I heard my name coming from Leo's office, i quickly got up and moved straight inside "Yes sir"
"Where is my coffee" he asked with his eyes on the coffee i ordered for him.
"S...ss..sir it is right in fr..r..front of yy..you" i stammered, damn! why am i always stammering in front of him?!.
"Did you make this coffee" he asked calmly like he is not just about to scold me for it.
"No sir. I didn't have enough time so i thought of..."
"SILENCE!" He shut me up. He looked up from his coffee and directly into my eyes making me to look down. "Goddammit!, Fucking look at me Hayley!" and, like a puppy i was, I looked up.
"Did i ever tell you to start making coffee for me in the first place?" he asked and i shook my head. "So you should know that if you start something, you must continue till the end" he stated and i nodded "I want my coffee now" he said and pushed the cup making it fall to the ground and shattering into pieces.
I gasped while looking at the broken cup in front of me "This is what happens if you decide to leave what you started halfway" i heard Leo say. I gulped and made attempt to start picking up the broken pieces "What do you think your doing?" Leo asked, "Even when everything in your life breaks into pieces..." I started and looked up at his face "make an attempt to pick it up and start afresh".
I held the broken pieces on my hand and left his office after cleaning up the coffee that spilled on the ground. After disposing it I made his coffee for him and sent his P.A, Lisa, to give it to him.
I sat on my desk and continued with the project i was working on, it is a project based on the construction of more industrial sites, Mr. Lahtik trusted the project with me and i will make sure i make the best of it.
Just as i was working on it someone knocked on my office door, i looked up and saw Lisa holding a tray with contains the coffee i sent to Leo. "I'm sorry ma'am, but sir told me to give it to you to give him yourself" I internally rolled my eyes at Leo's childish behavior, i looked up at Lisa and told her she can keep the tray on my desk in the meantime. I think i should go give him now before it gets cold and Leo gets angry again. With that thought in mind i grabbed the tray and made way to Leo's office.
"Here is your coffee sir" i announced as i entered his office.
"Do you think your that important?, can't you knock when your boss' office?"
I looked up at him with tears threatening to escape from my eyes. "I'm sorry sir, i won't repeat the mistake again" I said while looking down.
"Instead of being remorseful why don't you rectify your mistake" he said and i looked up at him confused "Go back out and knock before coming in after my permission" he cleared himself.
With my eyes to the ground i turned to leave "Take the coffee along" he said and i turned to take the coffee with me. I went out of the office and closed the door before knocking gently, i had to wait for 2minutes before i heard him say come in. When i entered i quickly dropped his coffee on his desk and rush out of his office.
I rushed into my office and closed the door behind me, i fell myself to the ground and began to cry, i didn't know why i was crying, i just wanted to cry my eyes out, maybe i was crying because the man who practically forced me into marriage didn't love me, maybe i was crying because i knew i was stuck with this monster forever, maybe i was crying because i knew it was too late for find happiness, "You should know that if you start something, you must continue to the end" i repeated what Leo told me earlier and i found myself crying the more, i knew i had started this marriage as well as i knew i must continue it till the end, i knew i was stuck with this monster forever and i knew that one day i shall be a very big loner.
I shut my eyes and welcomed the emotions, it was like i was already used to tears falling out of my eyes and on my cheeks.
Just as i was about to welcome more tears i heard my phone beep, it was a message!, i knew it was from Leo telling me to come to his office just to embarrass me the more , i wouldn't be a victim of such anymore.
Beep!, Beep!, Beep!
Who is it that messages me?, i know it isn't Leo, Leo only messages you once and if you don't answer I'm sorry for you, so i know this can't be Leo.
I search my suit pockets for my phone but couldn't find it, where did i leave my phone?!.
Beep!, Beep!, i followed the sound and found my phone laying on my desk, i grabbed it and turned it on, 6 messages from unknown!.
I tapped on it and opened it.
"Hey Hayley, i need to talk to you it's important"
"Hayley it's really important so answer me"
"Hayley let go of your pride and answer me first"
Who was this person telling me to let go of a pride I'm pretty sure i don't even have?. I dailed the number and called it and it answered immediately "WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER MY FUCKING MESSAGE?"
"Who the hell is this?"
"Now listen to me carefully Hayley, firstly save my name as Thomas and then come to the airport"
"What?, what the hell would i do that for?" There was silence before he replied.
"We are eloping"