Chereads / Thirsty Warriors / Chapter 4 - Maybe Not Now

Chapter 4 - Maybe Not Now

Kiren Lu gone blank in a while, trying to remember last night

"We were fight each other last night but how come we slept in the same bed?" He once again glancing at Kyo Lim just to discovered that this mysterious man next to him is still outstandingly handsome even when he sleep. Perfect eyebrows with long eyelash, high bridge nose with sexy pink lips

Kiren Lu looking around to find his clothes are all throw to the floor, even though he still confuse about what happened last night, one thing he should do for sure now...wearing his clothes.

Kiren Lu is done wearing his clothes but stays still

"Good morning..." Kyo Lim casually greeting from the bed, he sits and smiling to Kiren Lu " Why such in hurry?"

"Who are you?! what happened to me last night?" Kiren grabs fruit's knife on the plate,ready to fight again.

"Who are you asking me my name? You ask yourself about what happened last night"Kyo Lim coldly reply and wants to come down from the bed but Kiren rushing to him with knife,put the knife on Kyo Lim's neck while bent Kyo Lim right hand behind.

"You tell me your name and what happened last night if no, I think this knife sharp enough to cuts some of your skin" Kiren Lu doesn't mind to hurt this guy a little

"....are you serious right now?" Kyo Lim calmly asking, he knows that Kiren Lu won't hurt him that bad, so he kept teasing with asking him back the question

Kiren Lu press the knife a bit deeper to Kyo Lim's neck skin causing little wound and of course the bleeding is visible now but for Kyo Lim that's just nothing

"answer me now!" Kiren Lu can feel the bloods dripping from the knife to his hand

"We slept together last night" Kyo Lim answers shortly

"I know that too! Why are we slept together? And why were you on the top of someone's house last night? Are you the one who kill that big guy last night?" Kiren couldn't hold the questions,he just being so curious now

"Seriously? Are we going to have conversation like this?" Kyo Lim testing Kiren Lu patient


Kiren throws the blanket that covered Kyo Lim's naked body, now his all body exposed Kyo Lim look down at his "bird" then try to look at Kiren Lu but this hand pushing his face to look in front "You are so mean" Kyo Lim express his disappoint

Kiren Lu loosening the knife he stick on Kyo Lim neck,slowly releasing him and get down from the bed. But Kyo Lim seems having no thought to covering back his naked body, he sits still naked.

Kiren get back the blanket and throw it to Kyo Lim.

Dressing up then sits with Kiren Lu waiting for him on the table near the windows of the room, this room is not where Kyo Lim stays,he just brought them to another guest house last night.

"Where should I start?" Kyo sits with one cup of tea on his hand

"Your name" coldly Kiren stare into Kyo beautiful eyes

"My name is Kyo Lim" their eyes meet, a flash memory of last night pops on Kyo mind, that when Kyo kiss Kiren and got licking and sucking from paralyse Kiren.

"Where are you come from?"asking questions to someone with gorgeous looks can actually ruin your mind, Kiren moves his eyes to the tea cup

"far away"

the hurt lips from harsh bites still vivid in Kyo mind, Kiren must save those longing for long time

Kiren once again sigh to press his emotion

"What are you doing at Gong 's family house last night?"

"I was following that big guy" Kyo lied


"He looks suspicious so I followed him to the big house" Kyo Lim is answering every questions calmly

"Oh wow why you killed him?" Kiren look again into Kyo's eyes to see if he's telling lie

"I think he is aiming one of you guys down there with his arrow so I think he is the bad guy" Kyo make up story

"Why did you help me in the shop before?"

"I'm not helping you, I'm helping the girls" Kyo sips his tea

"Why we slept on the same bed and naked?" Kiren on his last question, he kept guessing on his own about things might happened last night,like if they really making out last night why couldn't he remember any of those feeling being touch by someone then.

"What's wrong about two guy slept naked together?" Kyo dodging the question, Kyo left no marks at all on kiren's body

"What's with those bruised all over your body?" since he first awake,Kiren already curious about those bruised more like bites marks on Kyo's body


Kyo forget that last night this handsome man in front of him were busy biting and sucking his body leaving those red blue bruised visible all over his body to the neck.

"I'm hungry"

"You want me to kill you?" holding the knife again Kiren cut the banana roughly into two

Knock knock knock!!!!!


