Emmeline listened to Gregory and his logic was sound. She went back to the other room, where the boy was still unconscious. She bit her lip nervously and wrapped her hands around her stomach. Emmeline could see his eyes twitching and some sweat droplets on his forehead. Her heart was breaking at the poor condition of the boy.
Emmeline called over her shoulder, "You'll take him to the bath, you'll bathe him?" knowing Gregory had followed her here.
"Yes, of course." Gregory answered, wishing she would turn and around and face him.
"Okay, make sure the water isn't too hot, we don't want to burn him, we don't want to add to his injuries."
"Yes, of course." Gregory replied nodding his head.
"The air temperature isn't too cold, right? He won't freeze to death, right?"
"Emmeline dear, it is late summer, he certainly won't freeze to death." And, if he did the boy certainly wasn't worth their concern, but he didn't say this out loud instead, he said, "I would say you are going to kill yourself from worry, but you are already dead." Gregory chuckled and a sincere smile was plastered on his face. He may have laughed while saying the comment, but he was concerned for his dear Emmeline.
Emmeline laughed, she had to admit, she was acting like a maniac! But, it didn't matter, she was very concerned with the boy, she may be dead, but she didn't want others to join before their time! This boy should have a long life ahead of him. Her eyes skimmed the boys body and his wounds. There was just something about him, something deep within her felt a connection. However, she couldn't put the feeling into words and to try to explain it out loud would only cause Gregory to be even more concerned. All Emmeline knew was that she couldn't let anything happen to him, he would live and prosper at any cost! "I will go down and check the water, did you find towels? Was Ania downstairs, she would be an excellent helper to assist in preparing the room, so when he is done with his bath we can have him brought to a clean room."
"Yes, I have found towels and they are placed near the bath. The last I looked Ania was in the library reading." Gregory replied, his eyes were watching Emmeline intently, but she didn't pick up on it. She didn't look back at him, her beautiful emerald green eyes were trained on the boy laying in front of her. He could see she was lost in her thoughts no doubt creating a list of things that had to be completed before the morning.
Emmeline floated down the hall, towards the kitchen. She dipped her wrist in the water. She could not ascertain the temperature of the bath, but she knew that it would neither burn him nor cause him to catch a cold. She was satisfied, she looked out the windows and the sun had fallen below the trees making the room dark and ominous. Between them being dead, and the shadows in the kitchen, they could certainly cause the boy to die of fright! She would have to provide some light, enough light not to terrify the boy!
Emmeline decided to go and find Ania in the library, the girl could definitely be of use trying to get everything ready with such a short timeline. Because the more she thought of it, the longer her to-do list became. She tapped her fingers on her side of her bustle gown and exited the kitchen to go head to the library.
Ania was sitting on a chair near the window, skimming the book in front of her moving back and forth within the book. Emmeline noted, that clearly she wasn't reading a novel, because one certainly did not read a novel like that!
"Ania dear." Emmeline called out her voice similar to a sweet melody.
Ania looked up at the older woman and smiled. Ania closed the book and attempted to set it on the table beside her, but unfortunately it fell through her fingers and landed not the floor with a loud thump.
"Damn," Ania cursed.
"Tsk," Emmeline stated shaking her hands and putting her hands on her hips. "Is that anyway a young lady is supposed to speak, we may be dead, but we do have manners!"
Ania bowed her head and apologized, "Sorry Emmeline. I am just frustrated. I'm still dropping things more than I would like."
Emmeline crossed the room kneeling beside the chair that Ania was sitting in. She reached for the book, noticing the cook book she had pulled out earlier. Emmeline set the book on the table and then turned her attention to the young ghost girl.
"Ania, it takes time. There is no reason to curse when something doesn't go your way."
"I know," Ania mumbled as she bowed her head low. Ashamed, that she had made Emmeline disappointed in her.
"Ania, you are doing well, and to interact with the world take a lot of effort and concentration. Touching the world around us is far more difficult, than haunting, or being seen by humans. Have patience and make sure to focus! Soon you will realize that you can interact with minimal concentration."
"Thank you. Is there something you need from me?" Ania questioned the red-head in front of her.
"Ah, yes! Would you mind assisting me around the house?"
"Of course not! Whatever you need!" Ania raised her arms and flexed her nonexistent 'muscles'.
"Great, there is a lot to prepare, but before we begin, you were looking through the cookbook?"
Ania nodded confirming what Emmeline had already guessed.
"Did you find anything that we can make here? With the materials we have in the house and around the estate?"
Ania looked over to the cookbook thinking about the recipes she had run through, "maybe?"
"We'll look through it later, first we need to go on a scavenger hunt." Emmeline spoke as she patted Ania's head. Ania smiled at the gesture.