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The Kat and Nico universe Chronicles

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Kat is a spirit medium and Nico is an illusionist. Kat gets stuck with a job where she has no clue what she is doing but the fate of everything is in her hands. Nico has nothing else better to do. So together they try and figure it out. But everything is more difficult than it seems.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

As I universe traveled I knew I made a mistake.

Hello, my name is Kat and I am a idiot.

A bit ago.

My knees shined with blood as I climbed up the stairs. Blood gazed out of them which stanied the cobblestone as it shined with the blood that scraped off my knees.

Crud nuggets.


I hate the name Katie. Sure, it's my name but I want it to die in hell. It just doesn't feel like me in any remote way possible. I hate it.

My mother is the one yelling at me to hurry up. She is our priestess that raises kids. To get the absolute privilege of being raised by her, you have to be under the age of eighteen. Once you pass that age your work for her. Supossibly, I am the one to take her place once she passes However I would rather claw my eye out with a spoon before I would do that

Our island is called Bo because our ancestors saw that name in the clouds.

Dumb right?

Now we worship this dumb island. It's because... well I don't know why. Nonone bothers to explain it to me. Or anyone else as a matter of a fact.

Something else I should mention is the fact that I am a spirit medium. For those of you who don't know a spirit medium is someone who can see dead people.


I see dead people.

Infact, I can also have them take over my body and sumon specific people I want. I can even harness their abilities however, it takes away a lot of my energy.

How do you know you can do that? Some of you may ask. Well after sixteen years of co-existing with dead people you learn a thing or two.

Also the fact that I am a spirit medium is the reason everyone why everyone hates me. They think I am a devil to the island.

This is the reason why I am currently climbing a gigantic staircases on my exposed knees.

Funny right?

I am on hour three and my mother is shouting at me to hurry up. Like I can. I am physically shaking and I am not even at the halfway point yet.

"Why are you doing this?"

I look up to see a ghost. Or at least he seems like one. My mother does not seem to notice him. That is how I normally differentiate the two. He is tall and muscular. Looks like a cleaning cloth. I have never seen him before. Which is shocking, I know every ghost on this island like the back of my hand.

Grandma Wince

The kid with the knet

The girl with hair down to her knees

Just to name a few.

An interesting fact about ghosts is that once they die they lose all their memories. They only have their true selves left. It's one of the reasons why I prefer ghosts to real people.

Screw real people.

Anyways I should probably tell you why I am murdering my knees. Well, basically, my mother caught me talking to a ghost early today and as my punishment for being a little too weird, is to walk up a really long staircase. Like this staircase is taking me a couple hours to climb up it. Well the factor of how I am going up it, could factor in. Infact, it probably does.

"I could help you with this."

Ghost dude is talking to me again. I am trying to ignore him so once I get up to the top of this staircase, my mother doesn't make me turn around and go back down it. But this time I get to do a handstand on my way back.

"Leave me alone." I mutter barely using my mouth so my mother can't tell I am speaking.

"Why should I? How old are you? Hmm.. fifteen-"


"You shouldn't be living like this."

I don't respond to him because I don't have it in me. I stop for a second and wipe the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand.

"Listen, I can help you."

I remain silent but don't move an inch.

"Have you ever heard of the theory about multi-universes?"

His question takes me back. I think for a moment. Universe. I have heard that word before but I don't have a strong grip on it's meaning.

"Well keep talking." I mutter


I don't understand how this lady has the energy to watch me do this all day.

I start kneeing up the staircase.

Ghost dude clears his throat.

"Univere's are different dimensions. Worlds completely different from your own. Everyone is different in some way, rather that difference being small or large."

He makes eye contact with me.

"There's people like you."

I stop for a second and say;

"What do you mean?"

I say it with my whole mouth completely not regarding my mother screaming at me like a dying chicken being roasted for dinner.

"You have a gift completely different from everyone else in your universe. You were a glitch, something completely different from what was supposed to happen. Your mom and dad were originally supposed to have a daughter who was smart and self righteous. Instead, they had you. A daughter who can speak to the dead."

He's right. I've always been unique to everyoen else on the island.

"Follow me!" I shout.

And with that I take off running, ignoring my mother's calls.

As I run my knees ache and gush with blood but I don't care. I wanna hear this guy out, even if I don't like what he has to say. He has fully gathered my attention and interest. I am ready for his ride.