Seems like those guardians is finally finding their young master and they brought more people with them

Before they barge into the room, Kiren go to answer the door with his fresh expression

"I'm guys can wait outside here,I will call if I need help" He closed again the door and walking to Kyo.

"...." he looking at Kyo

"Stop staring at me like that....say it" Kyo can feel that Kiren wants to tell him something

Instead of talking,Kiren takes out his handicraft then wipe the dried bloods from Kyo's neck wound.

"Come to my house if you need something,my name is Kiren Lu" he turn and leaves.

Only Kyo enjoying his tea with two thought

"Kill him or play a bit with him"

Just one day after the incident at Gong family house happened, when he was wandering around the market to see something he might wanted to bring home,Kyo heard some girls talking at the shop

"Are you sure about that? But I heard that they also having fun with the girls at Master Deiro's house"

"I'm not sure but my uncle saw them at the room by himself, he saw both of them looks very handsome"

"Oh wow....master Kiren himself already very gorgeous and another gorgeous man? Waaahhhh I would like to see them by myself too"

"But that impossible for us to see those handsome guys, you know our level is not even reach half of their levels"

"Sstttt! what a handsome man" one of the see Kyo leisuring around the shop

Suddenly their attentions to Kyo Lim,without even know that the guy they just talking about is now in front of their eyes. This time Kyo Going out without his nets hat.

"Oh god...who is he?"

"This is my first time seeing him"

The girls continue on adoring this stranger, Kyo walked away fromthe market and heading back to house he staying at.

"It just so funny that every news travelled fast" Kyo into the house and there one servant coming

" for you, sent from Lu's grandson" he gave out one pretty envelope

"Kiren Lu? What did they say to you" he opened the envelope

"Nothing master...they just coming to send this"

" may leave" Kyo read the letter while walking to his room

"Come to my house tonight for dinner, my grandpa wants to say thanks to you" Kiren Lu

"What a short letters" Kyo take off his clothes to wash up

Kyo Lim thinks is very funny that he coming to kill this person but now he got invited to the prey house, what an easy job.

After wash up, Kyo lay down on his bed and that feeling comes again on his mind. The moments Kyo got kissed passionately by Kiren last night, the suffered of breathing when Kiren sucked his nipple and just like that Kyo realised that his "bird" is hard

"Calm down will you" Kyo cares down there, this is feel refresh for Kyo to know that he can get hard by thinking of that guy.

"Young master....he is here"

"Okay..." Kiren going to the entrance of the house to welcoming Kyo

"How are you?" asking Kiren while walking to the dinner room where Grandpa Lu is waiting

" about you? You look so sweet with this colour" Kyo meant the pink colour tone Kiren is now wearing.

"don't talk non sense in front of my grandpa or I will kill you" says Kiren before entering the dinner room

"He is here grandpa...come in" Kiren take a sit next to his grandpa

"Oh, good evening...have a seat...I am Hao Lu, Kiren's grandpa"

"Good evening...I'm Kyo Lim,nice to meet you" politely Kyo greets the grandpa

The dinner flow with grandpa stories about his youth and about stuffs he likes to do in his age now. From his stories Kyo Lim can see he loves Kiren Lu that much because his parents are both die since he young and he is the only grandson he had.

After the dinner, Kiren brings Kyo Lim to walk around the house.

"So your grandpa loves you that much?" walking side by side Kyo take a glance at Kiren, just why is he getting handsome in the night time with the dim moonlight

"He only have me and that's make sense" Kiren entered the library

"...." walking right behind Kiren suddenly something flashing in Kyo Lim's mind about how to kill this man altogether with his grandpa so no one will feel lonely about losing their loved ones.

What a thoughtful man,then a bit regret about why getting himself into further trouble when his duty only to kill this guy in front of him.

"it because that big guy" Kyo murmuring softly about the big guy in the rooftop who mess his plan. Just there Kyo realised that he already into another matter.

"Sorry?" Kiren heard Kyo murmuring

"Ah! you like reading?" Kyo touches one of the book, he remember that at his house there also one big library room that he rarely entered.

"Kind of....what about you? You like reading?"

