated, each different from the vote before. 'We're never getting anywhere with this!' But she said nothing and kept hopefully continuing.

After a few minutes, at last, there remained only one crumpled piece of paper at the bottom. Apprehensively, she opened the last vote. Her eyes widened with shock. Even the dancing chalks behind her paused for a second...then suddenly whizzed across the board to mark just one more vote in front of a single name: Yasu Serizawa.

The class exploded. "What!?" "Who voted for her?" "Who is she!?" "Serizawa?" "She's not even a noble, is she!?" "WHO voted for her!?" "I should be the Class President!"

Sakura wheeled around to stare at the petite green haired girl from yesterday. Her charismata levels had been even higher than her in the Ceremony, and that had angered Sakura more than she cared to admit. Right now, though, even the girl's expressionless face was drawn in surprise as well. Quickly, her dark green eyes scanned the names of all the students on the board and found just one name with no votes in front of it: Lucifer Night. She stood up. "Calm down." she said, her voice low, yet devoid of shyness or anger.

The arguing students immediately turned to the short girl.

"Who do you thi-" started one student.

"Detention. After school cleaning duty for the class is yours." interrupted Yasu. "There's a teacher in the class; act like it."

"What?" the student exclaimed. "If you-"

"Detention for the entire week." said Yasu, emotionlessly increasing the charge.

Everyone fell silent. It suddenly dawned on them, she legitimately did have the authority to punish them. And none of them had forgotten her power levels from yesterday as they looked at her and remembered her face. Nobody had been stronger than her in the entire Ceremony. She was currently the strongest first-year.

Miss Ikeda stared in shock as well; almost scared of how dispassionately the new class representative handed out punishments. A loud bell rang through the hallways, instantly ending her awkward misery. She hurriedly grabbed her things as the students stood up to respectfully wish her good day, and thanking the stars, dashed out of the class in seconds. Lucifer smiled and sat back down again, throwing his feet on his desk. 'More than just one thing went as I planned.' Closing his eyes as he relaxed; he'd seen the timetable, he knew he had an entire hour to laze around now.

"Why did you vote for me?" asked a voice to his side.

He lazily opened his eyes and grinned to see Yasu standing by his table. "I just thought you'd make a good class rep, that's all."

Yasu stared at him. He talked to her so easily. There was no awkwardness, no nervousness in his tone as he addressed her. "I..." stammered Yasu. Once again, he had managed to take her out of her depth. "I don't understand you." she said, helplessly walking away.

"We'll have plenty of time to get acquainted." laughed Lucifer. Yasu's body almost trembled as the words reached her, but she didn't respond.

Sakura observed this all in silence. Somehow, she felt anger at how nicely Lucifer talked to Yasu, but deeper than that was...fear. Lucifer's manipulation was devilishly effective. 'I was wrong. He never wanted to create chaos in the class at all. He just wanted to choose who became Class President.' Her green eyes glinted with worry. 'He really is powerful...'