Four gorgeous and tall men are entering the studio building. Their fashion caught everyone's attention. Jio is wearing trending fashion meanwhile for the other three, they were insisted to choose their own style so it's seemed a bit off.
Hui Go chooses to wear all black which pulling him a mafia looks and he couldn't let go the black cap to cover his face. He said he didn't want to join if Jio insist to take his cap and that's how he will wear the cap all day long like his life is on the line if it flew from his head, well, he actually just tries to covering his shy personality.
Yoka is an old fashioned dude; he chooses those vintage style to wear which strangely looking good on him, plain white shirt tuck into his high waisted brown pants but the way he kept fixing the high waisted pants got Jio irritated.
"Stop fixing that, being messy a bit is also cool these days" Jio tries to convincing Yoka.