"How was the visit?" Nora said, barely taking her eyes off the Allis' TV.
It was set to the news, as always. When Lea had asked Nora why she still watched the news like it was the hottest TV series around, she claimed it was a force of habit.
There was a story on about Mr. Dempsey, the youngest mayor in all of Paradox City's history. A frequent subject on not just the local Paradox stations, but the national ones too.
As soon as he appeared, Nora would make a joke about Paxton's father being on TV. Though Paxton frequently tried to deny it, he would eventually end up accepting the title.
They had informed Paxton's family about where he was, but the rift between them had grown too wide for a tearful reunion like Nora had. Instead, after about a thousand apologies, Paxton had moved in with Mr. Dempsey.
"Good," Lea said.
"Our mom had to go off to the airport right after, though," Waco said, plopping beside Nora and picking up a thick script.
"He asked about my music," she said, a bit embarrassed to be talking about it.
"Did you see that your new single is at #1 already?" Paxton said excitedly . He was sitting at the Allis' kitchen counter, working on his latest translation.
It wasn't an ancient, unknown Gaelic; just ancient Irish. An easy project, he claimed. Lea wasn't so sure. She bet his standards on difficulty had been altered by the nightmare that the Mooar Shee had presented.
"That's amazing, Lea!" Mrs. Guerra said.
In the kitchen, Mrs. Guerra was preparing a hearty meal for their post-show dinner. Like Lea's mother, Mr. Guerra was out of town, again.
And even though Navy had taken Paxton in, he couldn't really parent to save his life.
So Mrs. Guerra frequetly joked that she'd gained four new children in their move to Paradox City, but she rarely complained.
In fact, she seemed to be having the time of her life as she worked in the kitchen. Every half hour or so she would check over Paxton's work and they would get lost in a discussion on some ancient language nobody else really knew.
"So when do you think Sidni Spikes will be back?" Waco asked, looking up from the script he'd picked up as soon as they'd walked in the door.
"Never, hopefully," Nora said. "All she wanted to watch was reality shows."
"And she said ancient Gaelic was boring," Paxton added with his usual vehemence when it came to the subject.
"Come on, Lea," Waco begged. "She could be on your next single too!"
"No way, Paxton," Lea said seriously. "I'm still trying to figure myself out, work on my dream."
"Good answer, Ms. Allis," Navy said as he welcomed himself in. "Mrs. Guerra, Children."
Nora looked from the TV to the door as if she was unsure if the news had come to life.
Lea understood where she was coming from; there had been at least one reported case of a ten inch tall Lucky Bagley popping out of someone's TV in the last few months.
"Da-... Navy?" Paxton said, pushing his glasses up. "Why are you here in the middle of the day? You don't need to pick me up until after Video Paradox Fes."
"About that," Navy said. "As Ms. Allis is the headline act and the only major act of the night from Paradox City, I thought it would be good if we had a bit of a photo op at the event?"
"With the mayor?" Lea said, full of awe and suspicion in equal measures. Though Paxton had finally gotten on the Navy train, Lea was still wary of Paradox City's Mayors.
"We're willing to cross-promote," Navy said. "Think of all the followers you'll get in diplomacy."
"Do diplomats listen to pop music nowadays?" Nora asked callously.
"They might," Navy said flippantly, staring her down. "Especially if they don't want to be banned from Paxton's birthday party next month."
"Dad!" Paxton whined.
"Sure, I'll do it," Lea said with a smile. As much as she enjoyed watching her friends quabble with Mr. Dempsey, she enjoyed peace and quiet even more.
She had a setlist to work on, after all.
"Is that really the whole reason you came here?" Nora asked again.
"No," Navy said, pulling a paper bag out of his briefcase and handing it to Paxton. "You forgot your allergy medication again."
Then Alejandra rushed in, back from Paradox U, warning them all to stay off Buggy Avenue as the whole road had turned into a springy trampoline mid-rush hour.
Thus was life in Paradox City, and Lea wouldn't have it any other way.