We make it to a cave. A hideout. As a child I would always come here to play with the ghost children or tell older ghosts stories and make them laugh. It was the only time in my childhood where I felt happy and not not like a devil. I felt like I belonged. Even if it was with souls of the damned. And you know what? I am perfectly fine with that.

I make it to the spot and I sprint towards the little rock that I always sit on, but as I do, I trip on a rock and fall to my great demise. When I reach the ground, I get sand inside my wounds. I moan as I try to scrape it off.

"Ready?" The ghost asks.

This guy really has no remorse.


I pretend to not notice my pain.

"Well originally, I was supposed to kill you."

What a great way to break the ice. I give this guy props, I really do.

"So are you going to?"

I will myself to stand up and do my best to hold back a wince. There's no way I'm letting this guy see any of my pain. I brush the sand off me and make my best 'Don't mess with me' face.

"I have changed my mind."

"You did?"


This guy's face has no emotion on it, I can't read him. But, there's something I've noticed. There is no way in hell this guy is a ghost. I'm messing with something I have no understanding about. For the first time in a long time, I hold fear. Fear of the unknown.

"I want you to take my place."

He knocks me out of my thoughts and I look back up at him.

Take his place?

What is he talking about?

"You see there are so many universe's then we can count."

He takes a step closer to me.

I take a step back.

I'm scared.

"So, we need someone to look after them."

He takes a step closer to me.

I take steps back.

"And that person is me."

He walks closer and closer to me.

And now I'm up against the wall of the cave. His face uncomfortably close to mine.

"You want that job?"


"I asked if you wanted the job.?"

Looks like I got a job offer, but i'm scared and my legs are ruined. I'm confused and it's ninety degrees outside. I have no idea what's happening but for some reason I want more.

"What is this job?" I hold back a stutter.

"This is the job of the universe handler. You clean up all the little bugs that happen."

"You're not very good at explaining this."

"Well that is what I think is fun about it, is that you learn as you go along."

He pauses.

"So what do you say and no more questions, my dear. Yes or no. This is your last chance, you're wasting my time here."

Honestly, I'm interested.

I've always been the type to jump at anything that caught my interest. Give me something shiny and I'm good for hours. And this whole universe thing is something interesting and shiny.

Also, may I point out that I hate my life. I hate this island. And I hate everyone on it. Besides the ghosts. But, the ghosts are not people and I refuse to let myself get attached to them. Even though it's hard, but I force myself forward,

So, I made my decision. I'm playing with the shiny thing.


I utter a single word.

And that word, changed my life.

The guy clapped his hands together and took out a box and a note. The last thing he ever said to me was;

"Here you go, figure it out as you go along. I'm off for a vacation."

And with that he was gone.

He disappeared into finnair.

Bewildered, I pick up the note.

If you are reading this it means you are now the owner of this box. This box is the only thing in the universe's that can allow you to travel to different ones as you please. Use it wisely and think carefully, for it is your duty to hold them all together. And make sure we don't break out into multiverse war. What I always did was enter in a pin and see where it took me, fix any bugs that I found on the way. A bug Like you! You did not belong in your universe. You were way too different from everyone else. I can tell that just from looking at you.

I sit here and watch you climb up those stairs. Your haircolor and eyes shine white, unlike everyone else's that shine hazel. That's my ability. I can tell a lot about a person just by looking at them. That's how I knew, you were a bug.

Know it's your turn.

Go ahead, enter a pin.


What an idiot.

What a ding dang dong idiot.

I have no idea what i'm supposed to do. Where am I supposed to go? Where are the bugs? How do I know what's a bug? For god's sake, how do I find them?


I enter a pin in this box and look around, and go "Huh, that person looks weird."

Also, this guy just said he was going to kill me because I looked different, I don't want to kill anyone.

I slump down onto the sand.

What did I just do? I am such a moron. I have no idea what to do with myself.

So just out of curiosity I pick up the box.

It's small and purple. On the side of it is a keyboard with numbers on it, from zero to nine. Over the keyboard, it has a place to enter the numbers. Pretty basic.

Screw it.

I entered 5555.

You can enter a number as many times as you want before you press enter on the keyboard. I just choose to do it four times because why not.

After I hit enter everything around me went silent. It became cold and a shiver went up my spine. Then everything went black.

As I universe traveled I knew I made a mistake.

Hello, my name is Kat and I am a idiot.

I think to myself with a chuckle.