"Not really"


Noise coming from the main gates of Lu's house, Kiren and Kyo look at each other then run to check what happening

One of the guard down on the ground and bleeding, there is an arrow on his shoulder

"What's happen?!" Kiren and Kyo came out as soon as they heard the noises

"He got attack by unknown guy,young master! Others are try to chasing after him" one guard who handling the bleeding answers

"Bring him inside" Granpa coming after Kiren and Kyo.

Two guards carry the wounded guy into the house to be threat while Kiren is rushing into his room but get stopped by his grandpa

"What are you doing?" Grandpa knows his grandson very well, a hot blood when it comes to harming his family

"I'm going to kill him"

" should stay here, there is something they are targeting here, remember incident at Gong's house? And now here" Grandpa Lu holding on Kiren's sleeve

Kiren stops, calming his breathing. Looking at Kyo Lim who still stay still near the gates.

"Are they coming to me? Do you think they areon the same side with that big guy at Gong's house?" Kiren ask Kyo

"I'm not sure...wait here,I will help the guard!" He run outside to chasing the guy

"Hey wait!! hey!!"

Kyo running to the forest which the only hiding place for the attacker to hide when on escaping.

Thinking about the same weapons with the one he killed before, Kyo have feeling that that guy on the roof top must aiming for Kiren back then.

Adding more speed on his running, Kyo Lim decide to block the way ahead to catch the target.

Hiding behind one big tree, Kyo take out his swords and when the steps coming closer he take a peak at the person who walking alone on alert mode.

Kyo covered his face with black mask. By the right timing, he slowly showing himself to that escaping guy

Get in ready to fight that guy hold his swords

"Are you from Lu's house too? Ha ha ha you think you can beat me?" Arrogantly this guy laughing

Kyo stays in silent,watch every moves this guy make to measure his ability. Just from the way he hold the swords, Kyo can read that this guy not even a match for him.

"Who send you?" finally Kyo asking

"Why is that a matter for you?! you gonna die anyway!" the guy attacking with slicing his swords toward Kyo Lim

Kyo Lim blocks the slicing with his swords,strongly push away the other swords just surprised the guy.

"Come here you bastard!!" he once again moves toward Kyo and this time he tries to kick Kyo on the middle of his legs

For minutes dodging,Kyo make a fast moves to the guy head, punching with bare fist then gives cuts on the guy legs so he cant moves.

"AARRRRGGHH!! DAMN....!!" the sound of pain coming loud from the guy mouth

Wiping the bloods from his swords,Kyo walking closer to him,touching his chin up

"Will you tell me who send you now? I'm going to kill you anyway so up to you whether you want to begs for your life" Kyo coldly slap the guy face softly

"Just kill me!!" the guy challenging Kyo

"Okay...I will" Kyo kneeling and make their eyes meet in the dim under the tree where the moonlight breaking through the leaves, opening his mask so that guy could see clearly his face

If the guy recognise Kyo Lim there is a high possibility that they were sent from Han Kingdom.

"Master K....kyo...Kyo Lim!" the guy eyes got bigger from surprised, nobody from the Han kingdom not recognise him, the greatest warrior they had ever.

"Who sent you again? Who knows if we are on the same side?"

"I was paid by the king to kill a man names Kiren Lu"

"Well...then we are on the same mission but sorry I have to do this"


Kyo Lim slice the guy's neck, fall to the ground powerless with bloods flowing from the cut on his neck.

"Seems like the king didn't trust me that much now...why is that?" he wonders

Kyo just straightly went to the where he stays in this city. Writing a letter and ask one servant he can trust to immediately send it to his house in Han kingdom. He senses something fishy in this mission now

Sending the letter to get safe for his family especially aunt Lin makes Kyo little bit at ease that he had a good sleep.

Knock knock knock!!!

"Master...Young master Kiren is here to..." not finish with the sentences, the servant got startled at Kiren Lu sudden movement barge into Kyo Lim bedroom "Young master Kiren, you can't just bb..."

"'s okay,you can leave us" Kyo just opened his eyes from the noise "What wrong with you? You really like ruining someone's morning huh?" Kyo still in laying position, shirtless.

"Why didn't you return last night?" Kiren standing beside the bed,right side of Kyo Lim.

"You missed me?"

"Stop joking! Tell me who...!!!"


Kiren fell onto Kyo's body, Kyo just pulling his legs and unaware of that he fell messily

Feels like there is butterflies inside Kyo stomached, their faces are very close now